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Honoured Member
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Everything posted by Milky

  1. IR is my new favorite clan. Respect for having the balls to come out and fight us. I love IR. If you ever need us to kill someone for you, drop me a PM. I love IR.
  2. Oh so your the man in charge? Were not worth it? Youve dedicated a whole weekend trip to a clan thats not worth it and now you expect to just walk free? You bring mains and claim your honor. You guys are so pathetic. So much was expected from a clan open for so long. Id expect you to be up there with foe and mm but instead you chase med level clans to excite your members. Yeah I'm the man in charge Mmm its all making sense. Explains why EoP has been doing a lot worse all around. Use to be much better its so sad how much you guys have sunk. I don't ******* care what you think of us. You're so cocky rofl.
  3. When it gets to that point, you are taking this game way too seriously. Just sayin I never asked for your opinion because frankly I don't give a **** what you think. I dont remember asking what you think about me because i frankly dont give a crap. Isn't it a fact EOP is an honor clan or am i wrong? And i think everyone will agree that when a person doesn't mind "leaking your leader boards like I did with clans who've talked **** in the past" and "sending a box of male sex toys and a tranny to each of your leaders' houses" they take this game too seriously. I never said what I think. I said what I'm gonna do if you don't change your ******* attitude.
  4. Oh so your the man in charge? Were not worth it? Youve dedicated a whole weekend trip to a clan thats not worth it and now you expect to just walk free? You bring mains and claim your honor. You guys are so pathetic. So much was expected from a clan open for so long. Id expect you to be up there with foe and mm but instead you chase med level clans to excite your members. Yeah I'm the man in charge
  5. When it gets to that point, you are taking this game way too seriously. Just sayin I never asked for your opinion because frankly I don't give a **** what you think.
  6. I'm not gonna sit here and flame you about posting a 40vs25 win, nor will I make threats. I'm just going to state the facts; I don't mind massing with you, in your own world and hitting you as soon as you step in level 1. I don't mind ruining/crashing every fight, run in, prep, or mini war you have. I don't mind leaking your leader boards like I did with clans who've talked **** in the past. I don't mind sending a box of male sex toys and a tranny to each of your leaders' houses. We can hit you in single, crash you, flame you, troll you just to see your reaction but we choose not to because you're not worth it. Don't make me change my mind because you're starting to **** me off and I will seriously hurt your clan if you continue.
  7. the day i sign up on that is the day i pay a thai doctor $5 to chop my dlck in half and fold it inside out to make a home made vaglna.
  8. i was there lol. leech hit puberty when he joined eop
  9. y r u ppl even wasting ur summer to argue about runescape. no1 in eop cares wat u think and no1 in eop gives a **** about what u have to say. ty for bumps lol afk.
  10. After an epic trip yesterday, and despite our two P2P warlords cbf'ing to show up, we came out today with around 50 people ready for some loot. Our last few P2P trips have been focused on quick hits, grabbing loot and getting out, and today was no different as we hit numerous clans, clearing them with ease and getting out before the clans attempting to crash us arrived. At the end of our trip we had a 30 minute fight again CP and Outrage who had teamed against us for some reason, and after much 1 iteming and teleporting on their part, we finally managed to wipe them off the map. Thanks to all the clans we fought today for the action, look forward to seeing you next week! Note: No specific starting/ending opts have been included because for some reason it is now against Pure Warfare rules to do so, but the result of the fight is outlined in the descriptions. Eruption of Pures vs Fatality We heard Fatality were spread around the gap hill, and we potted up and rushed from the east gap. As Fi saw us a lot of them logged out (lol) however we still managed to kill a good 10-15 or so of them. We picked up our loot and headed over to single again when we heard Havoc had come out of corp and were going to rush us. Eruption of Pures vs Havoc We stopped and spread in the east gap and Havoc came up onto the hill. We rushed west and initially got into some rather bad clumps in the entrance, however we pushed out of them and started dropping them. Havoc pulled back through the gap and the sniping fight ensured, however we got word that TLP had teleported into GDZ and were coming to crash, so we fell back and ran east just as TLP ran into Havoc. Close but no cigar ;p ;p Eruption of Pures vs Fatality vs Havoc We heard Havoc and Fatality were both around the gdz area, so we headed up to hit whatever we could find. We focused first on killing any Fatality as we knew how good they were at logging out from earlier, and then we proceeded to fight the Havoc. Havoc actually returned and put up a fight however we overwhelmed and cleared them, before heading to single before Valhalla could crash. Eruption of Pures vs Havoc Havoc were spread on newgate hill, and despite it being a gwas spot we charged up and fought. They ran back through newgate and logged out near the volcano while we killed anyone who had been attacked and prevented from logging. We quickly logged out and got their new world, and as we logged in Havoc rushed south of the gate and proceeded to barrage anyone who attempted to come through it. Again at first we were caught in some big clumps, but we pushed through and killed any who were left. Again Valhalla were scouted in our world, so we quickly picked up our loot and dipped. Eruption of Pures vs Corrupt Pures We heard CP were sitting up at gap hill, and hungry for some nig ranger sets we charged in. They were even quicker than Fi at logging out, however we just logged out on top of them and the waiting game began. It reminded me of back in February after we slumped them when we'd spend half of the trip sitting on top of them in lobby as they tried to find our spy before they logged in. Eventually they gave up and suffered the humiliation of telling their members to log into any F2P world and run down to edge, which gave us all a good chuckle. Eruption of Pures vs Outrage + Corrupt Pures Outrage leaders pm'd us asking for a runin, which was quite suprising as they usually want nothing to do with us when we have similar opts, so we accepted. They offered to defend at dwarves and they said they expected CP to crash, thus we agreed to team on any crashers. They defended far east against the lava line, meaning as we rushed we caught them in some big clumps as they had nowhere to pull back too. As we started to push Outrage down towards ruins, CP came in crashing. We expected Outrage to assist us in killing them, however to our amusement they began helping the CP kill us, and it became obvious it was a lure to a 1v2. We weren't scared and we pulled down through the ruins alley to force them to clump up, working nicely as we koed many lilguys. They stopped returning to the area and started sitting at 18 ports and killing our returners, forcing us to run down and continue the fight there. This turned out to be a big mistake as the fight turned into one big return fight. Us returning in gear, CP and O returning 1 iteming with DDS's and Chaotic Mauls, and the ones who actually came in gear teleported out when piled. Knowing it was kinda pointless having a return fight against two nh clans, we battled on anyway, as O+CP took over the fight. We pulled it north from the return spot towards the ruins area which allowed us to take back control of the fight. With fewer and fewer O and CP returning in gear, it allowed us to get many quick ko's, and we eventually cleared the battlefield of all pures in gear. We got a fall in in the graveyard and walked up to bh steps for our ending, and logged out. As we were logging out ~10 or so outrage tele'd back in to the area and rushed up, however we'd already gone :P :P. Thanks for the fight O+CP, was fun apart from the constant nh'ing and all the mains around. Now 2 hours into our trip, we decided to end. Any queries with the topic can be pm'd to [EoP]Milky in IRC! Thanks for the action everyone, cya next weekend :) EoPictures: Interested in fun, free cash and hot babes? #clan-eop www.eop-rs.com
  11. Cp was there too, there were only like 4 red hats on the battle field at the time. There's loot on the ground on your side (meaning outrage died). Also, that pic doesn't show red hats at all, it just shows you getting wrapped by white dots.
  12. If you look at the mini-map you can easily see orange dots (outrage) getting corned/wrapped by white dots (EoP). Don't see why you guys are even spamming that when you're losing the fight lol.
  13. How about a matched F2P prep this week bro? ;)
  14. Atleast you guys did 2 rounds, our whole prep got cancelled cause of this server **** lmao Gj both clans
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