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Everything posted by Nippon

  1. MM always wins F2P fullouts as underdogs, so ima go for MM.
  2. Marks are watching this topic, behave or suffer... Watch the vid :happy:
  3. It's called karma. I'm not at all surprised that you're starting to **** off other pure clans like MM with your crashing and attitude, try to get your shet together or expect more crashing. I never saw any MM but speshls and he was attacking FI as well, same as HF and whoever random kids were there. Hell, you can see them piling ssj all the time on vid. Lmfao at you claiming win at bh, there were 10+ FI outside bh all the time (as you can also see on the vid), you were the ones that got cleared. My guess is that you tried a desperate regroup at bhb to rerush, but after 3 hours it shouldn't surprise you that FI merely cleared the battlefield and claimed the win. I'd say gj for the effort but really just 5 of you were returning in gear after the first 30 mins of the fight.
  4. 3 years ago ppl wuda raged at addy, nobody cares today. I think 30 def is fine on an applicant if hes perfect in every other way, a good maxed turmoil kid with a nice attitude.
  5. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't vid or edit massive **** like that either, thank god we got Ssj :cool:
  6. FI was returning from FOG, the main group was south of you west of ca. FI was the last clan at ca as you ran to clw. Waiting for da 9gb footages to render
  7. C'mon the fights not over, we got this. RETURN
  8. I believe EOP was looking for FI too, so the fight was inevitable. I think MM just crashed to kill EOP because they wanted payback for earlier crashes. Karma much.
  9. Just wait for the vids if you don't believe the pics. FI can safely claim win on at least the 1st and 3rd fight, the 2nd was a bit messy with TLP interfering.
  10. Gj on your win EOP. For some reason I pwnt your returners more than anyone elses once again, 'twas fun :banana:
  11. Nippon


    What does the antipathy against religion have to do with science or evidence? Science has very little to do with religion, it only describes the world as we can rationally experience it. A scientifically verified theory must be repeatable regardless of the personal views of the person testing it, efficiently eliminating any chance of bias. If we're talking about darwinism, anti-religious views are certainly a part of the original ideology. However, this isn't a valid reason to belittle the evolution theory by calling it biased. The evolution theory isn't widely accepted today because of the people who came up with it or their views and opinions, it's THE theory because it can be so widely verified on a very basic level.
  12. All in favor of banning ppl that post EOP speeches say Aye. Aye.
  13. Wait.. so your vid ends just before you got cleared?
  14. The last one was a good fight, no crashing other than the mains. Gf EOP made a lil bank.
  15. I was home about to go to bed and then the news comes in so I'm stuck watching the news for a few hours, and of course we talked about it at school for like a week afterwards. Then bush declared war on terrorism and I was just like "well played sir"
  16. Um, I make money tbh. Saturday trips I come kill your returners with massers and sundays I rape you with FI in P2P.
  17. Abyssal Legion (AL) in 04-05. I think we had 70ish members, pulling 30ish on trips. I think you should exclude masser clans like v0ltage pures, aprons and DS. Theres an unlimited amount of them. Also another clan, Legendary Pures (LP) like in ยด07 but I'm sure someone here knows more about them than I do.
  18. Abyssal Legion... the leader used to wear black g on trips and his rsn started with "Rich" something... that's all I remember. Elitepurez at around the same time I guess, though thats because I was a W3 pker. Ez Ownage after that, but nobody left here from EO either. Anyone beat dat?
  19. Nippon


    Why do people post ******* youtube videos on debates, thats like "well I can't really debate about this because im an idiot, but this other guy sounds real smart listen to him"
  20. Newfags don't know about Final Ownage.
  21. FI didnt team with anyone, just falled in on some clans at clw to bs leaders :cool: GJ on your trip IR, personally I had fun, 6 kills 1 death
  22. The rune pure community? There have never been more than 3-4 considerable rune pure clans. So what was the pure community founded on? It wasn't. Pure community isn't something sacred and valuable that holds the very essence of pures, pure clans have existed before and will exist after the community dies. To me the best competition died 4-5 years ago, of course I've had tons of fun after that mostly thanks to the excellent clans I've chosen. I don't understand what you expect to happen, everyone just starts holding hands and dancing around wildy during weekends? Yeah the pking is pretty harsh today but I dont see how it could be any different when there really is a very limited amount of opponents for every clan to choose from. Back in the days you didn't even need to fight another pure clan to have tons of fun, there were massers, mains, lure teams, members gate wars, and a huge amount of wildy worlds to venture through. tl;dr We didn't do anything wrong, jagex ruined it for us. ps. Clans with good community and management will survive, others will fade away.
  23. 1st. Gj FOE. You were the only clan that cleared my team today :ermm:
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