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Everything posted by Milky

  1. Much respect to IR for giving us a fight, it was good practice/fun. Gj boys.
  2. I don't believe how 1 war could possibly determine which clan is better than the other. I do believe that the clan that shows the most consistency through out a certain period of time is the better clan.
  3. Good job, thanks for giving us a fight after, you guys did good in both preps.
  4. Good job and thanks for the fight. We'll see you again on Saturday.
  5. Gj boys. I encourage other clans to start having more midweek trips as well, they're really fun. :P
  6. stop copying my avatars ************
  7. pls accept dude plz..
  8. you better be on tomorrow Russ or else
  9. Forgot to put when we rushed outrage in single at ne steps :(
  10. You pulled 45? How do you go from a 95 man fullout pull to a 45 man saturday pull? Where exactly did I say we pulled 45? We had 45-50 when we rushed you. It was the end of the day and like most clans, we lost a few. It's fine man. Props for rushing us, it's just that you guys bailed 30 seconds later. <[TLP]Cory> we hopped in cause mm was in the world <[TLP]Cory> then we had someone say eop is north <[TLP]Cory> and he decided he wanted to have us rush u <[TLP]Cory> while half the clan was still loggin in lol <[TLP]Cory> 35 tlp vs 65 eop <[TLP]Cory> at lile lvl 7 <[TLP]Cory> great idea
  11. Not expecting anything special today, we came out unexpectedly with the highest pull out of all the pure clans, peaking aroud 71 people. We took full advantage of our opts, clearing MM repeatedly, clearing TLP, and crashing CP and O everytime they came out. We were also hoping we'd see Fatality after their suprising fullout win, but they decided to sit in edge and do drop parties instead. Opt's are only included where we had a CC count picture avaliable, other clans starting/ending aren't included because apparantley its not allowed on PW. Thanks to everyone for the fights today and we'll see you tomozza. A C E: Charlie: Eruption of Pures vs Mayhem Makers Eruption of Pures Starting: 63 Hearing MM had roughly the same as us and had hopped to our homeworld on sperm, we got ready to **** **** up. Knowing at matched opts our far superior organization and member quality would shine through, we were confident as we rushed them at sperm hill. We quickly took over control of the hill as they spent the majority of the fight tanking our glorious piles without returning with any of their own. The white dots thinned and began to ran away west, so we chased them down and killed the last few. Despite the opts being nearly matched, we lost less than 10 people, as seen in this picture taken as MM began to run away: Eruption of Pures Ending: 54+ Eruption of Pures vs Mayhem Makers Eruption of Pures Starting: 66 We walked down towards edge to bank our loot when MM's regroup at level 7 wild rushed us. Seeing as we were out of prayer and low on food, they obviously had a big advantage, but regardless we held strong and took over control of the fight. As MM continued to die and return while none of us did, eventually everyone was out of food and died at once and they started to win back control. Not wanting another 2 hour long fight at level 7 wild, we told our remaining people to drag the fight north towards bh steps, where our returners would meet them. This worked well as our remaining held of MM long enough for our return groups to arrive, and we again took control of the fight again. MM kept trying to drag the fight back down to level 7 wild but we just sat at the bottom of bh steps and sniped any MM who came in range. MM clearly weren't good enough for us and 2 of their co-leaders started 1 iteming. Eventually the remaining MM gave up and ran down south, leaving the battlefield clear of any MM. We walked up to bh steps and got a well earned rest: Eruption of Pures Ending: 51+ Eruption of Pures vs Mayhem Makers We sat up on bh discussing all the loot we made for a while and we heard MM had finally gotten a regroup and walked just south of the steps. They were killin our returners which was kinda disrespectful, so we rushed back down and killed them all. Again they played the same old game of run down to level 10 wild and die-return over and over. We humoured this time and sat there killing them over and over again. We anticipated this would go for hours but eventually FOE crashed. Sick. Eruption of Pures vs Outrage Outrage made a very pretty apology midweek to us so we only crashed them once today. We logged in on top of them fighting someone, not sure who, and killed anyone who didn't run away or log out. After this we hit a cluster of clans at the lava gap. I believe it was Ct vs IR and then CP and WAR crashed, so we ran in targetting the crashers, sorry to any IR/Ct we killed. We heard that since we killed MM a few times they'd ran around crashing TH and Malice and some other clans i'd never heard of. Once they were done bulling level 60s we ran down and logged out at CA, expecting them to rush us on login. They did so, but unfortunately we weren't the only clan hunting MM and when MM rushed us on login, FOE rushed them. Was some crazy ****, so we just dipped to inside the altar and let FOE and MM duke it out. We Ac'd for a while and heard FOE won, gratz. Eruption of Pures vs The Last Pures We walked outta ca and went down near FOG and ended up walking into TLP. They fought back for a while but i think we had like 15 more people so we cleared them down to level 1 fairly easily. We ended the day by AC'ing Ct vs IR again as we heard that Zenith crashed them, but i think we ended up killing mostly IR again, sorry wasn't intentional lol. MM had ended long ago and hearing that virtually everyone else had too, we decided to call an end to this epic trip. Thanks to everyone who showed up and thanks MM/TLP for the fights ;) EoPictures Interested in joining the Eruption? #clan-EoP www.eop-rs.com
  12. Horrible performance on our part today. Good job on your win Z.
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