Today we headed out with a peak pull of 49, and had some fun fights. Thanks for the fights everyone.
We scouted WAR by new gate and quickly rushed, and cleared them. As we were clearing WAR we got word that IR was rushing from the south. We quickly rushed south, and began pushing them west to GDZ. Thanks to both clans for the fight.
Fatality Starting: 45
WAR Starting: Estimated 15 (WAR ranks will not confirm)
Intense Redemption Starting: 28 (confirmed on their topic)
Fatality Ending: 35-40
WAR Ending: 0 on the battlefield after we began fighting IR
IR Ending: 0 on the battlefield
We asked Zenith for a run in, and they declined. Luckily Ninos logged in on top of them by his lonesome, and died giving us the location just south of the gap. We quickly rushed in clearing them. Ninos successfully suicide bombed you.
Fatality Starting: 45
Zenith Starting: 15 confirmed by Lawson
Fatality Ending: 45
Zenith Ending: 0
Originally we were talking with Outrage trying to set up a run in. We defended south of gap, and awaited their rush. We were instead rushed by EoP on the north side of the gap. The fight went on for a couple minutes, and appeared even opts wise until TLP rushed from the south sandwiching us. We then called a movement east, and found Outrage prepared to help us with the crashers. We then rushed back west clearing all in sight in the cluster up until we got word that Foe was rushing the battlefield. Thanks for the fight EoP, and respect to Outrage.
Fatality Starting: 40ish
EoP Starting: 35-40 confirmed by Tayyab
Fatality Ending: 25 east after clearing the crashers
EoP Ending: Even with Fatality up until the crash
After the EoP fight we went back to our original plan to fight Outrage, and they defended at dwarfs. We rushed from the north, and began to fight. The fight went on for a good 5 minutes or longer, but we ended up out returning them, and taking the win. Thanks for the fight Outrage, I look forward to more.
Fatality Starting: 38
Outrage Starting: 37
Fatality Ending: 20ish
Outrage Ending: 0 on the battlefield