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Everything posted by Pur3_Kide

  1. Its getting intense tbh especially in P2p other than Carnage having a week of I think they will come out on top.
  2. Nice 40 man pull EoP! OT: Good job Ch ;)
  3. Really? we cleared you fully at North bh IR rushed us we cleared IR, we then walk to clan wars and like 20-30 Cp members rush us and we clear you. Go make your own list, Jesus. Christ. We were never cleared, we got quick regroup at NE stairs and re-rush. We pushed IR/Z to clan wars where you were regrouping (not at battlefield) you logged on us while we had about 20 CP in cwars ready to do work. Once again, its my view. Don't agree with it? Go make your own list instead of saying 'its wrong', give me a break for real. `Pure is too powerful :D
  4. Hope you're right, don't like pulling 100ppl. No intense nor close fights.. ending with 80ppl and 70ppl isnt fun.
  5. Really? we cleared you fully at North bh IR rushed us we cleared IR, we then walk to clan wars and like 20-30 Cp members rush us and we clear you. Go make your own list, Jesus. Christ. We were never cleared, we got quick regroup at NE stairs and re-rush. We pushed IR/Z to clan wars where you were regrouping (not at battlefield) you logged on us while we had about 20 CP in cwars ready to do work. Once again, its my view. Don't agree with it? Go make your own list instead of saying 'its wrong', give me a break for real.
  6. hmm, isn't that hard, 100 ml and 30ish apps, like 80-90 from ml and 10-20 from apps :) Not a flame, but I've never seen such activity from cp even with a 100 ml. Before you were pulling 50-60 not 80-90. Guess you'll just have to take our word for it nothing else to do :laugh:
  7. P2p today (my view): 1.) FOE - Crashing/Chasing everything expect MM because of HF apparently 2.) TLP - Out played and out pulled below 3.) MM - Not sure, heard you called HF to back you up 4.) EoP - Pulled low 40, need update to rank you above TLP/MM 5.) Fi - Heard you teamed with CPR and got cleared by TLP as EoP crashed 6.) C - Not sure... need update 7.) CP - Pulled 45, zenith logged on us at Clan wars, although we 'chased' them all the way 8.) Z - Unsure what you pulled and what you did 9.) IR - crashing with 20 people? and getting cleared 10.) dF - Pulled 25 or something, unsure what you did
  8. hmm, isn't that hard, 100 ml and 30ish apps, like 80-90 from ml and 10-20 from apps :) and retired CP members like [Zoom], Jump, Onedd, `Rage, Matty, Qolix, Joe We did it for Magnus :blush:
  9. Was some fun fights, new signature from trip too. Good fights EoP, PX and FOE :)
  10. We just love you that much 0BR :cool: Got 100 kids sitting behind their computer to type out your RuneScape name, Walli mad we didn't do that for him :laugh:
  11. My apologize though you were being sarcastic which is why I used [sarcasm] [/sarcasm]. CP #1 P2p :cool:
  12. Every post by you in the Clan Corner section is about how shít CP as a clan is. Perhaps you should get a new hobby? Also we do go out in P2p however we're F2P based clan. as was epidemic but still managed to beat mm in p2p eh ? You need a new hobby, don't you get tired of flaming CP all the time? Point being...? E pulled tops 50ish ppl to P2p while pulling 100+ to F2p seems like we share the same hobby i flame you reply i flame you reply i flame you reply point being is epidemic contended in p2p even though being a f2p based clan and u guys pull 110 last 2 weeks of f2p and u cant even compete with ch in p2p Since you keep talking about Epidemic... Epidemic compete with MM/FOE in F2p while competing with Dv/IR/C/UT in P2p. How can you tell whatever if Corrupt Pures is capable of competing with Chaotic in P2p? We had a 45 man pull last Sunday and we had a good amount of fights. This pull was more than enough to fight Chaotic, Carnage, Zenith, Intense Redemption and give them some intense fights. Hell, we might even won if we got a fight with them. Wasn't at the trip and no aftermath thread was made since our Saturday aftermath thread reached 21 pages within 10hours. However, you'll be able to find video showing CP doing work in P2p. If we compare our P2p with our F2p we suck balls, we're 80% F2p and 20% P2p. We haven't had the room to improve in P2p and at the moment we need to focus on keeping our pulls high in F2p. So don't expect CP to pull 50ppl in P2p or some fancy ****... you have never fought them, even if you pulled 100 last weeks p2p u didint compete with anyone u were in spider village logging in hitting some fi from the back in tlp vs fi then running then logging with around 30 i'd say ? go make more lpcs and get pkris with low clans on sundays in f2p then rush with cp make a topic about it, im sure your runescape forum members be gud p2pers Your hate towards Corrupt Pures makes hard to understand you.. Thanks for the discussion I'm not going to argue with users that act if they were 12 year old. Peace.
  13. Every post by you in the Clan Corner section is about how shít CP as a clan is. Perhaps you should get a new hobby? Also we do go out in P2p however we're F2P based clan. as was epidemic but still managed to beat mm in p2p eh ? You need a new hobby, don't you get tired of flaming CP all the time? Point being...? E pulled tops 50ish ppl to P2p while pulling 100+ to F2p seems like we share the same hobby i flame you reply i flame you reply i flame you reply point being is epidemic contended in p2p even though being a f2p based clan and u guys pull 110 last 2 weeks of f2p and u cant even compete with ch in p2p Since you keep talking about Epidemic... Epidemic compete with MM/FOE in F2p while competing with Dv/IR/C/UT in P2p. How can you tell whatever if Corrupt Pures is capable of competing with Chaotic in P2p? We had a 45 man pull last Sunday and we had a good amount of fights. This pull was more than enough to fight Chaotic, Carnage, Zenith, Intense Redemption and give them some intense fights. Hell, we might even won if we got a fight with them. Wasn't at the trip and no aftermath thread was made since our Saturday aftermath thread reached 21 pages within 10hours. However, you'll be able to find video showing CP doing work in P2p. If we compare our P2p with our F2p we suck balls, we're 80% F2p and 20% P2p. We haven't had the room to improve in P2p and at the moment we need to focus on keeping our pulls high in F2p. So don't expect CP to pull 50ppl in P2p or some fancy ****... I'd keep discussion with you if you're able to quit acting like a 12year old towards us.
  14. CX didn't merge, they closed. Don't act stupid. Was the funnest trip of my 6 year runescape career. GF EOP and thanks for the fights. Sorry lol, a clan closing into someone, and a clan merging into someone is the same concept, you know what I meant. Either way most of CX is now CP, if not your pulls wouldn't be as high as they are. CX leadership had all intentions to join CP, and get their members to join CP aswell, therefore I think they basically merged into you, but if you wanna say they closed into you, it's the exact same thing really. Either way grats on your trip once again. :happy: I find it funny how EoP ranks were literally licking ass in Cx internet relay chat trying to convince them that EoP was the better clan for them. Now if they had joined EoP you wouldn't of made a big deal out of it as you're doing right now. Don't you get tired of repeating the same old **** every weekend... Was fun trip although EoP had to call mains, ddos'd our ventrilo and hit us on login.
  15. not really we had +30 what could they have done =/ Thats why you did an amazing job, you pulled 100 with 24hr notice. We had sign up for Friday pk trip so we could pull enough to give FOE/MM a fight. However, we got a full-out prep with FOE the day before. We had total of 70 people signed up as 'Yes' and 11 people signed up as 'Maybe' so take as you like. [sarcasm]Thanks for you input Jack-x2yz[/sarcasm]
  16. Every post by you in the Clan Corner section is about how shít CP as a clan is. Perhaps you should get a new hobby? Also we do go out in P2p however we're F2P based clan. as was epidemic but still managed to beat mm in p2p eh ? You need a new hobby, don't you get tired of flaming CP all the time? Point being...? E pulled tops 50ish ppl to P2p while pulling 100+ to F2p
  17. Created my first 'real' pure 2006 and I wish I didn't get involved in pure clanning. Was fun luring kids for rare with mates and pking with 10 tight friends all around the same combat.
  18. Every post by you in the Clan Corner section is about how shít CP as a clan is. Perhaps you should get a new hobby? Also we do go out in P2p however we're F2P based clan.
  19. MM/FOE got crashed by EoP, incase anyone is wondering. Also FOE crashed CP vs. EoP and when for CP although EoP crashed them 20min earlier.. Walli do you hate us? :ohmy: F2P Overall: 1.) FOE 2.) MM 3.) CP 4.) EoP 5.) TLP P2p Overall: 1.) FOE 2.) TLP - cause of TLP matched opts AND pking performance 3.) MM 4.) EoP - couple of wins over MM, let see this weekend boys 5.) Fi P2p Preds: 1.) FOE 2.) TLP/MM 3.) MM/TLP 4.) EoP - could overtake MM/TLP if they pull within +/- 4 5.) Fi/C - Havent seen a fight between u guys
  20. EoP got balls compared to several clans, mad respect for putting up some intense fights. Good job CP :teehee:
  21. F2P: 1.) CP 2.) FOE 3.) EoP 4.) MM 5.) TLP
  22. Jagex ****** up on this one, haha Also Jagex reset whatever skill you bot to 1/5/10 even if you first botting at level 60... This is just first of many reset prods.
  23. Though this thread was about FOE vs. MM run in and not some 1day prep between FOE/CP
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