Every post by you in the Clan Corner section is about how shít CP as a clan is. Perhaps you should get a new hobby? Also we do go out in P2p however we're F2P based clan.
as was epidemic but still managed to beat mm in p2p eh ?
You need a new hobby, don't you get tired of flaming CP all the time?
Point being...? E pulled tops 50ish ppl to P2p while pulling 100+ to F2p
seems like we share the same hobby i flame you reply i flame you reply i flame you reply
point being is epidemic contended in p2p even though being a f2p based clan and u guys pull 110 last 2 weeks of f2p and u cant even compete with ch in p2p
Since you keep talking about Epidemic... Epidemic compete with MM/FOE in F2p while competing with Dv/IR/C/UT in P2p.
How can you tell whatever if Corrupt Pures is capable of competing with Chaotic in P2p? We had a 45 man pull last Sunday and we had a good amount of fights. This pull was more than enough to fight Chaotic, Carnage, Zenith, Intense Redemption and give them some intense fights. Hell, we might even won if we got a fight with them. Wasn't at the trip and no aftermath thread was made since our Saturday aftermath thread reached 21 pages within 10hours. However, you'll be able to find video showing CP doing work in P2p.
If we compare our P2p with our F2p we suck balls, we're 80% F2p and 20% P2p. We haven't had the room to improve in P2p and at the moment we need to focus on keeping our pulls high in F2p. So don't expect CP to pull 50ppl in P2p or some fancy ****...
you have never fought them, even if you pulled 100 last weeks p2p u didint compete with anyone
u were in spider village logging in hitting some fi from the back in tlp vs fi then running then logging with around 30 i'd say ? go make more lpcs and get pkris with low clans on sundays in f2p then rush with cp make a topic about it, im sure your runescape forum members be gud p2pers
Your hate towards Corrupt Pures makes hard to understand you.. Thanks for the discussion I'm not going to argue with users that act if they were 12 year old. Peace.
its a bit hard to take the high road buddy u been arguing with me (10 years old) for about an hour now catcha