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About Patrick

  • Birthday 10/09/1995

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    New York

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  2. After a long week of Constant flames from Terror, we finally had our long anticipated prep against them. Knowing this would be a battle of the ages, we came into this prep stronger than we have ever and came out with our heads up high after receiving an easy yet well earned 3-0. We peaked 33. See you Saturday Terror. Round 1 - VICTORY Sovereign Starting/Ending - 26/24 Terror Starting/Ending - 26/0 Sovereign Defending round. We were defending in the trees next to the jail when they rushed on top of us we kept range out for a majority of the fight. They pulled out of the trees east and we got our scims out and followed them clearing it up extremely fast and effortlessly losing only 2 members. Great job Sv. Round 2 - VICTORY Sovereign Starting/Ending - 31/17 Terror Starting/Ending - 31/0 Sovereign Attacking Round. A great round this was. Terror defended in the trees the same spot we had, we had range for first pile and switched to scims right after the rush. We got a couple kills off the start but lost the lead some how, we then pulled the fight back with constant calls of scims to stay on top of them, they were eventually downed. Round 3 - VICTORY Sovereign Starting/Ending - 30/17 Terror Starting/Ending - 30/0 Pk Run in round. The entire time we kept our range and stuck on piles up until the end when they had the lead, we then pushed on top of them and cleared up the entire fight extremely easy.
  3. Doesn't matter who wins, LPC "Fullouts" dont prove quality of a clan at all. Just shows who can get more randoms in the CC by the ML lock.
  4. Patrick


    Eternal, probably the only good LPC out now. We dont need to cheat to win against anybody. #Eternal
  5. So if your so confident about beating us again, how about you rematch us without bringing Random HPC members. And even if they applied do any of us go on our CP accounts ? Cause if thats the case I can squad up on Chief Kieeef
  6. Very nice account but what David said is right, A LITTLE bit to edited !
  7. You guys used EoP Member and still lost. Makes no sense but i really dont give a **** *****. What ? You guys had **** load of 80+s , your combat average was like 79 or 80 and half of them 80s didn't even apply for your clan. I mean who would want to join UL lol. That awkward moment when a clan claims to steamroll a clan that lost 2 preps ? or 1 ?
  8. You guys used MM Members and are still allowed to advance. Makes no sense but I really dont care. We had a bad day I guess. and prep record was 15-1 or 14-1
  9. Can both clans PLEASE shut the **** up. Because 1 Im very close with BOTH clans being that I have great friends in both. From what I know you guys went out MASS recruiting people into the friends chat / Clan Chat in less then 24 hours. None of you guys violated that rule UNTIL Terror tried to get xL and their 30-50 defence accounts. After Sv saw xL members getting capes even PUREFECT was getting Terror capes. So after Sv seen Terror cheating they let some of the UL members that were close to the clan join. Regardless of what happened Sv shouldn't be DQ'ed cause one, that would just ruin the whole tournament. Sv won the war even down 10 people. So I don't understand why SOP or Terror is complaining about massing, Cause I know DAMN Well you guys massed too.
  10. Yeah :/ Pf is good, just alot of idiots leading that clan. Except for my ***** Jail`
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