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Xx K4rils xX

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Everything posted by Xx K4rils xX

  1. :banana: "*reads Xx K4rils xX Purewarefare account clan name: I got a job*" Lol.
  2. Exactly what i mean. Shouldnt have to.. Why not? Its been like that since the old wild forever and they just randomly take it out. Lame
  3. Yea, Thats what i said people forgot the old pking videos. Its easier to hit on a torso/defender/penace helm. Than a rune kite/rune pl8. And yea i figured ide post this here so i can get more suppourters...
  4. Isnt easy but isnt impossible if you know what you are doing. Remember torso/rune defender is less def bonuses than rune kite/rune top And kyle. It would be nice to use firecape/Zammy book at 1 defence lol.
  5. Mmg + Mark are gona be reading this thread http://services.runescape.com/m=forum/l=0/...14,736,60165912 If you didnt notice jagex does some pretty big changes to the game without saying so like they usually do and they have it in this one thread i was reading it. They have ( * ALOT * ) of good changes to BH/PVP from feedback from the forums. http://services.runescape.com/m=forum/l=0/...14,604,58266335 They do read the posts we make on the forums, but i figure they have to come up by alot of people or be a very popular subject.. To be noticed or even be changed.. So thats why im posting here. This forums has alot of PURES. Which i am one. I only made this pure to PK. I liked 20 defence ALOT in the old wild. I pked a shitload of whips on my friends maxed melle initiate pure in the old wild. But now, Being 20 defence isnt so worth it unless you can afford alot of sets of PVP armour which many/me Dont. And its not even worth it... Cashwise. Since the 1st day of runescape, and days to come you could use edgeville teleport thru glory to get to edgeville run back and pick up your nontradeable items... (firecape/defender/skillcape/zammy book) The removal of the wilderness ended this. It should be brought back. Initiate pures/Runepures/1-19 defence pures arent as powerfull as they should be which means you dont see many of them as you did in the old wild which is sad.. Admit it. After the changes of pking the average initiate pures gear is this. (im on limit so i borrowed a whip) In the old days it used to be this. Or this (skillcape) Notice the attack/strength/prayer bonuses on the old/new gear. I know you can use skillcapes, but its annoying to pay 99k to get it back, I mean in the old wild you just run back and pick it up... This is what made 20 defence great.. The combination of attack/strength/prayer bonuses to take down mains/tanks/runepures with high defence. Now.. Yea i know someone is gona make this argument.. " just get mith defenders" And use a skillcape. Well **** that. Its so EASY to loose mith defenders and gets annoying as hell getting them back. THINK OF THE PROCESS. Same **** for 1 defence/ ECT. Zammarok books/skillcapes/anchors ( I THINK? DUNNO) Im pretty sure it gets annoying as **** to camelot tele all the way to the tower to get the book. It would be nice to use the book that actually costs 1m+ to put together. MIGHT ASWELL MAKE GOOD USE OF IT. I know alot of runepures/tanks hang on this website so.. torsos... Firecapes.. defenders.. Runepures i know you miss nearly max strength bonus pking : / Just mention to bringback this sort of pking.. Maybe we can talk to the dude that buy PVP ITEMS (STATUTES/ECT) To get nontradeable items back. This is how it was in the old wild why not now? Honestly i think if we get alot of replys on the topic posted something will happen. Its worth a try. It looks like they only really only respond to requests made by a large ammount of people.. If you have no idea what to post COPY AND PASTE THIS. Or if you know what to do. Go for it. This question is to MMG. I will get straight to the point while trying to give you backround on why i am posting this with thousands of suppourters since 2007. Will jagex have any plays on returning nontradeable pking without loosing the nontradeable items PERMANANTLY? As it was this way since the 1st day of when Runescape ( * 2 * ) Was released. And on the events of removal of the old wilderness in 2007 You could no longer Use nontradeable items to pk without loosing it permanantly. It would be respectivly awsome if you could Awnser us as thousands have made topics since 2007 about THIS subject. We NEED a straight awsner. In the old wilderness you could kill players at EDGEVILLE with a firecape/Defender/Skillcape/Fighter torso/Penace helm. Get my idea? ( Nontradeable pking items ) Since the removal of the old pking wilderness in 2007 ( Full loot pking ) You could no longer return to the area where you died to pick up your ( NONTRADEABLE ITEMS) Because of bounty hunter. HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people did this. We want it returned will you? Maybe we can talk to mandrith to get our nontradeble items back? Maybe for a price? Or Free? Thats how it was in old wilderness ( 2007 ( - ). Why not now?
  6. ownage. i dont think no 20 def vid can top that now l0ol nice mang 5/5
  7. That was the day of the lame ass ************* update where you lagged like a ***** cause they updated something and everyone lagged bad.. well i lagged and lost him someone had to take then i got on lo0l
  8. crashed/failed 2nd time fi vrs dp. crashed us 1st time failed 2nd attempt last sunday so dont talk. atleast ours was accident.. your crash was intentional
  9. Why do you complain on crashing when you guys crashed our fight vrs dp p2p sunday TWICE last week. 1st time it was us, 2nd (TRY) DP who we were fighting, Then had enough time to log before you could mess up our planned run in with them so we can try to fight them without you guys ******* IT UP, a 3RD time.
  10. yea gj guys foe crashed our fight vrs DP twice aswell
  11. Old wildy was better... thats when 20 defence had a purpose now its **** cant use defenders/firecapes w/o loosing perm
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