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Everything posted by Milky

  1. eop 86 cb avg ir 95 cb avg ty for prep ir shoutouts: shoutout to inu getting 1 banged every round shoutout to charlie using long range and getting 3 def by accident shoutout to cronic for having world's sexiest voice after mine
  2. thanks for the free loot
  3. thought it was free nvm @zachary haha my closet full of eopirate shirts/jerseys soz
  4. thanks theres always next week m8
  5. we rolled out with 60 people ready to finish weekend strong ..::Coming Soon::.. we went in #foeop and foe started figting hf at gap we were ****** all the way west in wild then sko came then mm came once we got there foe had already dipped and it was like ko ff hf fighting and we were gettin loots then they all rushed us and half of us died other half ran to single then we got word cp and z were figting at corp we ran up but retarded members took over 5 minutes to get there so we missed it and hit them in single ran up north to multi to hit zenith then mains rushed us and we killed them then we got word that fi and zenith were fighting at corp so we went up hopped got delayed cusz idiots were bsing finaly got up there it was all cleared mm rushed pulled back south in trees killed some mm did pretty good noticed mains so pulled to foe trees and foe cleared it then we got word cp was fighting sko at 18 ports so we rushed it killed the remaining cp/sko that were pretty much all 1 iteming then tlp logged in cleared us we got a nice regroup went to re rush they left trip over shout out to my boy [eop]cronic for helpin me wit topic
  6. Thanks for cleaning our topic.<3
  7. Don't you people have anything better to do on your Saturday night? I'm out pce.
  8. With barely any hype for this trip, we were pleased to see we left dummies with about 78 people for what would be another outstanding F2P pk trip. We ended up hitting nearly every clan in the wilderness today, and aside from getting chased by the same **** team of mains thats been sniping us constantly for the last 2 months, it was fair fun. Eruption of Pures vs xL + Fatality We heard there were a fair few clans in the same world and we hopped in to see what was going down. We hopped at piper in multi and got hit on login by xL, who we cleared fairly easily, pushing them down towards dwarves before the remaining scattered and ran off. Just as we started to regroup there, Fi rushed our rear stragglers up near gap, so we ran back up and hit them, pushing them east through gap and killing most of them, before the remaining got to single. Eruption of Pures vs The Last Pures Our spies told us that TLP, IR and NME were battling around the bh steps, so we headed down eager to make an appearance on one of TLP's rare excursions out of single. We rushed down the steps and despite the copious amounts of adamant, 1 hit many piles, and chased the TLP down to level 10, ignoring everyone else, at which point we got bored of running after them and regrouped at the steps. Eruption of Pures vs Corrupt Pures After our quick regroup, we heard that CP were standing around at the entrance to the chaos altar, so we quickly headed over and rushed them. As always, they quickly logged out and we only got a few kills, but we logged out on top of them and waited for our spies to give us the next world. We got it, logged in and saw the CP running up to the 18 ports. We chased them up there where they briefly attempted to put up a fight, but were cleared. Eruption of Pures vs Mayhem Makers + Supreme 0wnage We knew MM had 7-8 more than us, but we were confident that we could overcome these odds and pick up a win. MM rushed us just west of corp, and the battol began. About one minute into the fight, we were not suprised to see Nippon's team of 20 or so mains rush from behind us and start sniping us. We pulled northwest into the pocket and this ended up working brilliantly, as we koed many MM and got the fight back to an even footing. We were continued to be sniped from the east, so we pulled west of MM, although the mains for some reason didn't even bother to hit MM, but instead ran around south of the fight and started killing us from just east of mossies. The odds were against us fighting 7-8 down at the start, but the extra 20 or so people hitting us proved to be too much, and we pulled right next to mossies and turned it into a return fight. EoP members returned bravely and did work for a good half an hour, but with the amount of mains at the fight people started to cbf and in the end we called off returns. We waited for MM to leave, and canoed back up and killed the **** mains (who didn't attack the MM once we'd left) for some loot. Eruption of Pures vs Mayhem Makers We asked everyone what they wanted to do, and everyone said they wanted to kill MM, despite now having a 15 man disadvantage. We rushed a few of them near corp again and killed them, and waited in multi for MM to rush from single. Despite their numbers advantage, they were kinda scared, so they picked up the phone, dialed 911, and got HF in for some backup. MM rushed us from single spamming brb calling HF or something of a similar standard of humor with a good 10-20 HF in their fallin, and from that point on we just treated it as a joke, killed a few mains, and told no-one to bother returning. Eruption of Pures vs CP vs Z vs Fi Most clans would have ended at this point, but we had 65 EoP members still hungry for some action, so we headed over to a cluster involving the above clans at the bh steps. We rushed up the east steps, killing a few Zenith who rushed through us and ran down to the 13 ports, and ended up hitting mainly CP at the top of the steps, who we cleared after a few minutes of fighting. We then heard that Zenith had regrouped with a good number on the 13 portal, so we got a fall in and rushed it. They put up a good fight at the start but we took over the portal and cleared them down to single. At this point CP's regroup rushed us from the north, so we rushed north of the portal to the sc pond and killed them too. Suddenly we were fending off Z, CP and that **** team of mains at once, but holding our own and clearing the immediate battlefield, at which point NME rushed us. Eruption of Pures vs Enemy Well we'd cleared 4 fights or so without bank or pray when NME rushed us at the 13 ports, but the main issue was that 2/3 of our clan couldn't actually hit anyone. Our level 70s got punished while our 80s, 90s and 100s sat around and rested or looted arrows. After a bit of regrouping by both clans the fight ended up moving to the chaos altar entrance, where still the majority of our clan couldn't hit anything. S0 rushed us from behind for the 9000th time, so we moved up to the 18 ports and regrouped there. We ran into xL or something again here, so we killed all of them, and then got rushed by NME, again. We fought them for a while, and considering the majority of us now could hit something, the fight was a lot better. After a few minutes, MM came around into the graveyard, trying to range us over the fence and spammed gwas. The term "gwas" is thrown around a lot in pure clanning these days, but come on lads really? Aside from the fact that we could just as easily snipe you back over the fence, meaning its not a gwas at all, we just moved down 3 steps and watched them all get hugged on a gravestone, not to mention that you had HF members running around. After that embarassment we just walked down to edge with our loot. Well after fighting pretty much every clan there was and having a **** load of action, we ended after a really fun 2 hour trip. Thanks for the fights everyone and see you all tomorrow :) EoPictures Interested in being a part of 6 years of ownage? www.eop-rs.com | #clan-eop
  9. Thanks for the action babes, about to go out. See you guys all tomorrow. :wub:
  10. Video added. Check out some statistics if you haven't: http://www.clanweekend.info/index.php?date=30-09-11
  11. After a week of rest and relaxation after weeks of hard work leading into our birthday last weekend, we came out today not expecting too much, and although we only set out with a small pull of 50ish people, we ended up having another fun trip. FOE had a similar amount to us so we knew we'd have some good fights, and after dealing with MM for trying to crash our first fight, we ended up having 2 good fights. Link to the total kills and KDR of the top 3 for today: http://www.clanweekend.info/index.php?date=30-09-11 Codex: P0ke: Eruption of Pures vs Mayhem Makers We organized a run-in with FOE, however before it started we heard from our spies that MM were lurking in single nearby ready to crash it (the unfortunate situation when only 3 clans pk on Friday's). We decided that if anyone was going to be crashing today, it would be us, so we walked off and MM rushed FOE. We immediately turned around and rushed MM, killing many with ease as the lucky ones escaped up the northeast steps to single. We went up to piper and rested, and heard that MM had come back down the steps. We rushed back down to them, killing a fair few more, and MM again ran to single, then went to edge. Eruption of Pures vs Final Ownage Elite We tried for another runin, and we defended at the trees southeast of dwarves. FOE rushed from the north and the fight began. FOE has a **** load of dung so we camped the melee pray and sniped them down. We saw the fight shifting in our favour, so we pushed forward and forced them out of the trees, where it was just a matter of picking off piles until there were no FOE left. We heard MM had finally gotten the balls to crash..after we'd already won, so we logged out with our loot and headed down to edge. Eruption of Pures vs Final Ownage Elite FOE wanted another run-in and we gladly accepted. We knew we had a fair few more than them this time, but still had to put in a good performance to beat them. They defended in GDZ and we rushed in, MM were waiting at easts but it appeared they didn't have the courage to crash after we lured them earlier. The fighting went on for a few minutes and the white dots on the map began to thin, so we pushed the last few white dots out west and they ran off, so we got a fall in for ending and dipped. Thanks and respect for the fights today FOE, and cya next time MM ;) EoPictures Interested in being a part of 6 years of ownage? www.eop-rs.com | #clan-eop
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