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Everything posted by Milky

  1. Current Clan: Endurance
  2. Why lmao They were down 14 and only killed one person.
  3. You did the same to us a few PCL's ago lol.
  4. We got them a couple times too. Gj babes<3
  5. EoP members just ignore the mad people. We know what we did, we'll just laugh about it and beat them again tomorrow.
  6. Setting out today with 70 EoPirates, we hoped to get some good fights with TLP at PCL after all their shittalking throughout the week, unfortunately we discovered we'd pulled like 20 more than them and they were too busy fighting low level clans. Eventually they did fight us, however it was so easy we decided we'd go pking afterwards, hearing we had a similar number to MM. After hitting them twice and ending their trip, we went back to PCL and had some great matched fights with IR and Z. Thanks everyone for the action and see you all tomorrow :) We got there early and the only other clan there was the combined foces of NME + Malice. They gave us a fight so respect to them, we had roughly 15 more than them and won losing 1 person. Eruption of Pures vs The Last Pures Eruption of Pures Starting: 64 The Last Pures Starting: ~55 Now after the last fight we stood around waiting for about 20 minutes asking TLP to fight us. They kept refusing but eventually our spams made them mad enough that they rage-accepted. They said they would only fight us if it were on plateau, and so the fight on plat began. TLP defended (even though it was supposed to be a run-in) behind the portal, perhaps hoping some people would misclick and they could gain an advantage? I don't know. We wiped the sweat off our brows and rushed with scimitars held high. TLP's eyes grew wide in fear as we came down like a tonne of bricks, instantly dropping our first 4-5 piles, and from there it was easy pickings as they failed to get any sort of piles together due to our adamant arrows blocking out the sun. As the last few TLP limped away in hope of mercy, we glanced up to the scoreboard and saw we hadn't lost 1 person. As expected as this was, it was still nice to see such an ass kicking. Eruption of Pures Ending: 64 The Last Pures Ending: 0 Eruption of Pures vs Mayhem Makers Eruption of Pures Starting: ~65 With TLP too scared to get slaughtered again, we decided we'd go out and get some fights with MM. We scouted them walking up from the ditch towards the chaos altar, so we lay in wait for them to come up. Apparantley they didn't realise we were even pking as we charged them down and 1 hit their fall in leader, followed by numerous other koes. After about 10 seconds of fighting they just turned and ran down to level 1 wild, as we chased them down with our bows and dropped any who weren't quick enough to get out of our wilderness. Eruption of Pures Ending: Don't think we lost anyone Eruption of Pures vs Mayhem Makers Eruption of Pures Starting: ~65 We banked our loot and waited at the ditch for MM to step back out. They were hesitant to do so, but eventually they did and we rushed them in about level 5 wild. They tried to fight for a while but again we dominated them with superior piles and forced them out of the wilderness for a second time. After this they ended their trip. Eruption of Pures Ending: Don't think we lost anyone Eruption of Pures vs Intense Redemption After ending MM we heard some clans were calling us out at PCL, so we headed back for some fun practise. We heard that while we were pking IR had smashed TLP in a matched fight, so we were eager to get some matched fights with them. We ended up having 4 fights, with them winning the first one, us winning the next two, and IR winning the fourth and tieing it up. After our 4th fight they said they didn't want a tiebreaker, but thanks for the fights. (CBF going through each round, should be on the video when its up). Eruption of Pures vs Zenith Eruption of Pures Starting: 47 Zenith Starting: 47 We also had a matched fight with Zenith in anticipation of their fullout with IR tomorrow. We sat to 47 and defended where they had asked us too as they wanted practise in that spot. Upon their rush we got some good koes, and paired this with some great tanking and quickly got a 10 man advantage. When it got to about a 15 person difference i think a lot of Zenith just left the CC, leaving us only having lost one person. Eruption of Pures Ending: 46 Zenith Ending: 0 Thanks to all the clans for the action today (except TLP, step it up lads), and goodluck to both IR and Z with your fullout tomorrow! EoPictures Interested in joining the most exciting pure clan? www.eop-rs.com #clan-eop
  7. Nice to see IR stepping up. Good luck on your fullout.
  8. Probably the best possible response in this situation :thumbsup: :teehee:
  9. You got me electric! Baby your body on my body feels soo electric Its cause you got it and I want it, its soo electric I can't resist it!
  10. After our F2P prep with FOE today, we headed out on a P2P midweek for some fun and loot, however this much fun and loot we did not anticipate! Our good pals The Last Pures were cruising around 124 and hit us at newgate, so we got a quick remass and prepared for an epic midweek battle. In the words of Discepolo321, "We rolled in, **** on some novices, and rolled out." Eruption of Pures v The Last Pures Eruption of Pures Starting: ~30 Heading out from edge with about 30 people, we got world TLP was waiting for us near gap. We defended at dwarves and prepared for them to rush us, and the initial battle commenced. We slapped them around here as their foolish members ran into us by themselves and got 1 hit by our titans and dung units. TLP quickly ran back up onto the hill to try and gwas us, however by now we'd overpowered them and took it with ease, pushing through the gap and clearing them from the battlefield. TLP had decided if they couldn't beat us, they would try to outreturn us, unfortunately this didn't work. The start of the fight was all EoP, as our superior members outbridded and outtanked TLP's, and more and more loot filled our inventories. It was at this point that the momentum of the fight shifted, as EoP members ran to 50 ports to teleport and bank their bank loot, those EoP that stayed found themselves outnumbered by TLP! TLP took control of the fight for about 10 minutes, however once again we outplayed them as we held up our returners for a mass teleport in and won control back of the hut. TLP realised they were fighting a losing battle and suddenly as soon as we were in control of the fight, 5-10 mains showed up and started ragging us. Then a few FOE membrers showed up, one of whom was mass barraging in the GDZ with a Staff of Light until one of our members k0ed and smited him for it, good fight little virgin. We were pretty unhappy about this but we kept fighting and killing TLP as their gear got worse and worse, and fewer TLP bothered to return. We smited 3p1c for his C maul and a few others for their high risk items, and their ragequits brought the battle to its conclusion. With one last push we killed all the TLP around the hut and chased their remaining people east and killed them, before returning to GDZ to see they had called it off. Thanks for the fight + loot kiddos, hope we can do it again sometime :P Eruption of Pures Ending: 24 EoPictures: (Not in order) Tayyab koing like 6 TLP members/ranks in the space of a few minutes, lmfao: TLP cleared: Interested in joining the most active pure clan? #clan-eop www.eop-rs.com
  11. Ironic coming from you seeing as TLP is the most inconsistent clan besides Fatality. I'm not even sure what your problem is or why you're trying to bait our topic. Maybe you should learn from your only respectable leader Cory and not post on **** that doesn't concern you.
  12. Typical :s Gj Ct you steamrolled them ha :squid:
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