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Everything posted by Frewin

  1. Frewin Video Three Accounts; 2 s 3 c k 0 Borndevil07 Ronaldhino55 Xingington P C Mah H P Soilwork8686 Link [HD] Hope you enjoyed. ~AleXx www.Scourge-RS.com
  2. Go F2P and make another 100m. Obviously.
  3. Hey Pink. If you already haven't found a clan to join, Scourge is one possibility. Although we're somewhat low leveled in our requirements, our average combat is in the 60s. You would most probably be one of the highest in the clan, myself being combat 70, and I Punic I being 71. However, our requirements are being raised after next sunday, after our full out with FD. We're trying to boost our member's average combat and levels now we have the foundation of a great clan. If you'd like to know anymore, our URL is www.Scourge-RS.com You could also contact us in our IRC - #Scourge Furthermoe, my ingame name is Rewnskepe, feel free to pm me. ~ AleXx - Scourge
  4. We've warred FD once in a 6v6 before. Beat em 3-0 w/ 4/5 people remaining each round, outleveled by about 10. In my opinion it will depend on the pull of each clan, and the attitude on the day of the attendees. It'll be close whatever the weather. Vote's are close too ;o
  5. Thanks Shroom. Appreciate your comment. I quoted what you wrote, that is reading. I am neither listening to anything verbally nor am I taking any notice of your "constructive" (yeah.) criticism.
  6. Don't worry Ant, no-one listens to him anyway. And thanks.
  7. Watch the vids chain. At even opts, organisation is the key to winning a war. Unless their are a bunch of maxed 30 def pkers vs a bunch of lvl 30 pures. And, yeah. OB beat you I recall, we'll recruit if you get organised.
  8. I would hardly call FOE impressive either.
  9. Why not. We're 3 weeks old and winning alot of miniwars. We're currently on a 5-0 win streak... We've lost about 4-5 out of 25-30.
  10. www.Scourge-RS.com#Scourge We at Scourge have been busy over the past 3 weeks. We've held strong, maintaining our ever prevailing mind-set that is organisation beats all. In this post we present to you just what this frame of mind can do, even when outnumbered, or highly outleveled. Below are just a few of these miniwars we have won since opening, enjoy. Firstly I bring you one of our favourite rivals to war against. MP are always challenging, wins going back and forth, day in, day out. This is probably the most fun, but competitive of all our opponents and are looking forward to more future battles. Next is Zenith. The war below shows Scourge beating Zenith 2-0, allthough the final result was a 3-0 sweep. We were slightly outlevelled in this 8v8, the majority of S being in the 50s, while 5 out the 8 Zenith being mid-high level 60s. Violent Demise is not a clan we see eye to eye with, as you'll probably see in the video. Their constant high levels and bickering do get on our nerves so we tend to avoid them. But when we do war them...well, watch what happens to their level 80's and Adamant Pures. The below is a miniwar with a clan which sadly is no longer open. This war I put up not to show you "awesome organisation" or "winning outleveled". This was personally my favourite video to watch and shows S keeping their cool, in an amazingly tight war, winning 1v2 in two of the three rounds. This is the second latest addition to our victories. A 3-0 win over Chivalry, and winning with 5 people left in two of the rounds is not something that comes round often. We're very proud of this war and hope you see the significance this holds. Sorry video's not on youtube, it wouldn't work. Round 1 - Def - Zshare Stream Round 2 - Atk - Zshare Stream. Round 3 - PkRi - Zshare Stream The newest video I bring to you is Scourge versus Carpe Diem. Another 3-0 sweep and our highest levels pulled to a mini ever. This is one of our first of many victories to come over Cr, and we were well pleased to come out on top. Thanks for reading and watching our current progress. Hope you enjoyed. ~ AleXx and Mike ~ www.Scourge-RS.com #Scourge
  11. FREWIN Video TWO Hey this is the second compilation PK Vid from me. Frewin Vid 2 has some insane combos and some really good KOs. The latter part of the vid is my Zerker, Soilwork8686 - and makes use of the Morrigans Javelins and Axes, along with Tzhaar Rings and Cbow/Dbolt combo. All in all it's a fast paced video which I hope you'll enjoy :) Accounts in the video: Xingington P C Mah H P K0 W N A G E Soilwork8686 Here's a link to the video on YOUTUBE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUzr2f0dFs0 Enjoy! ~ Frewin
  12. XinGinGtoN Welcome to my latest PK Video! I'm going to keep this topic short and sweet. Here's my stats: Here's a link to the video on YOUTUBE Enjoy! ~ Frewin
  13. F R E W I N PK VID ONE This here be my first "Frewin" pk vid. It's a tad short due to me just wanting to use up the last of my old clips, and training my new account since Dem Chickenz got hacked for MM reward defence -.- The videos I make from now on will feature many of my vast collection of accounts. The first vid is a couple of BH previewy type clips, from V Alive V, of what to expect in my future vids, and then contains the last of my unused PVP clips from Dem Chickenz and P C Mah H P. A SUBSCRIPTION OR A RATING OR A COMMENT WOULD BE LURVLY =] Here's the Youtube Link: H I G H - D E F I N I T I ON Thanks for watching, ~ Frewin
  14. Info Hello reader =] This is my second video on this account, P_C_Mah_H_P, out of many more videos to come. This Video was edited by myself in Sony Vegas 8.0 / After Effects CS4 / Windows Movie Maker - It's my first edit so please tell me areas to improve in! Below are a few things I do and don't while pking. ~ Do ~ - I DO run when out of food. Hell, i'm not dieing for no reason. - I DO try to skull whenever i'm pking. It's only fair. - I DO "safe" according to some people. I see it as staying alive to be honest. - I DO risk ALOT more than normal obby maulers, see equipment section later. ~ Don'ts ~ - I DON'T PJ others. - I DON'T carry any sort of teleport. - I DON'T (or try not to) talk while pking (saying things like "nerd", "safer" Etc gets annoying in videos). - I DON'T "team" in Varrock. Equipment My standard equipment cost is around 2.6m loss when skulled. Gladly I haven't died yet, so I don't mind risking that much. It containts the following items: Berserker Necklace - Berserker Ring - Regen Bracelet - Obsidian Cape - Tzhaar-Ket-Om (Obby Maul) - Iron Helm/Plate/Legs - Iron Dagger P++ - Sacred Clay Staff The Video Combat 33-35 1 Attack 63-65 Strength 1 Defence 52-54 Hitpoints >> S U B S C R I B E << CLICK >> << CLICK>> C O M M E N T << Please post your comments and views on my video! ~ Frewin ~
  15. My stats as of the end of this video are: The video IS in HD and is very good detail if you let it load, I really don't suggest watching it in low detail as the quality is just terrible. The max hit I can hit right now is 17 with Staff, 11 with Dagger, and 26 with Maul. The link is below: P C MaH H P - VIDEO ONE Thanks for watching, make sure you SUBSRIBE - RATE - COMMENT. Oh and you can find me in:
  16. D e M C h i c k e n Z B H - / - P V P - V I D E O - 1 I N F O - P2P BH - Do Pray vs BROWN skullers. Will Farcast on need (mage for a reason mate) Edited in APE4.0 - F2P PVP - Do NOT pray Will ASK for fights Fight MAINLY higher level opponents Edited in WMM (New Laptop, no APE4.0) S T A T S L I N K S F I L E F R O N T http://files.filefront.com/Dem+Chickenz+Vi...;/fileinfo.html Y O U T U B E http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=gqZxnlncomY (Have not used imbed video as I would like you to rate/comment/subscribe on the video aswell :D) T H A N K S Thanks for reading<3 Leave a comment. Rate the video. SUBSCRIBE! Your friendly neighbourhood pker, ~ Frewin|Dem Chickenz
  17. Yes, I'm back! Another low level crater PK vid under my belt, my final PK video as a pure. Welcome to "Back for the Bounty" by U C M Y Pure. This PK vid contains BH footage from the single (new) BH - all filmed in the lower crater. It was edited by a close friend of mine; -- K0_W_N_A_G_E -- (Winner of GOTM #2 - Bandit Guide For Pures) Some stuff about me and my pking. I DO attack my target if they are stupid enough to stay. I DO carry on attacking my target if they get pjed. I DO kill alot more than I die. I DO get out with all the kills on this video. This is my FINAL pk vid as a pure. From now on I will be releasing PK videos on my main account: Xasero. HOPE YOU ENJOY! THANKS TO: K0_W_N_A_G_E -- AMAZING Editor! YOU GUYS -- Thanks for watching! ClimaX -- Great Clan! Well, thanks for watching, leave a comment! ~ Frewin
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