Videos of the Day.
Video made by: Roberto (Crazzot, Elite Member)
Video made by: Ph0nes (ph0nes, Proud Member)
Starting the end of our weekend trips we head out into the action-packed wilderness
with a strong 80-85 people. So we head out with all of our summoning creatures and
our great armor and our great members! Here is how the trip went.
To start off an action-packed Sunday trip, we get word that MM is waiting for us at gap
area. So we head up there and hop east of ruins ready for some loot. FOE rushes up towards
gap from ruins and gets a nice east to west spread; as we make it to our destination, MM
dips to east gap single. FOE gets one group north of gap, and one group east gap area to
take care of the MM there. Our north group quickly clears the north part of MM while our
east group clears out the east group slowly sniping them.
Then our north group makes it to new gate hill and starts going south, and our east group
pushes out. With all this sudden damage, MM runs to single where we clear all of them out
with a nice 1v1 fight. After all of the MM are cleared, FOE headed down south to bank all
of their loots and getting more food, being ready for lots of more action.
After we got a bank, we heard that TLP was north of graveyard, so we couldn't pass up this
free loot. We get a group teleport to 18 portals and head north hitting stragglers because
all of TLP logged out so we just headed to ruins and hopped out to hit some other clans.
After we login, we rush up north because we heard of MM and FI up there. So we just go up
there passing Fatality and hitting MM making them log/go into single where we cleared them
again, and then we got a bank knowing there was tons of free loot for us to get.
We then head up to single strip waiting for some clans to go back out into the wilderness to
get some free loot. After a bit of waiting, we heard MM was at corp spread ready for a fight.
So we headed through the gap and down frmo piper to corp. Wasn't long until MM was cleared, about
10 seconds before they were cleared. Another fight won by FOE, was a good fight.
After all of this action we cool it down a bit and get a bank, take our time. We heard MM and HF
were spooning at new gate with EOP in another world spread waiting to fight. So after EOP gwases
MM while MM logging on top of them, we **** around with HF at old gate. Then we log out and HF goes
back with MM at new gate. We then go and hit that and set camp at new gate hill spread clearing the
idiots at the top. Then we pushed down the hill and hit them some more and cleared all off MM,
leaving only HF left, so we go inside the castle and gwas them through the fence. We saw MM with a
full inventory of a fresh bank, while we are low on everything so we go upstairs, logout, hop worlds
and get a bank to be ready for another fight.
Ater all of this action, crazy action so far this trip. We heard Havoc were on gwas ledge killing
off randoms then heading to gap to fight someone. So we headed up to northeast ruins and waited
for them to go to gap, and as they were coming down stairs we cut them off and gwased them north
of corp and cleared them in .5
Throughout the entire trip, we fought little guys and cleared, CBA making a summary for each soz.
These were just the big fights we had that were real action packed.
Written by: Devon
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