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Everything posted by Milky

  1. Good job on your trip CT. Was tempting to crash after we ended MM.
  2. idk much about pure clans but you're completely wrong and should exit your internet browser before you make yourself look more dumb. kid get off this topic if ur not eop dam that post was there for less then a minute and ur quoting it already if anyone, ur the idiot who needs to get off his internet browser idk much about clans..but mayhem force seems to be making MM members mad..
  3. soz for late vid, had better things to do on a saturday night than sit here and make excuses on pure warfare lol
  4. With MM recruiting hard in recent weeks, and their ml rising to over 200 people, we honestly expected to have a hard time today. Fortunately for us, only half of those kids decided to show up, and unfortunately for them, they were feasted upon hard. Despite our ts being hit every fight, we came out on top, proving that we don't need audio to beat down MM similar opt'd. We set out with around 85 people, rising to 100 throughout the trip, and ending with still around 80 people after nearly 2 and a half hours. MM set out with over 100, and ended with 65 after about an hour and a half; who has the quality members? you tell me. EoP crash MM's tinychat mid-fight: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9Pzv7NmFoY Eruption of Pures vs Mayhem Makers Eruption of Pures Starting: ~90 Mayhem Makers Starting: ~100+ We knew we were quite outopt'd and that it would take some trickery to even the playing field. We let MM chase after us across a few worlds for about 10 minutes, letting them get closer and closer and getting more excited. Finally the bait was laid, and we logged in, with MM logging in 1 map away expecting us to run again. However we rushed onto them on login at the 13 ports, immediately taking away their opts advantage. We took over the port and forced MM north and east of it as they struggled to gain any territory, however at this point our ts was hit off and we got pushed south. Our returns started to come fast and we evened it back up, however FOE crashed at this point. The MM ran in all directions while we went down into single and got a fallin. I guess i'd say it was pretty even, although we had the momentum. Eruption of Pures Ending: ~50 Mayhem Makers Ending: ~50 Eruption of Pures vs Mayhem Makers Eruption of Pures Starting: ~100 Mayhem Makers Starting: ~100 We wanted a rematch with MM with our audio up, and they sat around on sperm hill as we sat at hill giants hut. We were wondering what they were waiting for, but it all made sense when they rushed as simultaneously our ts went down. Each member did fantastically, spamming ingame and pushing MM back north of the gap even without audio. We were in complete control of this fight, but again FOE crashed, which resulted in us chasing MM to single, where we kiled the remainers, took our ending and left. Eruption of Pures Ending: ~50-60 falled in after crash Mayhem Makers Ending: ~0 in wildy, all died or ran to varrock Eruption of Pures vs Mayhem Makers Eruption of Pures Starting: ~90 Mayhem Makers Starting: ~90 After once again moving everyone into our pk chan, we set out for a third fight with MM. With MM's invites ragequitting, their warlord getting on his main and sniping our fallin leader and their numbers now dropped to par with ours, we became the hunters. MM hid up bh steps while we waited for them to come play at 18 ports. Eventually they came, and we immediately backed into the port and koed anyone dumb enough to get dragged in. This fight was the most one sided of the three, with purple dots covering the map, but for a third time FOE wanted some MM. MM ran, died or logged out, and we just got a fallin on 18 ports as the last clan on the map. Eruption of Pures Ending: ~70 Mayhem Makers Ending: ~0 After this third fight, MM remassed for a fourth only to find themselves with only 65 people at edge. We sat at level 4 daring them to step up, but instead they ended, opting for a bs fest at west drags, which we of course crashed and feasted upon. Can't say im suprised FOE kept crashing you today MM after all the **** you talk, shame once again you failed to back it up. Thanks to all the EoP who showed up and thanks MM for the ddos's and for making us all laugh at your calling on an open tinychat. EOPictures: Interested in joining the #1 f2p clan? #clan-eop www.eop-rs.com
  5. I doubt CT is stupid enough to use spies in a prep. Also a bit disappointed in you guys doing all 3 rounds in safe clan wars. Anyways, good job CT, very nice organization 2nd round. Hopefully you'll give us a prep next week. :D
  6. That would be tlp, anyways gj eop I'd say TLP in 45vs45-, and EoP in 50vs50-100vs100+
  7. im mad that your bad at runescape :teehee: good thing you don't do preps you will lose them all sup evan
  8. Since no clans had balls to prep us except CP we decided to do a 2nd f2p prep vs CP this week which ended in an easy win for EoP full topic: http://eop-rs.com/index.php?/topic/16669-e...nutes-f2p-prep/
  9. chuck norris cp vs ct vs fi, f2p 3 way
  10. join eop, we r friendly and welcoming 2
  11. I wasn't even in 3rd round ************
  12. Was fun. Being the only leader on sucks though :<
  13. p2p man. its all me lol this is a 1 man clan lol :3
  14. we had like multiple hits on fi and other lilguys but cbf includin it in topic cause the fights lasted literally 20 seconds and we ended up getting free loot :P
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