Corrupt Pures.
We're the most active F2p clan out there, we have a minimum of 5 preparation wars during the week and about 5 mini-wars a day. IF any clan is out pking in F2p during the week you can count on CP to be out looking for them. Example could be last Sunday as we hear EoP had a small fun pk trip, we quickly massed up and had some intense fights for a good 2 hours. Top of all this we go out and bs massers when no clan wants to either mini-war or prep us. As I said we're the most active F2p clan around.
Corrupt Pures provides an active forum with an average of 40 users being online the forum for the most part of the day. Our community makes any new member feel welcome and honestly I feel the same way as YOU about the community, it got to be respectful, fun and welcoming. Well Corrupt Pures community is exactly that and much more, its unique and I'd like you to check it out. Furthermore we have a few communities inside our community, such as pro tank unit called CP Bricksquad and Jump. Honesly its easy as hell to make friends within Corrupt Pures and I'd introduce you myself [CP]Pur3_kide if you want or just post an introduction on our forum.
We're currently working on our matched options ability and during the last 2 weeks we have beat TLP, Fi, MM and Zenith in matched opts. BUT we still feel that we haven't proved ourselves and I'm positive that YOUR warring experience will help us reach #1 matched opts in F2p.
Last but not least comes our Saturday pk trips, I have been part of Corrupt Pures for a good 6 month and I haven't experienced a bad pk trip. We have gone from being #6 to being in the top 3 when it comes to Saturday trips. We're hitting a new peak in Corrupt Pures history and I'd like you to be part of our success story. We're a tight group of 50 dedicated members that made it big and I do like you to be part of this group, all it takes it to be dedicated, active and helpful. By reading your thread that is exactly what you're offering to the lucky clan you join.
This isn't some pre-typed shít so I'd like you to read it, after all you want to hear what we have to offer right?
Good luck finding your new home, we would be more than happy to have you in Corrupt Pures :blush:
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