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Everything posted by Frewin

  1. Lovely mate, now all you have to do is learn to pk and you're halfway there ;) Nah jk, see you at Chilliz :)
  2. Frewin


    [img=http://i55.tinypic.com/11l0vi0.png] Here's a quickie.
  3. Frewin


    I'll have a go after i've had my dinner :) ~ Frewin.
  4. Looks to be a failure. 3 Days down, 1 level gained. Bad times...
  5. I have 70 farming right now, and i've got to say it's a lovely skill to have. The money is constant so there's not much need to worry about supply/demand, and it's not one were you have to stick at it 24/7. Other skills you could try, fishing, mining gold (the ores sell as people seem to be alching gold amulets now :S ), hunter at 63+, or stick with the runecrafting. Once you hit high enough, it's a brilliant money maker. ~ Frewin
  6. Nice thread, congratulations on your wins. ~ Frewin
  7. + Global Moderator Anthoni (Promoted from Moderator.) BAHAHA ;) This made me laugh. Naw, only joking, well deserved promotions in the most part. Good luck to all on their Trial moderation :) Oh and for those whining about Member Number, i'm 132 and haven't got it, and have been here since the begining as a helping hand moderating/supplying stuff for website. It's not about that past really, just mature members who are active and post consistantly contributional posts. ~ Frewin.
  8. Frewin

    The Teams

    The teams are alot fairer now the switch has been made. If anyone has complaints at this then theyre going against the purpose of this war, to have fun. These people just want free kills and for it to be less of a challenge. This way, things will heat up and it will be a bigger, better war for all participants. ~ Frewin.
  9. Haha, way to go CPR - Look like a very good p2p warring clan imo.
  10. Haha HL for best remix's. Good job Keith :P
  11. Hey man! I'm really good thankyou :) Just started Scaping again. RSN: Leavez - if you wanna add me feel free :)

    How're you?

  12. Don't forget to mention: - New sword which hits like 600-700 without fail every spec. (*Last update*) - Prices of climbing boots went to 50k+ - Every quest that pure's would love to do, require defence. - Rocktails - Loads of main boosting quests. - Many more things...
  13. That and its special is not just magic, but magic/melee. You cannot pray against the spec as far as I know because it will hit the other. Praymelee and hits mage. Praymage and hits melee. 10 defence, will pures risk the chance of it being nerfed, and get defence to use this sword? Most likely. ~ Frewin.
  14. This topic needs closing. I have just pm'ed you Karl if you havn't already seen this post.
  15. Frewin

    f**kn pc

    I'm going to answer your questions // give you a reasoning as to why, as Karl isn't on right now. The Clan section is hidden as to persuade more of the Guests who view our forums to join. We usually have around 50-70 members logged in and over 100 guests viewing our forums, and with this update, the number of guests who come here will slowly register on the forums, helping to create a bigger, and fuller community, not to mention keep the clan section alive. When guests view the part of the forum, they cannot post, meaning even if they did have an input, it was not possible for them to voice it. This way, everyone viewing the section has their opportunity to comment. And as to your second section, alot of pures and mains still pk in Classic as it's not full with ridiculous updates as is RS2 and we, myself included, prefer to have the option to talk about it. What's wrong with us having one forum amongst the countless others? Hell, there's a forum for people to talk nonsense, atleast this has a point to it. Hope this helps. ~ Frewin
  16. Fun quest - I enjoyed it.
  17. Well, here's my two cents. I'm a none-scaper really, don't play much at all anymore. Once a month to check my accounts is all that I do, so perhaps times have changed since Pure Warfare was born. As one who has been around the community for a long time, being a Moderator here at PW at its birth, watching, helping it grow and expand, and also a GFX Admin for Pure Community almost 3 years ago now, i cannot see how this could possibly work. Pure Warfare split from Pure Community at the start to avoid the people, the ignorance, and the general ill-runnings of that forum alltogether. Now, as I said, times may well have changed, but the staff from PC have let their forum die, and have let a rival forum overthrow them in what in the scale of things, was a reasonably short amount of time. PC could have pulled back the members from PW had they acted, but they didn't. I don't see how inviting these people who didn't work for their own forum, into ours, will help in anyway at all. Yes, the member base will be higher, but all the things people came here to escape from will now slowly seep back into existance on these boards. It won't be long before another board is created as users will become sick of it again. On the brighter side of things, I guess the new member base opens up many possibilites. New skills have been brought across from PC and this should help with the runnings of things. I'll just take a back seat for now, watching. It's not my place to say either way. I just hope you considered this when making this decision, and remain in control of your own forum while you still hold the power here. ~ Frewin
  18. My old pure (Xingington) - was one of the first op's in #Enterprise back when it was good... Also - computer clock was way out when this pick was taken XD 06 06 2000. lol.
  19. Combat 44 and idk, they closed a while back.
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