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Everything posted by Milky

  1. f2p to kill clans p2p for loot
  2. why does it show random clips from random wars?
  3. dont post my speeches publicly idiot
  4. how the **** do you make one
  5. To all EoP members; who gives a **** if some clan posts a fake topic? We know what we did, we have more than enough evidence to back it up and we don't give a **** anyone else thinks, which brings me to my first point; We know what we did and that's what matters. To everyone else; I don't care if this topic angers you, we posted our point of view and we provided solid evidence to back it up. You can sit here and cry about it or you can get over it and move on with your lives. I'm sure either way you'll live. Thanks to all the clans we fought this weekend. Let's call it a day and move on. If you're interested in any sort of prep or event during the week then drop me a pm on IRC ([EoP]Milky). Again, thanks for the fights and we'll see everyone next weekend, especially Outrage.
  6. Your videos don't even show the entire fight, mods will most likely be closing this XD Enjoyed spanking you today, see you next week lmfao.
  7. Had fun smackin' some outrage today =]
  8. 1.) If we pulled similar opts if would be awsome to fight you guys in a nice clean 1v1, however I think we all know who would win cause TLP are P2P beasts lol. 2.) We are most definately NOT the next Fatality lol, made me chuckle though. 3.) Sorry if you think that crashing our fight and us obviously posting it from our point of view, means we have to declare on you. Sure we might have deserved it because we crash alot of fights, but ultimately I think it will just lead to more crashing. I always kinda liked TLP, all our preps and run-ins are usually pretty fun and flame-free so I hope we can keep things that way to be honest. :thumbsup: Pathetic. You seem to have an easy time declaring on clans half your size like outrage. Keep kissing there asses. Ridiculous. I'll be seeing you today at 3:30 est.
  9. typical idiotic response from such an idiot like urself sorry to break it down to u ur not fit to be a leader I don't get why you're mad and I don't care. If you're arguing about the topic it's fine but don't go flaming people. i don't get why ur quoting me when i said nothing directed towards u personally u dont moderate this boards therefore wat u have said means completely nothing to me You're flaming on my clan's topic. The flames don't have to be directed at me personally. Honestly no one can take you seriously any more when all you're doing is keyboard warrioring this topic. I'm not wasting my time with a keyboard warrior lol, have a nice day.
  10. typical idiotic response from such an idiot like urself sorry to break it down to u ur not fit to be a leader I don't get why you're mad and I don't care. If you're arguing about the topic it's fine but don't go flaming people.
  11. Every clan Cp have beef with, mains are involved. Same old boring story. Good job on your trip Z
  12. Lol, I'm sorry of this topic angers some of you. It's our point of view and nothing you do or say is going to make any difference. If you have something to say then do it on your topic or drop me a PM on IRC instead of wasting your time trying to argue on here. Thanks to all the clans who fought us today. See you guys tomorrow.(: Edit: Shout-out to [Z]Tommy for being cute.
  13. No we aren't, Mm crashed.
  14. matt goin' hard gj boys and thanks for prep IR
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