I only said off Eop because I personally like Eop, it doesn't mean that I called them. Perhaps it wasn't a good idea to say off them since many Foe claimed Eop were attacking Foe as well, but meh. They took it upon THEMSELVES to help us out though, they weren't called there. I hadn't even known they were there until I ran into a friend of mine in Eop. What they do with their own time is not my problem. And stop acting so self righteous when your clan calls your main friends up whenever you're in trouble. By the end of the fight, I couldn't even step out of Bh without being specced out by several of your green-caped friends, it was CRAWLING with them. I only saw a small number of Eop there on their own terms, and it's not like I'm gonna call them off while I'm trying to fight for my clan.
And as for the "OMG I THOUGHT FOE WAS DONE WITH PW!", well, I only came to make this one post to correct your one-track thinking. "OMG EOP ARE HERE FOE MUST HAVE CALLED THEM! THERE'S NO POSSIBLE WAY THEY COULD BE HERE ON THEIR OWN!" Lol...News flash guys, Eop don't care for your clan much, so I don't blame them for wanting to come kill you off.
So EOP is allowed to come in your capes and attack us while you guys tell each other not to attack them cause they dislike MM but HF can't come in their own capes and attack you? HF hates FOE's guts and it's not our fault. You guys hit them and flamed them constantly in 08 then when they started pulling more and becoming a better clan than you they decided it was time to get their revenge and I guess they feel that it hasn't ended yet. Not to mention every single person in black d'hide body you guys see in the wild you instantly claim they are HF and attacking you and called by MM. You really need to back off of that argument and think of something better lol.
It all sounds rather hypocritical to me.
nice sig bro
Gf Foeop
nice sig bro
Gf Foeop
nice sig bro
Gf Foeop