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Everything posted by Nippon

  1. I'm still utterly amazed at how US media has successfully led their citizens to believe that terrorism is synonymous with a single organization called Al-Qaida (which never existed in the first place), and how this same organization is somehow dependant on one guy who hasn't been able to do **** for past 10 years being too busy sitting in a cave. Gj, I guess, if you think that killing one saudi (after 10 years of trying!) is worth the celebration. I wonder when they start chasing down the big shots, OPEC and weapons industry? I'm holding my breath...
  2. Gratz on your trip. I lol'd @ king koer getting k0ed by a hellhound ^_^
  3. Nippon


    Good topic. I've been wondering about that myself. I remember when the normal pure clan trip would be just walking around, hopping worlds and hitting anyone that came in the way. Slowly we've shifted into a situation where everyone is spying on each other while sitting around in single, DDoSing TS and flooding IRC to gain the edge on a battle, flaming like 12-yo's on PW and RSC and lying outrageously on every trip topic. Personally I've always preferred hunting mains and massers to fighting pure clans, and 4 years back when I was FI HC we did do just that; I got us some tracks on mains and we'd go smack them, loot our rune and have a jolly good time. Nowadays clans only fight each other, and the fights usually last until they get crashed or both clans take a fake ending and claim win on PW ("OK GUYS IM POSTING THE TOPIC GO BUMP IT GOGOGOGO"). Nevertheless, I suppose it's up to each clan how they want to spend their pk trip. The least everyone could do, though, is to act civilized on these forums. Nobody really gives a **** if you won against the other clan. Cthulhu knows I don't.
  4. God exists. Gl kid. Anyway, gratz on your trip.
  5. Lol @EOP ts. Reminds me of something Goebbels might've said towards the end of the war ;)
  6. Now now, people seem uncontrollably mad considering that MM crashed nearly every fight. Gratz on your trip FI, seemed like fun ^_^
  7. Old vid is old... the vid rocks tho, I put it on FI history too when I updated it a year back :thumbsup: Losing to FOE in the P2P war was a single event that didn't have much to do with how things went that year, the vid is a compilation of inside jokes made by an FI member. If you're interested in what happened in 2008-2009 I've written it all down in FI history topic which should be around somewhere. The "slump" had a lot to do with both FI's experienced leadership and many good members quitting or becoming inactive, and also with the removal of wilderness although it took months before it fully took effect. EOP, although purposely trying to claim the honor and indeed hacking the forums multiple times, had little to do with it. The reason FI is still alive and pulling decent is no doubt because of the community, with thanks also to the loyalty of the rank team which always seems to be able to find people with motivation to lead and carry the duties of a rank. EDIT: Found the history topic http://rs-fi.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=7425 Chapter 55 is critical to understanding the situation FI was in.
  8. I wonder why EOP n FOE didn't team up for this trip to match MM... trouble in paradise? Gj on your pull MM, even though you lacked action.
  9. Lower than I'd expect, feels like all you see is mith when you see some clans PK. Seems like 1 defence has prevailed even with the defence updates in past few years.
  10. I don't appreciate the flaming but gratz on your wins I guess.
  11. Newfags infesting pure community, rip old school
  12. Unexpected. Looks like EOP had a slight number advantage today, gratz on your wins.
  13. Any clan that doesn't support hacking, phishing and DDoSing people from other clans (hi eop)
  14. So... you didn't win any fights on your own? Gratz MM.
  15. As I've always said in every A51 topic considering raising reqs, it accomplishes nothing. Honestly, no pure clan needs stat reqs higher than 85+. The hits are essentially the same and seeing as you need 3-4 people to k0 a pure in either server, stats hardly make any difference. They will make a difference on the application flow, meaning that you have less material to choose from. Maxed SW pure is not necessarily synonymous with quality, on the contrast a pker that doesn't train his stats might have more valuable experience from combat situations. If you want to raise reqs do what Zed suggested, an IQ test :thumbsup: FI gets it members from inside the pure community and through direct recruiting. Adjusting the reqs up means giving up much of the 1st, pures transitioning from lower clans to higher and looking for a new home. FI has had lower reqs than FOE and MM throughout its existence. It didn't stop FI from keeping the #1 spot for 2 years in a row. Stats are nothing. Reconsider.
  16. yeah I kinda agree with barraging, dun like that kind of remix n that sample is **** <_< Back on topic:
  17. Nippon

    AA fails

    Well, certainly compared to AAA, though AAA borrowers mostly consist of governments which don't exactly qualify for profitable investments in the markets. Hence from an investors point of view AA might sometimes de facto be a superior choice to AAA.
  18. Same list as always 1. 3 Hit U Pure 2. Jibs2ndpure 3. Old P K 3 R
  19. Nippon


    The "genesis" of everything would be singularity. Genesis of human life can be traced either to when we descended from trees or when the first bacteria formed. Although I'm not religious, I do believe in a force or energy that is present everywhere in the universe, and in a way guides our actions. What I know in any meaningful sense is based on my own existence, everything else is indeed just a curiosity.
  20. Nippon


    You don't have to be a part of some religious organization to believe that, so it doesn't really have anything to do with religion. Then again, the topic maker didn't know the difference either.
  21. Gj on your trip, glad you decided to go back to giving opts geez
  22. GJ, though I have to agree that more info would be nice... or vids or something to get a clear picture of what happened on the trip. The reason I always check these topics out is to see what FI is up to, not random loot pics. You could at least provide us with something general like "Win/Lose/Draw/Undecided" along with who you fought.
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