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Everything posted by Milky

  1. Don't tell me how to run my clan.
  2. Lets start by asking ourselves this question; Do you think having community forums (PC, PW etc.) has ruined the relationships amongst pure clans over the past few years? My equitable, unbiased answer is yes. Once Community forums came along; Pure Community, Pure Warfare, etc. things had began to change, even at first on PC, people had respect for each other, then the "bad apples" came in and played a role on ruining this tight community that we once enjoyed. It has only grown from there, day by day, week by week, month by month. Community forums like Pure Warfare give people the chance to start arguments, cause drama, and start unneeded rivalries with other clans, most of the time it is because of something stupid, irrelevant, and utterly pointless and meaningless. I've noticed that the majority of the users only come on to post ignorant posts in the "Clan Warfare" and "Clan Discussion" sections, and alot of the time it is on purpose, this often results in major flaming, which other people (even people from different clans) join in on the arguments, and getting their clan involved in the drama aswell. It causes alot of hatred towards individuals, and to clans as a whole.
  3. Thanks for the replies guys, see you all tomorrow.(:
  4. Setting out today with just over 70 people, we expected a lot of fights from the MMFI alliance, although we were hoping this week we would see them seperately. We also wanted to pay a visit to TLP after they sniped our returners for the last 2 weeks, and we even had time to see our old friends down at CP! All in all we smacked a lot of **** talking clans, and ended after 2 hours with our banks full of loot. ..::Coming Soon::.. Eruption of Pures vs Mayhem Makers We started off our trip hearing that MM and FOE were about Corp. We headed up and rushed in, slaughtering all the pink capes we could find as their clueless leaders failed to instruct them on what to do. They began scattering and running away in all directions, and after hunting a few of them down we returned to the battlefield to plunder our booty. Eruption of Pures vs Corrupt Pures We heard CP were spending their trips crashing low level clans again, so we deicded to distribute some justice to the bad men. We rushed them at grave entrance and one banged pretty much every CP member seeing as they pull like 20 to mandatory trips now or something. Eruption of Pures vs Mayhem Makers MM wanted another fight, and despite knowing that we had 10-15 less than them, we obliged. We fearlessly rushed them at gap, hitting a loading screen and getting an immediate disadvantage. We pulled it back together and pushed MM north of the gap and smacked any MM who didn't run back fast enough. MM however did well and pushed us back, and the opts difference eventually took its toll and we retreated back to piper. We had a large return group waiting at corp as more came from the canoe, and our remaining dragged the fight down to them. All the MM who ran at us at corp were dropped in instants, and MM realising even with their numerical advantage they couldn't beat us in a return fight, ran north of gap and logged out. We rushed up and killed the kids they left behind at piper, and headed down. Eruption of Pures vs Corrupt Pures + Exiled Force We heard CP were back to their antics of bullying small clans, so we logged out on top of them at sperm and gave them some more of their own medicine. It took a while before they realised what was happening, allowing us to drop many of them before they all ran away to ruins. We were about to chase them when for some reason EF rushed us, so we killed all of them then after hearing CP had logged, left. Eruption of Pures vs Mayhem Makers We heard MM were around GDZ, so we headed up but unfortnuately FOE hit them first. Seeing as we had gone alllllllllllllllll the way up to gdz, it didn't seem right to leave without some loot, so we rushed into gdz and smacked all the MM there. Then we chased a few down to single and killed them too, which was enough to make the trip worth it. Eruption of Pures vs Fatality We'd seen plenty of one half of the alliance today, but not much of Fatality, who after merging with the Bloody Vikingz last week still had a fairly good pull! Through the superb scouting work of Jonty + Justin, we found them standing around at hills, so we logged out a map west of them and rushed them. Fatality crumbled under the pressure and despite attempting a fight back, found themselves being forced back to single when both TLP and MM came to their aid. Deciding we have better things to do than a 1v3, we dipped. Must be pretty bad when one of your pk leaders is bitching about it in your public IRC: [07:43] <+[Fi]Faked_R2h> Trips are annoying [07:43] <+[Fi]Faked_R2h> all we do is walk Eruption of Pures vs Fatality + The Last Pures This was my favourite fight of the day by far, here we took on both Fi and TLP in a 1v2 and came away victorious. We started off by rushing TLP at sperm hill, where the fight went on for a while, but our superior organization, tanking and intelligence quickly swung the fight in our favour, as we schooled some f2p novices. They retreated to the southwest, and then we saw Fi standing in ghost hut waiting for us. They rushed us at ghost hut, where despite being on low food/prayer, we crushed them with ease and they too found themselves in edgeville quicker than you can say "alliance failed". Eruption of Pures vs Mayhem Makers For the second day in a row, MM ended once they had dropped to our opts! We were a little annoyed about this so we rushed their remaining in non multi and killed them, simple as that. In conclusion was a very fun action packed trip, and thanks to all the above clans for the fights and see you tomorrow :) EoPictures k2p Interested in joining the top F2P clan? www.eop-rs.com #clan-eop
  5. As you look back at your clanning career, or Runescape career in general, eventually you’re going to start questioning yourself about what you’ve learned from this entire experience that could be applied in real life, which I’ve been doing. A lot of people I’ve talked to about this seem to think there isn’t much to learn from this game, but after thinking deeply about it I came to the conclusion that there is more to it. My question for you is; “Looking back at your Runescape career, what have you learned from clanning, interacting with other players, and the actual game?” I came to realize how much discrimination plays a role in relation to association. The clan you are a member of, the cape you wear, the tag beside your IRC nick, are all reason enough for someone to think less of you without fully knowing you. Reason enough to make assumptions without any supporting evidence or facts, because you're being told by influential players what to think. The fact that a clan can be held accountable for the actions of an individual, and vice versa. The fact that almost 100% of the time, a clan and its members are unfairly judged by it's competitors, regardless of what can be argued, which leads me to understand how clan-related arguments are generally a waste of time, regardless of any interests you're trying to uphold or defend. As for me personally; the clan community has helped me realize my personal strengths and weaknesses that can't be determined with real life. I've learned that contrary to popular belief, the Internet is a good way of learning about people in general, even if you aren't in visual contact with them. Even though I live in a multi-cultural community, I’ve learned so much about other cultures around the world through clanning. I’ve learned how to deal with over 100 teenagers in a single day and keep them organized, motivated, happy, as well as how I operate under stress. Anyways, enough of my textwalls. I’m looking forward to seeing everybody's replies.
  6. For some reason most of the people in the pure community play games like Haxball, League of Legends, Minecraft, etc. CS:S looks fun though so wouldn't hurt to try it.
  7. we gonna hack n ddos them bro, dont you know already lol
  8. I always thought you were a girl lol, just saw your sig. Am confused :s I cant like futbol? o.o na talkin about "PM [MM]Richard|Jub to spy" never knew you were a richard lol... ily tho
  9. I always thought you were a girl lol, just saw your sig. Am confused :s
  10. Fi needs to grow some balls. Don't talk **** if you can't back it up brotatoez.
  11. Another fullout declined for no reason.
  12. Are you even a rank in Fi?? Noone can tell anymore? One second your VH the next your fi the next you retired then your leader. Just call me mufasa.. See you sat Can some close this topic and ban the idiot who made it :unsure: What's the matter tough guy? Thought you cleared us 65vs70 on saturday? :S
  13. Thought you got booted/demoted for tele'ing? Now you can decline Fi fullouts?
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