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Everything posted by Milky

  1. Milky

    EoP vs HF

    nice irl pics on cp forums brohammid l0000000l girl version of justin beiber LMFAOAOAOFANSFA
  2. Milky

    EoP vs HF

    4 kills 0 deaths
  3. Milky

    EoP vs HF

    #bible sucks l000l
  4. Milky

    EoP vs HF

    we gud ts pkers :D
  5. Milky

    EoP vs HF

    Well after HF attempted to crash our fights we decided to take on the masses. We went in their teamspeak and hit the complaint button on every member/rank/guest. What they didn't realise is that guests could make complaints and it's a 1.2k second ban (20 minutes) EoP starting: 10 Hf starting: 10 EoP Ending: 10 Hf Ending: couple running into hidden channels where we cant see them #clan-eop www.eop-rs.com Applications are open
  6. lol "#1" lol "fullout us" It's a game brohammids and at the end of the day EoP had fun and MM are made. Thanks for the loot MM and shoutout to HF for the free rune. (:
  7. vid added (19:52:24) <[CT]Cassidy> EOP #1 F2p Clan true dat niqqa :yes:
  8. Having 3 top saturdays in the last 4 weeks, today we set out to cement our place as the top f2p clan. Our first sign ups in around 5 months, we pulled over 100 people today, our first 100 pull since our 5th anniversary in september. We hoped MM would be able to offer some competition today, but honestly they were an embarassment. Hiding in full worlds for the first hour of the trip to prevent us being able to hit them, while sending HF to rush us on numerous occasions trying to wear down our numbers. Unfortunately for them, we held strong, and when we finally caught up with them, they and HF were demolished simultaneously. Not even HF can save you MM. Eruption of Pures vs Corrupt Pures Eruption of Pures Starting: ~95 Corrupt Pures Starting: ~50? With MM hiding in a full world, in single, with HF, we decided we'd warm up on someone else. We heard CP had just logged into CA, and we hopped in the trees just east. CP did well at the start, but as our full opts logged in, purple dots flooded the map and cleared it. Eruption of Pures Ending: ~90 Corrupt Pures Ending: 0 Eruption of Pures vs Mayhem Makers Eruption of Pures Starting: ~100 Mayhem Makers Starting: ~80? idk We heard MM had finally gone into multi, and we quickly hopped and chased them up at gdz. When we rushed, most of them frantically spam clicked their log to lobby button, however 15-20 that were too slow were mopped up. Unsuprisingly, HF rushed moments later, however most of us had already safely gotten away. Eruption of Pures Ending: ~100 Mayhem Makers Ending: 0 on battlefield, 60ish in lobby i'm guessing After this we got word that there was a cluster going down west of chaos altar, involving TLP, CP and Fi. We rushed in and targetted the Fi, chasing them all the way to level 1 wild. While getting prayer after this, i think we ran into EF or someone at ca, who we ate up. Eruption of Pures vs Mayhem Makers + Higher Force Eruption of Pures Starting: 94 Mayhem Makers Starting: ~80 Higher Force Starting: 20-30 MM ranks pm'd us and told us they were finally ready for a fight. They sat south of dwarves, and we ran up from the south. Literally 5 seconds into the fight, a stream of white dots ran into us from behind, and we quickly realised that MM had called on a Higher Force to save them. Determined to clear MM, we ignored the mains, while they attempted to focus on 1 pile at a time, while the other 93 of us dominated the pink capes. MM were easily pushed back to dwarves, where they briefly held it as we got a little spread, but we got regrouped north and pushed into them. HF unable to comprehend how to war as pures were an annoyance at best, as we cleared MM from the map, leaving them embarassed that even with a main clans help, they could not beat us. After clearing the MM, we ran west to get away from the mains, and left them to loot the 10k loot stacks. Eruption of Pures Ending: ~50 Mayhem Makers Ending: 0 Higher Force Ending: About the same as starting, we didn't even bother with them Eruption of Pures vs Mayhem Makers + Higher Force Eruption of Pures Starting: ~60 with more returning Mayhem Makers Starting: ~60 with more returning MM regrouped at mossies with the canoe, while we waited east of them. Despite having no prayer and low food, we wanted to not allow them to claim a fake win like last week, even if we had to fend off HF again. Once MM had their numbers up, they rushed, however were soon pushed back to the edge of single. They again called HF, who sniped us from the back, so we got in touch with our friends TLP. TLP came and sniped the HF off the fight, leaving the HF to run scattered back to level 5 wild where they might actually be able to win. With HF now off us, it allowed our far superior organization to come through, and again push MM into single. Numerous times they attemped small rerushes back out, but were smacked back in. After about 20 minutes of this, we got bored, and hearing that they had now ended their trip, we ran in and killed the rest in single. Mad respect to TLP for ac'ing HF off our fight. Eruption of Pures Ending: ~90 Mayhem Makers Ending: 0 With MM ending, we roamed the wild in search of loot. We tried to find CP's fight but only managed to kill a few returners. HF also rushed us around bh steps, but we ran north of corp, and they decided not to chase us, as they could actually be attacked by most of the clan here. We eventually ended with a bs fest in the deep altar. Thanks to TLP for getting rid of HF today, thanks to MM for proving why you're unworthy to be a top clan. oh, and sick honor bro #clan-eop www.eop-rs.com #1 F2P p.s. give me my ******* clan leader back
  9. the original result was 2-1 but we gave them those 2 extra rounds lol
  10. vid will be up soon lol
  11. Earlier in the week we organized a f2p prep with Fatality with a 1 def cap, dungeoneering and corrupt items off. I believe this was the first time they've agreed to prep us since their anniversary weekend in May, so it was quite exciting to come up against some new opposition. We pulled about 15 more than Fi, making sitting an annoyance, but despite it was our first prep since the wilderness returned, we still managed to take away the win. Eruption of Pures vs Fatality Round One We defended this round, and with good piling managed to take an easy win. Eruption of Pures: 27/20 Fatality: 27/0 Round Two This round we attacked, again our piling and spamming prevailed. Eruption of Pures: 31/23 Fatality: 31/0 Round Three This round was pkri on turrets. With the win already sealed, we sat a lot of our higher levelled members and ranks, which unfortunately lost it for us Eruption of Pures: 31/0 Fatality: 31/19? Round Four Fatality were confident after winning the third round, and asked for 2 more rounds. We accepted, but again, due to cockyness Fi managed to tie it up. Eruption of Pures: 34/0 Fatality: 34/21? Round Five It seemed some people finally realised we could actually lose this prep, and stepped up their game. Fatality for some reason rushed us before we sat our last person, but honestly that isn't our problem, you tried to catch us off guard and got ****** up. We only lost a handful of people this round. Eruption of Pures: 35/30 Fatality: 34/0 I wish i could say it was a respectful fight, but the amount of fatality flaming after the prep, as well as spamming "too easy" in the fourth round, made you look pretty retarded when you lost the fifth. Thanks for the prep. www.eop-rs.com #clan-eop
  12. f2p preds eop mm tlp foe/ct cp fi/z
  13. Great job TLP, things lookin bad for cp
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