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Everything posted by Pk1n

  1. 1) FOE - KINGS OF P2P 2) FI 3) MM - not sure if they have even 76k gear left =[
  2. Today: 1)FOE - Destroyed MM's bank in under 2 hours, Kings of P2P 2)MM Arch Wolf - Dedication to his clan until the end, sadly was in vain 3) MM - came out an hour late like usual, refused to fight like usual, got wrecked :[ 4)FI/TLP - wha happen?
  3. Today: 1)America 2)England Clusterfuck tommorrow again kk
  4. Lol sup im very clever and witty you see what im doing here!! Lol sup they came for the free car right? P2P: 1)FOE 2)FI 3)MM 4)DP 5)Rabbi
  5. close but no cigar Today: 1)Foe 2)FI/MM 3)DP/TLP/EOP - can't tell fosho
  6. If at first you dont succeed, try again but with HF :D! Once again Foe rapes Fi, mm crashes by running through ruins into a barrage clump, gets cleared and calls HF, overall an excellent trip for MM consisting of killing rabbi once.
  7. i thought foe was the one full of excuses ir and mains were atting foe mostly dunno what your talking about, as for outreturning us sure obv fi had more returners considering nobody in foe was dying while fi was getting raped regroup after regroup so far foe fi dp mm
  8. you got pushed from 18 ports to cwars, all around sperm and the surrounding hills, and then into giants hut before you guys called mm for assistance. Today: 1)Foe 2)Fi 3)MM
  9. Mostly accurate =S Foe was logging out when dp rushed some stranglers in w 137, thus causing an abort log in and an influx of blue and white clad beasts. DP was forced to regroup around the general area couple times before getting cleared completely. As for the FOE v FI fight, FOE had cleared fi to north of the lvl 40 gdz gap where fi decided to have a barrage pile fest, fi #s were dwindling before by some stroke of luck MM decided to rush foe's backside. Shortly after Foe managed to take north of gap with FI disappearing, and MM taking the south side. With MM #s dwindling all hope was lost until just by sheer luck MM's allies HF, who obviously had no clue MM was being attacked by FOE just happened to rush FOE from north of gap. Wow what a day of strange coincidences! Today: 1)Foe 2)FI #s 3)DP/MM - heard MM got dp on login, not sure what else happened but plenty of clan wars hugging i guess
  10. MM members posting foe won once Foe members posting they won 2/3 times I think everyone is a winner! Friday PVP 1. Foe/Mm
  11. Foe isn't having sign ups sorry to burst your bubble. Its your birthday why focus it on the opts you'll be having on a standard weekend f2p trip? 1)Foe 2)MM 3)DP
  12. F2P: 1. MM/FOE - #s 2. MM/FOE - #s 3. DP 4. FI 5. CP/EOP? P2P: 1. FOE - gap - 2. MM/DP #s 3. TLP 4. FI
  13. Opts were wrong in some fights but hey doesn't matter when your up by 10+ starting anyway. Hopefully results are the same tommorrow :=[
  14. no veng was in rules, didn't matter because lag was obv the reason
  15. How can you hear him? Chill back at the pills there chad wannabe.
  16. 20 Def Gear max would make the best sense. Thus no infinity/handcannon/curses. Considering if people can afford Staves of Light/Curses, Zuriels and Corrupt Armour should be on then don't you think. TLP are declaring on FOE. If TLP has 30+ def and curses and FOE has 0 30+ def and curses because they are a pure clan, why should FOE war with curses and 30+ def? Why not just get veng and rune its basically 1-2 combats.
  17. If you have cc pics to prove how many FI would be appreciated. Goop said 10 earlier, FI member said 20+, another said 45. Either way it wasn't 75 Foe teaming with 85 MM. If it was that i would see where you are coming from.
  18. Damn FOE beat FOE in Ca, was a close fight. Foe vs Tlp wasn't tough competition either sorry =[ P2P Today: 1. Foe 2. TLP 3. DP 4. MM 5. EOP+FI <--- Lol teamed together to get raped, don't know why you complain about MM+FOE teaming
  19. Friday 1. Foe - Beat MM twice, Walli once 2. MM - thanks for the fights 3. Walli - Didn't tank very well against FOE, 0-1
  20. That actually was what happened on Sunday. Assuming you were there you could perhaps show us a video or two to disprove 0BR's claims? Nice of you to admit that there was 50 FOE at BH. Glad to see 100~ opts of TLP seriously claiming a win then over 50 FOE. Thanks for the picture of FOE members price checking their loots off of the few TLP that risked. Kinda would be awkward for FOE to just walk into BH with loot to price check if they had infact been cleared no?
  21. Last time i checked when you win you don't just stand in the wild waiting for 88 opts of TLP not risking to return over and over, i count tons of pictures and videos showing FOE outside the safe zone. Cleared. Go figure.
  22. QUOTE (qxz k0ed qxz @ Jan 22 2010, 04:06 PM) * Ehm? 'mass' were not the one with 120+ man member list, were not the 1 who mass, we arent Mm who bring intro's, we arent foe who use excuses when they lose..... Damn dude you went from 155 to a 130 ml? Well looks like clan chats are serious business now. Jan 11 2010, 01:47 PM 3.) We would not accept with those rules anyways, we have a junior memberlist of 25 people, and a retired/inactive memberlist of 25 people, with about 10 pending applications, lets say 5 get accepted, that would leave us with an overall (EOP + JR + Retired) memberlist consisting of about 155 people, in which case we would most definately pull over 100 people, which is why clan wars is pretty much out of the option. Like I said we're not gonna play by your rules cause you insist so, all of your members has been pissing me off to the extreme lately, which ultimately is another reason why im not going to let you guys get your own way. Overall: 1. MM/Foe
  23. Would you happen to have proof of all this welfare FOE was using? Action will gladly be taken out on them. All in all videos prove what happened, hope TLP enjoyed getting cleared regroup after regroup around clan wars.
  24. going out on saturdays is overrated
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