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Everything posted by Milky

  1. Could say the same thing about you. Our TS was down as well :mellow: Guess we're just better Pkers. Nice honour too (13:35:07) -[WY]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: 1 Atlanta 1 was not found in the RSHSC. Gj Eop mm bringing randoms?
  2. i just woke up and im tired as **** lol
  3. Current Clan: Mayhem Makers no, i was talking about this joke of a topic. I forgot that when we massed up at 4 PM EST and ended at 5:40 PM EST it was 38 minutes. I forgot hitting a clan in single while we're getting our TS fixed is considered a win, I mean when half your members have 30+ defense and are closer to mains than pures, you better win. Plus all those 1v1 over heads and tagging :). Oh, love how no one paid attention to the clear video of us clearing FOE in ~60 seconds, moving, and you guys rushing in to try and crash. Nice. I liked Friday better, we have nice, clean fights with FOE, no flaming, no fake topics, but I guess that's what happens when you have public topics on spying for EOP. See you guys tomorrow, can't wait to see the next topic. Oh yes, if you are #1, declare on us. You won't. Lol you should see some of MM's topics, even when they lose and don't make a topic on PW, they go and make some bs topic on RSC Zybez forums about their trip, which is totally a load of crap, I dunno if they are trying to make themselves look good in front of mains now or what? It's pretty much only HF replying to their topics. Anyways Skary, not sure if your just mad or not but you just used almost every possible excuse that you could think of, and summed it up in that small little post....let me see how many were used: -Hitting clan in single -TS offline -Half our members 30+ def -Closer to being mains than pures -1v1 overheads -Tagging in single -We cleared FOE first -Flaming -Public topics on spying for EOP -Fake topics. -If you are #1, declare on us, YOU WONT!!! Thats 11 excuses, if you think of any more feel free to reply back and i'll edit it into my post. MM seem to have gotten to your head, and it's just at the point now where you are gullible enough to believe anything their members/ranks tell you. It's a game bro, chill out haha....we got our TS hit off more times than you did im sure, not only in EOP's TS but in FOE's aswell, you think it was just a coincidence? Cheers bud. :thumbsup: Still won't declare :thumbsup: see you in multi :) can't wait to see your topic you are so lil. why would i declare when i can **** on you week in and week out while having fun and laughing at how mad you are at the end trying to make up excuses. eop #1, if you wanna prove me wrong then go ahead and declare on us. YOU WONT.
  4. Peaked at 25ish. Started trip by gwas'ing MM once at 50 ports, a few lucky ones got lucky and tele'd. No worries though, we dropped them all after in a series of legit 1v1 fights where EoP was victorious. Props to the #2 pure clan for attempting to put up a fight. Bank was made, everyone happy, see you guys tomorrow.
  5. Milky


    600 post count. i comin for u jonty
  6. Milky


    1st...**** u solo k1ng. cover ur head with ur pillow and shoot urself in the ******* face ************ i hope u ******* die jk Sadly I couldn't go because I had irl stuff to do. Gota get down on Saturday *****. Good job though, looked pretty fun.
  7. Looks like you guys had a good trip. Keep it up.
  8. Nice job Control, respect for being the only clan that stayed and tried to put up a fight in that cluster when everyone else just sprinted 4 minimaps south.
  9. Sleep well Jonty Nice job to all who attended, thanks for the fights, and shoutout to FOE for letting us use their teamspeak.
  10. Yeah because we need mains to beat a team
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