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Everything posted by Milky

  1. ha-ha It would be funny if this backfired on you though. Of course not the closing and what not, just losing would make me laugh. If only you understood the power of [EoP]Milky...
  2. Since your 4n Dutch ranks have been talking shlt lately, I feel this is necessary unless you apologize. I doubt you're stupid enough to accept a F2P fullout with us but I'll take my chances. - F2P Fullout - PCR Rules - No cap on Fi's ml - Saturday, September 3rd, 2011 See you Saturday if you don't decline or close by then.
  3. Was that before or after you got ran away like 50 times? After Nippons team of mains left, wasn't much of a fight LMAO. We left after we ended your trip. You left when the CA fight was over. We fought again at 18 ports, then Bh back and easily won. Stop telling your members ********. You got cleared every ******* fight then you guys ran away from the fight grabbing a fall in sayin gf. No balls obviously. It's even in your vid, it stops where our vid shows that we were winning. That's for all ******* fights. If by cleared you mean pulled out our large veiny cocks and ripped your virgin throats to shreds, then yes
  4. Nope. We fought another main team at around ca, after they were finished we continued sniping you 'til you were nowhere to be found. Thanks for admitting it.
  5. Was that before or after you got ran away like 50 times? After Nippons team of mains left, wasn't much of a fight LMAO. Next time don't mass recruit in masser cc's and then team with another masser clan. EOPFOEYoung Rebels We don't mass recruit, if you think otherwise then how about your clan grows some balls and accept a prep? We've been pulling consistent the entire summer while your clan gets stomped and sent right back down anytime you pull near us. I've lost count of how many times this has happened.
  6. Was that before or after you got ran away like 50 times? After Nippons team of mains left, wasn't much of a fight LMAO. We left after we ended your trip. You left when the CA fight was over. We fought again at 18 ports, then Bh back and easily won.
  7. I wasn't there for the CA but there was a team of mains sniping us (the guy even admits it) After they left we just COMPLETELY steamrolled them.
  8. Was that before or after you got ran away like 50 times? After Nippons team of mains left, wasn't much of a fight LMAO.
  9. Good job on your trip TLP, looked fun. See you guys tomorrow.
  10. Lmfao at the angry Fi members posting thinking we care about their opinions or what they have to say. We don't want you to respect us, nor do we expect you to respect us. If you have something to say, do it on your topic. We are allowed to say what we want, when we want as long as we can back it up with evidence (which we are). It is our point of view, you can say yours on your own topic. We know what we did, and we know what we accomplished, and we have been more successful than your clan, and we are proud of everything we have done. We play with no regrets, and that is that...so I'm sorry if you think your angry replies are gonna save you or make you feel better about yourselves, but I'm pretty sure what had to be said has been said, and that is all.
  11. After an epic Friday trip, we set out today excited because it was Saturday, and Saturday means the alliance of **** clans cannot hide in clan wars. We hoped to get fun fights with MM, Fi and TLP, however none of them were interested in giving us clean fights, infact MM and Fi did nothing but team against us all day. But this was no problem for us, and we ended up smacking MM until they ended and embarassing Fi in front of all their new Bv members, even when they got their ex-council's masser team of mains to help them. Thanks for the fights Fatal Mayhem Ft. some ****** masser clan in Fi capes, hopefully we'll see you tomorrow not joined at the hip. ..::Coming Soon::.. Eruption of Pures vs Mayhem Makers We started off our trip hearing MM were standing on sperm hill waiting for us. We knew we had roughly similar opts which would make it quite an easy fight for us considering their low member quality. We rushed onto them, immediately pushing them round to the west of sperm, and koes came left and right. MM dragged right and started running around and pretty much stalling as we killed them, and we heard Fi were running down from corp. They'd teamed against us twice last saturday, so we had expected this, so we quickly moped up the last few MM and dipped to single just as Fi rushed sperm. Better luck next time m8s. EoP + FOE vs MM + Fi We heard MM were at chaos altar in w90, while Fi stood at hills in the same world. We knew they would eventually team on us but we believed we could clear one of them before the other one came to save them. We decided MM was the easier clan to clear due to the copious amount of addy berserker shields Fi have, and we rushed them at chaos altar. Again we completely dominated them as they just did their best to stay alive without doing any damage back. We heard Fi were running over and braced ourselves for impact. We pulled south of the altar meaning Fi would rush into and kill MM, and it worked brilliantly as their mass recruits and Bv members bsed their own teammates. As superior as we are to these two clans, we knew we couldn't win 60 v 100, and our anti-crashers FOE came in about 2 minutes later to even it up, and straight away the fight was back in our control. The two clans co-ordinated brilliantly, ensuring we didn't get in each others way while dominating the other clans. MM + Fi realised they were getting smashed, and called in Nippon Q's (ex-Fi council) team of mains called Supreme 0wnage to help. They stood at chaos altar entrance and binded and killed any EoP/FOE returners, allowing the alliance of crappy clans to pull it back. However as we'd proven for 5 hours yesterday, no pure clans alive will out return EoP and FOE, and realising they still needed help, Rang3r Elmo called in Malice for help. Now fighting 2v4 we decided we'd pull the fight north to 18 ports where it would be more even, and here we once again took control of the fight. FOE defended in the port and lured MM/Fi/M/S0 into it as we stayed east and sniped, then FOE rushed out west and sniped into it too, meaning the alliance of crappy clans stood there killing each other while we stood outside and sniped them to pieces. After about 10 minutes of this the mains ran off and we killed any pink/green caped pures on the battlefield, and got a fall in for ending. EoP + FOE vs MM + Fi We could have left at this point, but we were having so much fun embarassing our opposition both clans stayed around for a rerush. MM and Fi eventually did come back, but the mains and the other lil clans helping them had dipped, making for an easy fight. As we were on low food/prayer the crappy alliance initially took the advantage, however we pulled to BHB and regrouped, ready for MM + Fi to rush. They foolishly gave us time for all our returners to come, and by the time they did rush we were ready. We pulled up the stairs as they rushed, and focused east on the Fatality. K0 after k0 came, and Fi+MM pulled right to the northeast spot of the bhb in a last ditch attempt. FOE stayed south and sniped them as we rushed in west and obliterated any top piles. We just left click 1 hit their whole dd northeast and about 5 minutes after the fight started, 110+ Fi + MM were wiped from the battlefield. EoP and FOE got their seperate fall ins, spammed gf Fi+MM, and walked down to edge without either opponent returning. Thanks for the fights today Fatal Mayhem, but considering we 2-0'd you with ease today, we hopefully won't see the same tomorrow. Eruption of Pures vs The Last Pures This was just for the ******* lulz. We heard they were having a 2 hour long return fight with someone at 13 ports, and we rushed in and killed every single last TLP and pretty much ruined their whole trip. Them 30 pulls must be painful. We killed them so quickly i've only seen 1 pic, hopefully will have more soon but if not just watch vid. And so after ending all 3 of our targets today, we too dedided to call it a day on an epic feast of a trip. Big thanks to FOE for ac'ing our fights and helping us smash the crappy alliance, and thanks to MM + Fi for stepping up to the top 2. Sick of having to 2v1 other clans? Want to know what it feels like to win? #clan-eop www.eop-rs.com
  12. Pretty sure you were wearing addy as well when we bs'd you, Irina.
  13. Finished 3 jumbo bags of potato chips while mass returning. (barbeque, ketchup, and sour cream onion).
  14. oh the irony I'd happily do the same to you seeing as you like to run your mouth but I think pulling 20 to every prep you've had this week and losing to havoc in F2P, is already more then enough LMAO. Gf foe :P
  15. meh rip walli <[Foe]Walli> tell tayyab he returns in a addy beserker shield <[Foe]Walli> im going on my med level <[Foe]Walli> and camping him <[Foe]Walli> ******* main
  16. I meant for a pure clan lol. And yeah, the first 2 hours-ish of the fight were really fun, it got gay when other clans/massers came lol 13[12Fri13] 13[12211:12111:122013] <10GameShark> [8:06pm] [PX]Emiliano: where are you guys fighting 13[12Fri13] 13[12211:12111:122013] <10GameShark> [8:07pm] [EoP]Milky: east of 13 portal 13[12Fri13] 13[12211:12111:122013] <10GameShark> [8:07pm] [PX]Emiliano: ww? 13[12Fri13] 13[12211:12111:122013] <10GameShark> [8:07pm] [EoP]Milky: can u hit foe im getting tired of this 13[12Fri13] 13[12211:12111:122013] <10GameShark> [8:07pm] [EoP]Milky: w20 cmon now.. Session Start: Fri Aug 26 22:06:11 2011 Session Ident: Emiliano [22:06] Session Ident: Emiliano (SwiftIRC, [EoP]Milky) ([email protected]) <Emiliano> [EoP]Milky: - Emiliano is [email protected] * px sucks Emiliano on #Clan-eop #tlp #rot @#Valhalla Emiliano using *.SwiftIRC.net SwiftIRC network Emiliano has been idle 1sec, signed on Fri Aug 26 12:39:19 Emiliano End of /WHOIS list. - <Emiliano> [EoP]Milky: <Emiliano> [EoP]Milky: <Emiliano> [EoP]Milky: <[EoP]Milky> ? <[PX]Emiliano> where are you guys fighting <[EoP]Milky> gdz <[PX]Emiliano> ww? <[EoP]Milky> w55 <[PX]Emiliano> i dont see you? <[PX]Emiliano> [EoP]Milky: <[PX]Emiliano> [EoP]Milky: <[PX]Emiliano> [EoP]Milky: <[EoP]Milky> shut up retard i know ur vh <Me_Not_Weak> l0l <Me_Not_Weak> sorry it was too tempting l0l <Me_Not_Weak> <3 <Me_Not_Weak> vh wont mass or anything though Don't understand why people would edit logs to try and make me look bad. :kanye:
  17. I meant for a pure clan lol. And yeah, the first 2 hours-ish of the fight were really fun, it got gay when other clans/massers came lol
  18. Holy **** dude just finished 5 hour 18 minute fight vs FOE. 30 Inning game, 10th over-time
  19. Because seeing how many more people a clan can bring to a fight than the other clan really shows which one is more organized and quality based. Friday trips are nice and all, still people wont accept PKRIs or clean fights because it seems having a loss on purewarfare is a clan closer. Numbers don't determine quality but what he was trying to say is; everyone was bitching about bringing back wildy, and when Jagex bring it back, the majority of the pure community still uses clan wars lol. Would be fun if everyone just went out and fought everyone, but like you said people care too much about their publicity/image, so that will never happen.
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