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Everything posted by Pur3_Kide

  1. TLP, I got a feeling they will go big once wilderness is re-introduced :)
  2. Not mine :blush: I don't use the section to brag, I simple use it to recruit in order to help out my clan. Not every clan has 18k youtube subscribers that gives them countless amount of applications. FLAMED! But seriously though, FOE and MM are well known clans every pure knows about em. While clans such as CP, Z, CH... got to recruit manually and the Clan Searching helps CP get few recruits every month. So I do like it to stay as it is.
  3. pl0x = please? You kidding me...
  4. I got no clue what it means... It take the same amount of time to type please as typing pl0x, so you got to be retarded to say pl0x. One reason could be that this kids are trying to save face and to type please is some what girly? idk..
  5. I'm fine, just doing some dungeoneering on my turmoil zerk. Welcome back :)
  6. Voted yes. Basically the only thing Fagex can't take away from us :D
  7. If it had the same atmosphere and all I'd consider it. Problem is it won't reopen as I don't got time nor wish to have all the stress it brings being a leader. Also I'm not 16 year old no more :(
  8. You got something good going on that account, keep it rollin' mate I'd check #negative seem like a new upcoming clan and when jagex brings back wilderness, it will be much fun to be in lpc ;)
  9. Corrupt Pures. We're the most active F2p clan out there, we have a minimum of 5 preparation wars during the week and about 5 mini-wars a day. IF any clan is out pking in F2p during the week you can count on CP to be out looking for them. Example could be last Sunday as we hear EoP had a small fun pk trip, we quickly massed up and had some intense fights for a good 2 hours. Top of all this we go out and bs massers when no clan wants to either mini-war or prep us. As I said we're the most active F2p clan around. Corrupt Pures provides an active forum with an average of 40 users being online the forum for the most part of the day. Our community makes any new member feel welcome and honestly I feel the same way as YOU about the community, it got to be respectful, fun and welcoming. Well Corrupt Pures community is exactly that and much more, its unique and I'd like you to check it out. Furthermore we have a few communities inside our community, such as pro tank unit called CP Bricksquad and Jump. Honesly its easy as hell to make friends within Corrupt Pures and I'd introduce you myself [CP]Pur3_kide if you want or just post an introduction on our forum. We're currently working on our matched options ability and during the last 2 weeks we have beat TLP, Fi, MM and Zenith in matched opts. BUT we still feel that we haven't proved ourselves and I'm positive that YOUR warring experience will help us reach #1 matched opts in F2p. Last but not least comes our Saturday pk trips, I have been part of Corrupt Pures for a good 6 month and I haven't experienced a bad pk trip. We have gone from being #6 to being in the top 3 when it comes to Saturday trips. We're hitting a new peak in Corrupt Pures history and I'd like you to be part of our success story. We're a tight group of 50 dedicated members that made it big and I do like you to be part of this group, all it takes it to be dedicated, active and helpful. By reading your thread that is exactly what you're offering to the lucky clan you join. Yo' This isn't some pre-typed shít so I'd like you to read it, after all you want to hear what we have to offer right? Good luck finding your new home, we would be more than happy to have you in Corrupt Pures :blush: IRC: #Clan-CP | Forum | Member list
  10. Not sure if you meet MM or TLP requirements but you should check both of them out :D
  11. No no no, thank you T0xine! For making this thread!
  12. You not clanless! You in Carnage :D Looks good so far ;)
  13. Noes, Peter got a sexy pedo voice :blush:
  14. Wasn't at the fights with EoP, but those prep were damn close. Great job guys and thanks for prep :D
  15. Being part of Chaotic you might have a wrong picture of Corrupt Pures? Just a guess. I'd like you to try out Corrupt Pures as we're more chilled than most clans, top of this comes the fact that we're the most active F2p clan around. This being said we do P2p events and since we have reached tons of our goals in F2p we're getting more into P2p server now. Next week we have about 2 P2p preps and countless F2p planned, so overall we're moving from 90% F2p with 10% P2p and heading towards 30% P2p with 70% F2p. I got a feeling you'll be a great assist in Corrupt Pures and honestly you'll fúcking love it in Corrupt Pures. All our Pk trips are enjoyable and we have a unique community that actually have several communities in itself, such as CP BrickSquad and CP Jump (lol). Also we have tons of sexy members and such a open/welcoming community. Give us a chance and we'll surprise you positively. Please keep Corrupt Pures in mind and use your freedom as a clanless pure to check us out. This isn't some pre-typed shít, so hope you took time to read and consider Corrupt Pures. Looking forward to see your introduction! However, if you're looking for something else I wish you best of luck :D
  16. Check out Corrupt Pures, we're the most active F2p clan with solid amount of P2p as well. We're currently #1 F2p Pking Clan on Saturdays and we have some pretty sexy members in Corrupt Pures. You should consider joining Corrupt Pures as we'll full-fill your hunger for action and anything else. IRC: #Clan-CP - Forum: http://corruptpures.invisionzone.com/index.php? Good luck :D
  17. Gd video but that wasn't RS at all.
  18. `Pure makes Taylor Swift look bad, cause you beauty kills here. /Joke Nice pics dotfire :D
  19. Quality could been better, not bad though :)
  20. One question.... How did you come up with the image of 'Mace' or w.e :o Also put some Mace on this Happy Birthday (recording to forums) :D
  21. Boomer killed this topic those fancy pictures made me laugh :D
  22. Guess Mace didn't invite you to his exclusive x-mas party. `Pure is a sex bomb, I'd tab that :blush:
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