We have never teamed with zenith. No need i mean ask your spies about our pulls lately.....
Again, why must you involve Cp in everything...
Give up Peter, this guy is obviously brainwashed or mental since he manage to connect CP to EVERYTHING EoP does, haha. All of suddenly EoP focus on Zenith instead of CP on their trips and flame CP when they don't have events. Am I the only one failing to see EoP logic? I mean at least try to beat CP whatever if its in F2p or P2p to gain some sort of credit to call us losers and flame us.
If you focus on Zenith, then quit talking shít towards CP when you don't back it up with action.
In case SUW00P is the only EoP rank saying Zenith is EoP's main target. Then please accept my apologize since SUW00P miss guided me, but if its true. All I can say is quit your bítch talk towards CP with no action.
Hard to get a fight with just CP when you're escorted around the wild by 53 invites :laugh:
Why quote me when your post isn't relevant to my actually post. If you failed to read it's about YOU connecting CP to everything EoP does. There is no noteworthy relationship between CP and this thread at all, yet you manage to link CP into this thread. Furthermore it contains 'beat CP whatever its F2p or P2p' in addition to your publicity stunt towards Zenith.
I don't care about Zenith, but I find it funny how you're able to put CP into 75% of your post on PW forums.
Once again your post is completely irrelevant to the actually quoted post. If you wish to avoid making a fool out of yourself, quit connecting CP to everything Eop does. Find a new hobby, Jesus Christ.
You said we should at least try and beat you, i said we cannot get fights with you, how are the two not relevant?
If you wish to avoid making a fool out of yourself, stop trying to act more intelligent than you actually are, or even better yet, cease having an argument with someone who is obviously winning.
To win you need to attack back and so far you have just taken one hit after another.