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Everything posted by Milky

  1. hahahahahahahahahahaha. he was tryna troll me and i was confused. <Toxic> did we get cleared by vr ??? <Toxic> l0l <[EoP]Milky> ?
  2. Shoutout to Goop who got owned by a bear south of green hill today. I think the bear gave us the best fight today.
  3. With lots of people inactive for easter, we weren't expecting anything big, but we still headed out with about 75 people, peaking at about 85. Unfortunately for MM, their spy was one of the inactives, so they started pm'ing eop members offering 5m to anyone who would leak our locs today. Two bad men took up this offer, which lead to KJ and Zack giving MM fake locs for over an hour. During this time we feasted on other clans, while MM rushed places as far as bandit camp and spider hill in empty worlds, thinking we'd logged just before they rushed. I hope you enjoyed your tour of the wilderness today Mayhem Makers :D tl;dr version: (13:37:49) <Toxic> ur not gettin ur 5m (13:38:02) <[kJ]> u didnt get ur hits long version: http://pastebin.com/KUf2ECHK http://pastebin.com/HWfuexAw Eruption of Pures vs The Last Pures Eruption of Pures Starting: ~80 The Last Pures Starting: ~50-60? We heard TLP were on sperm hill and ran up to hit it. Due to the numbers advantage they didn't really bother fighting, and a lot of them ran to single i believe. Eruption of Pures Ending: ~80 The Last Pures Ending: ~30 in single? Eruption of Pures vs Fatality Eruption of Pures Starting: ~80 Fatality Starting: ~40? We got word Fi were in the alley east of ruins, and decided we'd pop around for a visit. As soon as we rushed in they were running south, leaving half their clan to die while the other half logged out near sperm hill. We logged out on top of them and waited for them to log into another world. We did so, and ended up logging onto both Fi and Ct. At first they didn't notice us logging in, but soon we'd flooded the map and chased the Fi west while Ct went east to single or something. After this fight we rushed Fi a few more times, but each time half the clan logged only leaving us a dozen or so kills, so cbf mentioning them all. Eruption of Pures Ending: ~75 Fatality Ending: 0 Eruption of Pures vs Mayhem Makers Eruption of Pures Starting: ~80 Mayhem Makers Starting: ~60 Having sent MM on a wild goose chase around the wilderness, an hour and a half into their trip they were pretty mad. 90 minutes in and they still hadn't gotten 1 hit, and our spies told us their ranks were shouting at each other to find us. We got word that they'd killed some mains and were spread around green hill, and with a good 20 MM ragequitting the trip in an hour, they now only had about 10 more than us. We hopped near fog and sprinted west, but by the time we'd gotten there it was too late and they'd gotten into single. We said **** it and rushed them anyway, hitting about 60 that were in their main group. We feasted on them as many MM logged or ran to edge bank, and soon only orange and purple dots remained on the map. After this MM ended, having started with like 110 people and not getting 1 hit, only to be cleared in single by us 90 minutes in. Unlucky m8s. Eruption of Pures Ending: ~60 Mayhem Makers Ending: 0 Eruption of Goop vs The Mysterious bears Eruption of Goop Starting: ~81 Mysterious Bears Starting: 2 South of green hill a bear attacks Goop out of no where. After panicing on teamspeak, we lured the bear in multi and slayed the foul beast. Respect for giving us the best fight of the day. Eruption of Goop Ending: ~80 Mysterious Bears Ending: 0 EoPictures
  4. EoP + Px + Foe + RoT f2p uncapped db vs ef f2p
  5. jonty x0x0 owners gotspice solo k1ng
  6. quoted for emphasism well done on your weekend eop! ty
  7. thanks Anthoni, but instead of just removing posts, could you start warning/suspending people who flame on our topic? thanks :D
  8. Lookin' really good for TLP atm. (Beasting weekdays and weekends)
  9. ct eop tlp vs mm cp f2p fullout
  10. They are 1 of the best matched opts in the main world and they're all 99 def 99 pray 99 hp 99 dung lol
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