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Everything posted by Milky

  1. All 3 rounds were pretty damn close. We gave it our best and it could've easily went both ways. Thanks for the prep and good luck tomorrow.(:
  2. I've seen similar topics before but never really posted on them so I'll give this one a try. You probably know me as EoP's leader so of course I might sound biased but it's how I personally feel. 1) Leadership - The current leadership joined back in late 2009/early 2010 when EoP were pulling single digits and there was only a top 2. Unlike the leaders of FOE and MM who inherited a top clan, we had to start from nothing. We completely changed EoP as a clan and we stand today as a consistent top 3 clan. Our dream team leadership which allowed us to rise from #10 to #1 in the space of 8 months. Furthermore, EoP was 90% F2P and 10% P2P, pulling about 10-15 on P2P trips and sniping returners for the majority of the trip. We also changed that, making EoP a 50-50 clan so our members can enjoy both servers in the space of 6 months. March 21st, 2010 we pulled 40 to our first official Sunday P2P trip, March 20th, 2011 we pulled 110. After multiple PW topics/polls in late 2009 where we were voted most likely to close, my leadership and I rose this clan from the ashes straight to the top and crushed all those who opposed us. We made a top 3 again and stand today as a dominant force in the pure world. 2) Competitiveness - Everyone already knows how competitive some of my ranks can get but just last Friday MM had outnumbered us by 15 people and I asked everyone on teamspeak whether they wanted to fight or end (MM was the only clan out besides us). The reply from the members was loud and clear; fight. We either come home with our shields or on them. We fought and lost but we gave them one hell of a fight down by 15 and I couldn't have asked for anything more. 3) Activity - I think we have like 8 or 9 preps this week. We don't care who we fight and whether we win or lose because at the end of the day we play this game for fun and if you're going to give us action then I respect you. Losing does not affect us and I'll be more than glad to set up a fight with any clan leaders who approach me.
  3. Looked like an action-packed trip, good job TLP.
  4. I Milky do sincerely promise and swear, That I will be faithful, and bear true Allegiance to her Majesty Solo Queen, and her will defend to the utmost of my Power, against all traitorous Conspiracies, and Attempts whatsoever, which shall be made against her Person. Crown. and Dignity; and I will do my utmost Endeavor to disclose and make known to her Majesty, her Heirs and Successors, all Treasons, and traitorous Conspiracies, and Attempts, which I shall know to be against her, or any of them; and all this I do swear without any Equivocation, mental Evasion, or secret Reservation, and renouncing all Pardons and Dispensations from any Power or Person whomsoever to the contrary. So help me God. Long live the Queen! Lead by our glorious leader Solo Queen, we set out today with about 66 people ready to defend our top f2p spot. MM had posted topics in their public forums telling everyone to show up, so we knew we would be up against the full power of MM's forum guests, but despite being outpulled we were not outclassed, and came through with a great win. On top of this we hunted a few clans who weren't interested in fighting us but hey, the fun is in the chase :) Eruption of Pures vs Clusters We heard there was a cluster involving Zenith, Nme, Hostility and some other clan around the sperm hill-ghost hut area, so we headed out and hit the ghost hut from the west. None of the clans were interested in putting up a fight, and scattered in all directions. We chased the kids that ran south towards chaos altar and killed them all, i think most of whom were Zenith, then got some pray and went on our way. We then heard there was some cluster going on in another world at the maze involving NME, Excel and Fatality. Again we hurried up hoping for a good fight, and we charged through the maze entrance and hit up whatever was going down. This time the clans had nowhere to run, so we were able to get a lot more kills, again clearing the battlefield then heading down. Eruption of Pures vs The Last Pures We heard that Corrupt Pures, TLP and Zenith were having a party near mossies, so we went to join in the fun. We rushed in focusing solely on the TLP, and boy o boy we smashed dem good. TLP had no response as our scimitars came crashing down on their adamant full helms, and due to their heavy armour they had no run and no chance of escape. We hacked down too many to count as they tripped over their adamant boots making for light work, and by the time we were done with them the field was littered with the remains of what once were TLP members, leaving their pixelated corpses to rot as l Ace l ran around alching all their platebodies. Eruption of Pures vs Mayhem Makers It seemed MM were finally ready for a fight, so we hopped at piper and awaited their rush! They rushed us from the Corp area and the fight began. They immediately got scattered and we called to pick off any kids standing out adjacent to the lava, making for some great koes. We were outnumbered at the start but we quickly pulled it even and took the advantage, as we began to push down the lavaline dropping every MM kid next to it. At this point FOE crashed from the south, and we called everyone to run through the FOE south to ruins where we got a fall in and hopped. Eruption of Pures vs Fatality We heard Fi were loitering around the lava gap, so we logged out to lobby dd'd right next to them and hoped we'd get a fight. They seemed unaware of our presence when we first logged in, allowing us to attack a lot of them and preventing them from logging out. They briefly fought back but then ran down towards dwarves, so we pulled out our bows and mowed down any that didn't log. Eruption of Pures vs Zenith Zenith were getting pray at the chaos altar, so we re-entered stealth mode and logged out just north of it. We rushed them at the CA entrance with a cute lil spam for our pal Logan, then proceeded to drop them on their foreheads. Again we killed all of them that didn't log out etc etc. Eruption of Pures vs Mayhem Makers vs The Hatred We wanted a clean fight vs MM, and unfortunately that is not what we got. The fight started in a similar fashion to the first, with us north of corp and MM rushing us with a few more. We started off this fight strongly, with far superior piling, tanking and movements, and the fight quickly filled up with orange dots. The fight was close to mossies so we knew returning would be a factor, and we tried to end it quickly. We chased the last 20 or so MM north towards piper, but we were too slow, and MM's return group was back north of corp. The two groups of MM met back up and the fight evened up, with us being on lower pray and food now, but we still were in control. At this point some clan we didn't even know still existed showed up and started sniping returners from both us and MM just east of mossies, and after a lot of head scratching we found out it was TH. With TH focusing on EOP/MM returners MM were able to take control of the fight. We knew we'd have to pull the fight closer to mossies to cut off TH, and we did this well, as we lured MM close enough that TH didn't have the room to cut off returns. Our KDR had taken a bit of a beating during this period as we were being sniped, but with fresh returns our fortunes picked up, and we took control back of the fight. Suddenly 40 orange dots arrived on the scene, just as MM's main group rerushed ours norteast of the canoe spot. They had no chance against our fresh members, and we pushed them right up towards spider hill, cleared them, and left before the fight went on for another 4 hours. Thanks for the fight MM. After our epic win, and with most other clans ended, we ended our succesful 2 hour trip as the top F2P clan once again. Thanks everyone for the fights and see yall tomorrow :) Interested in joining the top F2P pure clan? www.eop-rs.com | #clan-eop
  5. Thanks for the prep WAR, great performance round 1. Enjoy your Thanksgiving everyone^^
  6. Proud that we won a round, thanks for the prep.
  7. Check yo self before you wreck yo self.
  8. I don't get it, who's saying that?
  9. Despite Skyrim, Mw3, and double dung weekend, we came out with the whole gaming world trying to stop people from showing up to our trips, still with a respectable 55 people, peaking at about 65. After smashing MM non-stop for the past few months, we'd hoped to continue that today, but unfortunately their pull was poor once again, and hid in single and hit us only once, when we were low on food, prayer and opts after fighting FOE. Despite this, we pulled off a great returning victory and cleared them from the battlefield. We also crashed some lilguys fights, so apologies to the clans that aren't Z and TLP for crashing your fights, but **** happens. I'm sure you'll all be purchasing spies from Marty's new service before tomorrow, so i hope to see you all at our Sunday trip, and i hope you guys enjoy it as much as we do :) Eruption of Pures vs Zenith vs Enemy We heard that Zenith had crashed a fight between NME and WAR near GDZ, so bein the good lads we were, we went up to AC. We rushed in and killed Zenith, and suddenly NME started attacking us. Unhappy at this ungratefulness, we then also killed NME, and chased the stragglers of both clans down to single. Eruption of Pures vs Enemy vs Fatality This was pretty lulzy because of some gr8 scouting on the part of our councils. They told us that Fi and xL were fighting west of grave, so prepared for another crash (sorry lads, this is what happens when MM don't fight us). We rushed in and realised it was actually Fi vs NME (easy mistake to make, they're both clans of level 60s in green capes), but it was too late and we just killed whoever didn't log out. At this point Marty was more steamed than last nights cabbage, and turned off our teamspeak. We prepared to run our trip oldschool style, and ran into some clan of purple capes at vents and killed them, before he turned our TS back on (cheers bb). Eruption of Pures vs Final Ownage Elite o my lawdz. We got intel that Fi were south of ruins chilling in multi, so we quickly hopped while people were still recconecting to ts. We rushed as soon as we logged in, making us a bit disorganized, and rushed down to hit Fi south of ruins. Unfortunately, FOE also got this intel, and we both rushed Fi only to find they logged out as we came. This left us with the awkward situation of 40 out of 60 EoP chillin next to 60 FOE as we had 20 kids logging in and getting on teamspeak, and safe to say we got buttraped. We pulled into the furnace but they pushed into us, and the whole fight was just us trying to drag it around towards mossies and waiting for people to get in range, but we couldn't get there, and FOE took the win. Cheers for the fight. Eruption of Pures vs Mayhem Makers FOE left to bank and we chilled at vents allowing people to return with canoe. We got about 50 people in range and headed down as we got word of another hit, but something far more unexpected happened. MM came out of nowhere and rushed us at ruins, and due to our suprise they got an immediate advantage, as well as that we still had many kids at edge and canoe, and many of those at the fight were on low pray or food. We started off strong, pushing MM south a few wildy levels and getting some koes, but at this stage another suprising event happened, NME rocked up at mossies and started killing all our returners! Well this allowed MM to outreturn us and control the fight for long periods of time, until eventually FOE showed up and rushed NME, allowing us to return. The change in the fight was instant, as swarms of EoP members entered the fight and began to overwhelm the MM, we continued to push them south and got our walk of shame spams up, as we cleared them from the battlefield. Shortly after this FOE rushed us and we logged out. Thanks for the fight MM, was even before we were actually able to return :) Eruption of Pures vs Zenith We got word that Zenith was in the multi part of the northeast steps, and we rushed up and hit them. We proceeded to chase them across 3 or 4 worlds, killing them on login everytime, until eventually they told people to go to random worlds and walk down, which was tasty timing for us as we heard that there was a feast going on in another world. Eruption of Pures vs Enemy Looks like your lil stunt backfired, as you sniped our returners and ended up getting cleared by FOE as we cleared MM, and then we sniped your returners and you got wrecked by TLP. We just camped at mossies and 1 hit any NME kid who canoed up no matter which direction they tried to run in, was a lot of fun gf guys. Eruption of Pures vs Revenge Props to these guys. We hunted Zenith across a few worlds and heard they'd logged in and hit Revenge. Considering we'd just spent like 15 minutes hunting them (MM had ended long ago, nothin else to do), we weren't gonna turn back now, so we rushed in and killed the Zenith. Revenge regrouped in GDZ and put up a decent fight, so respect for that and sorry for crashing your fight, hope the rest of your trip was coolio. Eruption of Pures vs Enemy Looks like Marty should sell some spies to himself, we rushed NME in single without them expecting it and raped everyone. EVERYONE. After this pretty much everyone had ended, so we did the same. Not the greatest KDR ever (0mfg r0flz 0.7 kdr must have been **** trip, slumping clan), but aside from the fight with FOE we did a lot of work, and thanks to all the EoP members that got off the ps3's to come attend :) EoPictures: Interested in joining the most active, dominant pure clan? #clan-eop | www.eop-rs.com
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