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Everything posted by Milky

  1. Those clans that chose to join us in the past and not you should tell you something about EoP. We are NOT like you, a clan you join to attend trips and be a nobody. We are a family. We can honestly say, that if one of us weren't here, the clan would be an entirely different scene. This is something MM will never have. You're assuming everything revolves around MM when it really doesn't. Our turmoil members didn't get turmoil to adapt with MM. They got turmoil because it offers extreme offensive bonuses, which is what pures are based on. It's funny cause we banned adamant and you're still crying about it and making excuses. Grow up. We'll see you next week and the week after that as well. Unlike you, we don't care if you beat us or if we beat you. The fact that you had sign ups to try and ruin our birthday just proves how much you care about us. We know what we did this weekend, and we know what we accomplished, and we have been more successful than your clan, and we are proud of everything we have done. We play with no regrets, and that is that...so I'm sorry if you think your wall of text saved you, but I'm pretty sure what had to be said has been said, and that is all.
  2. You guys look like ninjas. :P Black hats camouflage with the wilderness and are harder to see. xD Good job on your trip.
  3. 1) EoP - Dominated below. It's our anniversary and if you had sign ups to ruin it for us, you get smacked. :teehee: 2) MM - Put up good fights, especially the first one. 3) TLP - Very nice pull compared to last week. Keep it up TLP. 4) FOE - Talked with your leader and he summarized what happened. Good job. 5) NME - All your 1v1 fights got crashed. Would be interesting to see what would happen if they weren't. 6/7) Z/IR - You guys are still going at it. Hard to tell who came out on top since I wasn't there and shouldn't base my opinion over either clan's topics. 8) CP - Did decent for your pull. 9) EF - Clan with the biggest balls haha. Good job today.<3 10) O - Nice job in F2P, work on your pulls.
  4. 81 User(s) are reading this topic (41 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users)
  5. Good performance MM. Thanks for the fight, hopefully you give us more tomorrow.
  6. With a lot of excitement around our 6th birthday, we set out today with what i believe was our highest ever pull to a friday event, peaking at around 100 people! Despite our amazing pull, it unfortunately was not our most amazing trip, as the only clan that dared to step into our wilderness spent over an hour hiding from us, before only fighting us in a world where we could not use our full power. Fortunately our anniversary celebrations are just getting started, and I hope we have some real competition tomorrow. Eruption of Pures vs Mayhem Makers Setting out from edge, we heard that MM had immediately hopped to a full world from their massing. We patiently waited, and after chasing them across a few worlds, they went to a quick chat world. We logged in multi once again, hoping they would get the courage to rush us on login, but instead they logged out once again. They went back to full worlds for a while, as we stood around in multi getting rushed by swarms of mains, as MM tried to wear down our opts to be able to compete with us. Eventually MM realised if they didn't fight us soon, their members would leave the trip, so they hopped to a 1000+ total world and waited for us, which meant that only about 80 of our 95 people could fight. We knew that MM had a similar amount to us, but in the 1000+ total world they would outnumber us, but seeing as there was no alternative we hopped and prepared for battle. After getting hit by a few more mains, we rushed MM east of piper. We started off strongly, getting lots of koes around the east side and pushing MM down. More and more mains entered the fight and sniped off our callers, which took its toll as MM managed to push us back. They pushed us to the piper and then southwest towards vents, where our return group from mossies came and evened up the fight. At this point MM ran off..in the middle of the fight, and as we chased them up wondering wtf was going on, they went to single and logged out to a P2P world '-'. Still confused about why they ran away in the middle of a fight and went to a p2p world, we headed back down to edge with our 50 man ending and got ready for another fight. Unfortunately MM then ended..after making us wait over an hour for a fight and then running away in the middle of it..in a world where 1/6 of our pull couldn't fight. Apologies to all the EoP members who weren't able to fight, and as for MM, hopefully your 2 week sign ups won't be hiding in p2p/full/total level worlds for the next 2 days as well. EoPictures Interested in joining the uncontested #1 F2P clan? www.eop-rs.com | #clan-eop
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