Today Fatality had a pull of 60, and had an action packed Saturday. We'd like to thank all clans who gave us fights, and wish them the best of luck tomorrow.
We began our trip by scouting a clan at Chaos Altar, but as we were walking through hills towards CA we were rushed from the south by EoP. We took position on the north hill, and began to fight them. The fight eventually moved to the Sperm Hill, and both clans called multiple movements to different sides of the hill. A couple minutes into the fight we heard that MM were rushing, and both EoP, and Fatality left the battlefield.
Fatality Starting: 60
We then got word that Zenith, and IR were south of hills fighting in the Ghost Hut. We quickly rushed clearing both clans. After both clans were cleared we got word that EoP were on top of Sperm Hill. We quickly decided to rush, and give them another fight. The fight went on for a couple minutes, but due to us being out numbered, EoP came away with a good win. Good job guys.
Fatality Starting: 60 when we rushed Zenith/IR, and around 55 when we rushed EoP
We then set up a run in with TLP after hearing they had similar opts to us. We defended south of gap, and awaited their rush. They rushed from the south, and the fight took place on the hill closest to the gap. Both clans called movements from the hills south of gap to through the gap by the rocks depending on who controlled the battlefield at the time. The fight went back, and forth for quite a while making the fight last a good amount of time with both clans having constant returners. Eventually, however, TLP began to take control of the fight, and we heard VR crashed. Fatality then got a regroup at mossies, and gave our returners enough time to get back. We then rushed east, and cleared the 10ish mains of VR still standing by dwarfs getting plenty of main loot. Thank you for the fight TLP, respect to you guys.
Fatality Starting: 55
We then scouted Zenith at old BH bank, and quickly got ready to hop, and hit them. We hopped on top of BH bank to find Zenith vs IR, and we began to push both clans south. We then noticed that Foe was there, and we immediately took position on the north side of BH bank. We began to take over the area, and Foe started to move south towards the stairs. We quickly pushed south, and took control of the battlefield. We then noticed TLP rushing from the south immediately up the stairs into us. We began to fight them, but were low on opts after fighting Foe. Shortly after TLP's rush, EoP came from the south as well. Fatality then called a regroup at Edgeville. Thanks for the fight Foe, we had a ton of fun during this fight.
Fatality Starting: 52
Thanks for the fights everyone!