After a kinda annoying f2p trip last saturday where we were able to end "the clan to watch 2012"'s 3 week rise out of mediocrity, only to be teamed on by Fi and FOE to prevent us ruining Fi's trip (lol), we were all that little bit more pumped to head out this saturday and demolish those lil green guys. And demolish them we did, mentally, physically, economically and emotionally, as we pumped their tight asses for nearly an hour straight, earning them nearly 400 deaths with only around 280 kills, draining them of their return sets and taking every last bit of fight out of them. O ye and apparantley we had sign ups, though I and every other EoP rank and member seemed to have forgotten to sign up, seems none of us could find the topic :\
And here is what an illiterate Fi member (apparantley can't read KDR charts) had to say about todays trip + kdr
(18:04:50) <+[Fi]Fear`> i really wanna see if eop makes a trip vid
(18:04:58) <+[Fi]Fear`> or even a thread
(18:04:59) <+[Fi]Fear`> on pw
(18:05:10) <+[Fi]Fear`> im gonna ******* laugh my ass off, literally
well here it is m8, and i gotta admit this pic does make for some pretty hilarious reading: Eruption of Pures vs Nippon
Not really worth calling it a fight considering we 1 banged pretty much their entire team in the space of 20 seconds, but meh was some nice rune loot for those involved Eruption of Pures vs Fatality
There was only one thing we gave 2 ***** about when we came out, and that was hitting Fatality. We had scouted them with roughly the same opts as us, and suprisingly they hopped to our world ready to fight. We headed over to dwarves and awaited their rush, which came from the north. We immediately dominated the fight with some early k0es, and began to push Fi north right from the start. Unsuprisingly, MM crashed the fight once it was apparent we had the advantage, so we dipped south and logged out.
Due to my ****** internets getting me killed i was able to take this pic of all those who had died prior to MM's crash; aka me, whoever was on Milky's old account, and about 20 Fi members (and more white dots running from spawn spot) :P Eruption of Pures vs Fatality
Our appetites were larger than ever after getting that lil sniff of the cold clammy sweat drippin down the necks of every Fi member, and frankly we couldn't be ****** waiting 30 minutes for them to walk up east drags and dip their toes in to check the temperature, so we just rushed them at level 5 wild and **** got going.
We weren't planning on sticking around this low, so we quickly dragged the fight north to the 13 ports, as a result getting us probably 20 or so deaths as we were running north, but meh we were confident in our returning and about 90 seconds later we were back on top of the fight. What happened for the next 45 minutes can only be classified as criminal rape, as we penetrated every orifice and cavity on Fi's tight bods, racking up nearly 400 kills compared to their 250 or so. I cbf going into a play-by-play of the fight but pretty much it consisted of us chasing Fi in circles around the pond as they continually tried to hold out for returns, and once every 10 minutes or so Fi briefly taking control as we all ran out of food and pray and had to return.
After about 35 minutes of wrecking Fi, our 3rd backup ts went down (lol) and after waiting a few minutes it was obvious it wasn't going back up, so we just fought the remainder of the fight sans audio. Didn't really matter because by this stage over 20 people had ragequit Fi and they had about 43 remaining compared to the mighty 65 EoP still bashing their skulls in. They realised the fight was over and threw in the towel via giving what looked like a dozen main teams crashing our fight simultaneously. This unfortunately gave us a fair few deaths, and after realising Fi had gone, we too took our leave, with no doubt as to who had dominated.
And Thanks to our superb RAT'ing abilities, we were able to hack into Addy Daddy's webcam and get this EXCLUSIVE recording of his reaction to his clans 50 minute anal pounding: [
Well after this, Fi leaders got back onto their chairs and performed a rousing speech to their members in the safety of edgeville, telling mighty tales of how they sunk the pirate ship with their amazing 0.6 kdr, then ended abruptly with less than 40 people left in their friends chat.
Thanks for the fights Fi, and we will certainly be seeing you next time :) Tired of rising and falling, and falling and falling? || #clan-eop