After a long week of coutless mini wars and preps, it was finally time to Chaotic to hit up PVP.
We ended up peaking at 23 members, a fantastic pull for our first week and things can only get better :)
Before the trip, I had promised to sing "Taylor Swift - Love Story" on ventrilo, so after some initial lulz and retardedness from myself we finally hopped to a BH world.
Chaotic Vs Ravage
Ravage had been agrivating us all week, they claimed they would out pull us and end our trip tonight.
We hopped, and ran into them just outside clan wars.
Chaotic starting - 23
Ravage starting - 19
Chaotic ending - 19
Ravage ending - A few ran into clan wars.
Thanks for the fight Ravage, see you next week.
Chaotic Vs Trend Setters
We heard news of TS near clan wars not long after we had cleared Ravage. A clan of massers? What could be more fun?
Chaotic Starting - 23
Trend Setters - 17
Chaotic Ending - 21
Trend Setters - 0
Chaotic Vs Lituanians A confident bunch of Lithuanians had offered us to have a few PK run ins earlier in the day, although we knew they had a lot of experience we took on the challenge. ROUND 1 An organised PKRI at dwarves. Chaotic starting - 20 Lithuanians starting - 20 Chaotic ending - 12 Lithuanians ending - 0 The first round, we we're both hit by mains, in all fairness LT seemed to get harder than they hit us, but Gf anyways. ROUND 2 After taking a quick trip to chaos alter, we happened to run into them again just outside ca. Chaotic starting - 20 Lithuanians starting - 17>20 Chaotic ending - 16 Lithuanians ending - 0 Went a lot smoother this time, Gf Lt thanks. ROUND 3 After chasing mains around for some loot, we some how managed to run into LT once again just east of FOG, we came, we saw, we conquered. Chaotic starting - 20 Lithuanians starting - 17>20 Chaotic ending - 16 Lithuanians ending - 0 Great fights today Lt, I think we both had fun.
We thought we'd end our trip with a laugh. We saw DP. We rushed DP. Lulz.
Chaotic staring - 20
Destructive Pures Starting - OVER 9000
Chaotic ending - 0
Destructive Pures ending - Everyone exept Raza ;)
Respect DP :D
Thanks to all Chaotic members, we had a good laugh tonight. We are not slowing down, Chaotic are a clan for the future. See you all next week ;) x
Support :D