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Everything posted by Ori

  1. Oh and DP isnt going to stand here and dance for you, we don't have too. I wanna see both of you on saturday in wilderness at reasonable sort of time.
  2. FI and EOP arent 4rd and 5th? FI pks 2hrs later than everyone else. EOP pulls big starting opts but drops 25-40% an hour in.
  3. I have 1 prayer. P2P with my clan is about as cost effective as training with purple sweets. A 200k invent of pots, rocktails, phoneix necklaces etc goes in about 20 seconds for me. If i get a chance to consume any of it that is. F2P is just abit more forgiving.
  4. It wasnt DP if thats what you mean. Sean doesn't even know how to hack. Anyway GL. Hope you unhack it.
  5. Nice accounting shares :whistling:
  6. Pures needed. Long hours of following and returning. Pixels at a constant risk. Sucessful trips doubtful. Clan honour dubious. In case of success small chance of fame and fortune. Bump
  7. IM p2p atm. Same as most ppl in DP
  8. What Sean said. Decision is: - Rejoin IR. - Or Join EoP/BandWagonClan(BWG)/E and be touched up for abit. Then rejoin IR after you've felt what its like to be in another clan. - Or just join MM :rolleyes:
  9. Thanks, Well we know Foe are going through a PR nightmare. On f2p they are outgunned by E. In P2P its MM hitting the wall. But what goes up must come down. And its all swings and roundabout for TLP and Foe atm. Silver bullets for FOE to get back up? Train agility pures maybe. But quick spams on BH worlds buying out range pots shows how MM can dominate the economy. I recall on sunday Marc was flooding range pots to us through GE, only to lose them to MM. Pures were in a frenzy. DP officers were in a frenzy chasing irate herb-mixers into cook's guild. Mains logged on site. Most went without pots that day... Maybe FOE, same as dp, needs to learn to make its own pots and not worry about its ranking. But Like i said before, its tought for us in this environment.
  10. DP doesn't run from fights we just are on the way to arranged run-ins and get crashed. Currently DP are number #5 overall. Some says we are actually 3rd/4th but nvm that for now. This puts MM, FOE, TLP and E above us. But tho too EOP, FI, CP below us. So okay if your clans having a good day (Like CP were doing last month(in F2P), and EOP are doing now, and TLP did yesterday in P2P) you chase down DP with your rune scimmys expecting to fight us, which we do alot sometimes. But sometimes its crashed(maybe you even plan this, IDK- cant say), and youll moan 'n whine and claim its unfair, but wakeup! If unless you gain an advantage and win then youll claim your better than DP and spam up this post (funny how CP have gone silent recently). aND ILL SAY IT AGAIN Idc how many yews you can have to cut, to make money for vambs, we arent gonna fight you -10/20s, If its just to refund your sets you lost to MM because you dont know how to wield a water staff. Hello? its one click. Ppl say yo this bro dat but god forbid we actually claim to be where we are. #5 this is where we sit. We are better than TLP at f2p and better than E at P2P, they are still 3/4th(+/-). So: 5th Destructive Pures 4th Fatality 3rd Final Ownage Elite/TLP 2nd Epidemic 1st MM I want this to sound okay so: GL to EOP and CP pushing into the top 5, still some work tho. Thxs lol x
  11. Basically, Who writes the best clan lists.
  12. At about 7 I was pking and MM attacked us in single with ice blitz lols, and dp ran off into Multi. (We was gonna fight iR). Anyway, im good with range but not so good for binds lol, so cutting 2 the chase I fire a warning spec at MM member(18+17). I get one Off. But there were two so i have to eat, as I pop a lemon-shark-lime combo Sean is spamming W127, W127, W127 (NHz). I heal to 50 combat and run south Im get hit repeatidle with arows and ice magicks(from angry Pkrs lol). So I turn and fight. They eat but I die in two hits. Sharks(+limes) saves me some cash but not much. Still DP makes it too seventh lol. Think E/FI is gonna catch DP in this kinda environment? Dream on E, Dream on Fi... Your banks cant hold the weight.
  13. Wat r these commets mean lol x
  14. Based on last few weeks of p2p: Foe / MM TLP C DP E - Getting better in P2P but not as good as above yet - ( Not too sure on below. ) Hoping DP get some action this trip. :D
  15. Today's Predictions: The 'big' three. - MM/E/Foe - Not too sure on any of the activities of these clans. Upper Mid Lvl Clans - DP / Eop / CP / Fi / TLP - DP I believe go in as the "clan to beat" with one eye on those above and one on those below, but it would only take abit of organisation and a good pull from any of these clans to cause a challenge to DP and the rest. As a DP member, I feel Cp and particularly EoP could cause us trouble with a big pull. While Fi and TLP seem the sleeping giants, but maybe they'll cause an upset. Mid to lower - DV / IR / Malice / TGG- Hope to see you guys out and about. Ive noticed DV doesnt mind getting there hands dirty, but this make things more interesting :D Sorry if I missed anyone. GL to everyone. (Updated for Ray)
  16. DP - I dont think CP could pull 65 to be completly honest. CP vs FI - f2p PKRI
  17. My first clan :D Taught me lots. Well, GL to all ex-vo. Ill see you on the battlefield!
  18. Hey Maya. Join DP. A few ex-vo here, you'll proably know. :) If your more interested in p2p then joining DP is the right move. Although E are proabaly what you should be looking for if you want f2p pk trips with 90+ people. DP's pulls are around 60+ atm. Some of VO joined EOP, so if neither DP or E takes your fancy EOP doesnt seem like a good choice.
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