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the abba dds

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Everything posted by the abba dds

  1. Nobody can argue that the pure clan world isn't what it used to be, some may say it's dieing, some may say its dead. I don't know if you've been a pure for seven years and were dominating oldgate, greenhill and hills with Northstar, Impact, Lost Pures, Final ownage, Trilogy or The Pures, or whether your new to the pure world and don't know who epidemic or destructive pures are, but you cannot deny that the pure world is nothing to what it used to be. Maybe the argument I should be throwing out is that it is not the pure world that is dieing, it is the game that we are playing. Maybe... All I want to know is your thoughts on if in a year or two, the pure world will be no more or whether we are stronger than we ever were. Remember, there is no more Against-all-odds, Ascendency, Malice, Epidemic, The hatred, Northstar, Lost Pures, Destructive Pures, Devestation, Destructive Violance, Animosity and many others who just couldn't take the other clans "sitting in clan wars" or the trolls and flames or the "we won" or the "you crashed" and the thousends of other reasons that are slowly killing off the pure community. Personally I think defence was a big contributer to the dieing of the clan world, every year or so the "defence level of pures" slowly increases... 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 1 defence 2006, 2007, 10-20 defence 2008, 2009, 20-25 defence 2010, 30-35 defence. Is it only a matter of time before Foe, MM and TLP are letting in zerker and rune pures? :)-Abba. (Don't get me wrong, I followed the defence thing, but simply because everybody else was doing it.)
  2. [« « « « « «] IRC: #Epidemic Website/Forums www.epidemic.com Updated Memberlist: Epidemic Memberlist [» » » » » »] Welcome to my wall of text! Enjoy your stay. ╔ ← ↔ → ╗ ♪ Videos ♪ ╚ ← ↔ → ╝ • • • • Round One Epidemic Starting: 7 |►| Ending: 0 Corrupt Pures: 7 |►| Ending: 4 We undoubtedly needed to warm up after our break of four or five months, and we struggled with the first round. Although some nice calls, spams and tanks could be seen from both sides and corrupt pures triumphed on the first round. Round Two Epidemic Starting: 7 |►| Ending: 6 Corrupt Pures: 7 |►| Ending: 0 After an emotional speech, we were ready again to battle back. We had a great start, with some great tanking and the only player we lost was their first pile. The cries of battle could be heard from bounty hunter and we managed an easy win. Round Three Epidemic Starting: 7 |►| Ending: 7 Corrupt Pures: 7 |►| Ending: 0 IVP thinks up a genious warring tactic that unfortunately I cannot tell you, but after this clever idea, IVP manages to get away and we claim a very easy win. At 7-1, ashley does a pro lure from single to multi and their final member eats the dirt. Goodfight CP Final Score: 2-1 to Epidemic. Be sure to check out our new front page, and new forums! You can reach this at www.epidemic-rs.com Subscribe today, and have the opportunity to watch our videos! ╔← ← ← ← ↔ → → → →╗ Topic Made by The Abba Dds ╚← ← ← ← ↔ → → → →╝
  3. Please listen whilst you read. Abba Tabs out. My time on runescape has come to an end. I have enjoyed my time on this game and although some may not believe it, I have decided to quit. Why? Ever since December the 10th 2007, Runescape has been more of a craze than an enjoyment or a hobby. Before 2007, 2004, 2005 & 2006; All I did was train, Merchant and Stake. Many do not believe it, some do, I did at one point have a green partyhat. Those who know the story know it, I am not going to explain how I came by getting it nor how I lossed it. I made it purely via merchenting and staking, mainly by my friend Tom, who made over 700m merchenting and 300m staking. When Staking was removed along with pest control, The Wilderness and trading, My main sources of income were tarnished. I had a low levelled pure, D E A D Drag, which I was in the clan Northstar with, the change of the wilderness massively effected Northstar and it was forced to become Fatal fear, we drastically lossed members and we were forced to merge, it became Carnage. I was forced to leave due to becoming F2P but I went through a great deal of pure clans before I found my home. NS, HS, FF, C, TH, CP , DY, DVI, AM, CY, PD, DR, Then I found Epidemic. Epidemic was unlike any other clan I had been in, everybody was friendly, it was a family rather than a clan. Our trips were so fun, our organisation unlike anything I had seen before. I was never premoted in Epidemic, due to the fact that whenever I did anything good, I would do something idiotic and get kicked. But whenever I quit I bounced back and continued. When Epidemic closed I was forced to find another pure clan, some went EOP, some went FOE others went DP. I was very tempted to join carnage but with 30 defence it was impossible. I applied for DP. DP are a great clan, which I love to bits, it's true, they will never be like epidemic was for me, but I enjoy every aspect of destructive pures - even rob's cats! The main reason I am quitting, is just due to the fact that I do not find Runescape fun anymore. It is monotinus. Five days training and money making for half a days pking or A pking trip. No game should be like that. Thanks for a fantastic career Epidemic, Destructive Pures and every other member I have clanned, competed, DM'd, 76k'd, Lured with, Staked with, Merched with, BS'd, GWD'd, KBD'd, Talked to, argued with, shouted at over the years. It has been an enjoyable experience and has taught me many lessons. Zezimas lmp (Nach194) - My Main, this has come with me throughout six years. D E A D DRAG - My first ever pure, it was hacked, I recovered it but it is 52 defence or something. lnitiated, I B (the abba dds) - My favourite account ever, it was also hacked for 42 defence. Wilfulness (Wilfulness) - A new pure I created, I accidently got 14 defence. iBS (iAbba) - My newest pure. I guess my friends deserve shoutouts so here they are. If I have forgotten you, sorry, pm me and I will add you. #Remorse Crew Nick (Cmb lvl3 FTW) Zack (Hodgez Pure) Kage (Zarfot Jnr) Mike Jake (Tribe Her0) MW2 Crew Mikael (Zlatha) Larsi (Yo lts Lars) Rennert? (Ur oldmama) Epidemic Luke (Pllodeh) Ben (Str_I3arrage) Matt (Ii R4ng3 IL) Ashley (Eat_D4rk_Bow) Josh (Eat_D4rk_B0w) Bawb Plode Jibs IVP Lucky Rage Poison Prateek Westyy TeeWee Pk3r Matt (Pepe) Jay Lucas Sean iEat Hormone Scott Tribe Her0 Destructive Pures Floor <3. Grant (Help? Please help me Please) Rob Raza Aaron Sean Danny Hooded Finn Northstar, Fatal Fear, Carnage Blitz Asher S H 0 T A Oldschool Callum Some memories in pictures :) Thanks for reading and goodbye.
  4. Welcome to My Ninth Pking video, my eighth on lnitiated. Remember to watch in 720p {HD} Click the image below to watch the video. This video includes hybridding, statius risk, Oldschool Whip-DDS Pking, fighting at pvp locations like Edgeville, the Grand Exchange and Varrock and Bounty World pking locations like East Dragons and Edgeville. This video didn't take me too long to make or edit, I just wanted to upload a video before I turn into a zerker. My Current stats are: My youtube channel: www.youtube.com/rswilfulness Youtube statistics: Subscribers: 82 Channel Views: 872 Total Upload Views: 9,226 Upcoming Videos: I will be uploading a pking video on iAbba soonish, I have enough clips, I just don't want to edit it yet and the clips aren't amazing, so I want to find some better ones. I will also be uploading a video on lnitiated in the near future, I will be a zerker then though, so I have a lot of work to do between then and now. Enjoy the video and please Rate, Hate and Masterbate, commend and subscribe ;) ~Arran.
  5. Team Name: Remorse Irc Chan: (so we can reach you): #Remorse Extra Details: Member list is under !ml team-r Irc nicks to contact: [-Zack-], [E]Abba, Nick|([E]Nick), `Callum.
  6. :bomb_ie: Stomped on. Was great fun! :]
  7. haha thanks, I didn't know everyone knew so much about these, I thought they where pretty unknown, thanks for the information though evi1 and and `Kg.
  8. Pretty sick guide tbh. GJ. Zlatha has been doing this for ages, but I didn't realise it was so much magic experience p/hour ;]
  9. Mighty Banshees Strength and Attack Training guide Contents: I:Introduction II:Requirements III:Equipment IV: Inventory V:What to do VI:Extra Details VII:FAQ VIII:Credits Introduction. In my personal Opinion, and many others opinions, "Mighty Banshees" are the best melee training spot for pures in the entire game.They give incredible experience per hour, are relitively easy to kill and the most important; they make you money per trip. Mighty Banshees: Mighty Banshees are level 90, they have 85 hitpoints they are undead, so a salve amulet is perfect here (more information later), they are aggressive and are p2p. For killing one you get 340 Experience and give 170 hitpoints experience. They drop Clue scrolls (level-3), Half keys, shield left half, Coins (195), Grimy herbs, Mithril mace, Uncut gems, noted Pure essence (23-29), Adamant dagger, Chaos runes (17-23), Cosmic runes (12), Air runes (43), Fire runes (70), Fishing bait (15), Black mystic gloves, Crimson charm, Green charm, Gold charm, Blue charm, Adamantite ore, Adamant kiteshield, noted Eye of the newt (10) BOLD Is worth picking up Requirements. 85+ Combat 43+ Prayer Smoking Kills Quest completed About 350K to Start Salve amulet/Salve Amulet (E) is highly Recommended Equipment Helmet: Slayer Helmet --> Masked Earmuffs Amulet: Salve Amulet (E) --> (un)holy Symbol --> Fury Cape: Fire cape --> Godcape Weapon: Saradomin Sword(strength)/Abysal Whip(attack) --> Dragon scim Top: Initiate Plate --> Monk's Robe Legs: Initiate Legs --> Monk's Robe Shield: Unholy Book Gloves: Rune Gloves --> Regen Bracelet --> Addy Gloves --> Combat Bracelet --> Mith Gloves Boots: Climbing Boots Ring: Berserker Ring --> Warrior Ring --> Ring Of life Inventory This is just what I take Super Pots: Increase training speed Prayer Pots: Keep you alive there! Extra Food: Incase they injour you. If you get some loot which you don't have enough inventory space for, just drop them. You might want to take a spec weapon if you want. What to do Once you are there just kill them, potting up whenever needed. You can semi-afk them, meaning you need to check back every few minutes. I highly recommend, if you are doing homework or playing a Private server or something else ;) make sure you have sound on, as this has saved me many-a-time. Other things XP P/Hour chart. Str Lvl --> XP P/Hour Saradomin Sword 70 --> 50k 80 --> 60k 90 --> 70k Dragon scim 70 --> 40k 80 --> 50k 90 --> 60k FAQ Do you HAVE to have 85+ combat Yes, otherwise this spot is impossible to reach. Can you AFK this spot? Semi-AFK, more info on "What to do" What is better? This or Skeletons? If you are rich, skeletons are better experience, but as you make nearly 15M profit from this from just 80-99 then I prefer this spot. Credits The Abba Dds RuneHQ Zybez Armoury Thanks for reading My guide, you may only copy-and-paste this guide with my permition. Note: Two of the pictures I took from a guide on PureCommunity. I figured I would just have to take them myself and it saved time. If you truly are offended or annoyed with me, then I will remove them ^.^
  10. Oh! Didn't even knew they where an option on pures, great guide owen. Tempted to go there on my other pure, need a good spot for charms! Thanks.
  11. Great job all of E ;] Level 70s in mithril (we trained) vs level 100s in corrupt! ownaj. Was great fun, thanks VH..
  12. Kinda naughty of us >.~, and I'm pretty sure, you shouldn't have posted that, Bawb said that we shouldn't I think. I had to go though :S Granny came ;] ~[E]Abba
  13. Played guys ;] We did awesomely well.
  14. Sorry about all my other topics of my videos, I am going to stick with this one and just update it. If any mod sees this, they are welcome to delete my other one. Thanks ;] #6 name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>"> name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">#5 #4 name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>"> name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">#3 name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>"> name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">#2 #1
  15. I lol'd hard. Awesome job today guys, keep it up. E #1?
  16. Woah! The best of luck to you Tgg. I really hope you prosper and become amazing again. Goodluck! ~Abba
  17. Hey Matt! Your stats are extremely nice, and there are several options for you! If you join a pure clan, most will let you join a PK Team aswell. In my opinion you should join a clan and a pk team. They are both extremely fun. PK teams I would recommend are; Notorious pkers & KWAS (Killing with a smile), not sure if the later is still alive. Google them and i'm sure you'll find the links to there forums/irc/vent. Now onto clans, I would definitely say clans are better than pking teams; they are more fun & you definitely get more out of them. I would suggest joining a clan like Epidemic. Which you can find at #epidemic in the Swiftkit IRC or Mirc, or go to there forums www.epidemic-rs.com. You might want to watch some of there videos, which can be found here: www.youtube.com/epidemicvideos. It's an extremely decent clan, Currently holding the #3 spot in F2P but frequently beating #1 & #2. They are extremely capable in P2P holding about the #6 place, often beating higher placed clans aswell. I hope you make the choice and have a good future with whatever pure clan you pick.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KuYUHARCyH8 Enjoy. :drag: Sorry it's not great, but please hate, rate, comment & Subscribe.
  19. LMAO :bomb_ie: F2P 1) FOE 2) MM 3) Epidemic 4) FI/DV 5) TLP/CP P2P 1) FOE 2) TLP 3) MM 4) DV 5) Carnage/IR Overall 1) Foe 2) MM 3) DV/TLP 4) Epidemic 5) CP
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