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Everything posted by Pur3_Kide

  1. I honestly don't get those kids that keeps giving PN attention, if you want PN to keep running fine give them ALL attention. :mellow: Good fun it seemed.
  2. Nice pull Carnage. Well done :happy:
  3. Wise words. Was a lot more fun when you had 5+ clans competing for the same spot. You're lucky to have 2 clans competing for the same spot now.
  4. What sort of team is INC? For you to actually be taken serious, you'll need to be a Pure based team, at least on this fan site. However, congratulations on your victories. Seemed like a good hour of intense Scaping ;).
  5. Good luck Cx and Ex, if accepted. This could be interesting and I'd like to see this go down.
  6. Pur3_Kide


    Hello Alex. You're looking for the same things as I was looking for when I was looking around. I'd like you to consider joining Corrupt Pures for the following reasons: You got some friends in Corrupt Pures and with your personality you'll easily make tons more in Corrupt Pures. What makes me so sure? We have a chilled, relaxed and active community. After being in Devastation with you I know for sure you'll enjoy Corrupt Pures and have no problem finding yourself in our special community. Corrupt Pures can provide you with 3-5 mini-wars a day, several preparation wars a week and bs trips (bs massers) everyday. We're without a doubt one of the most active F2p clans around, if not the most active one. On top of this comes the fact that we don't mute our ventrilo very offend, allowing new members to have an input in our 5 year old clan. You'll feel that you have been part of Corrupt Pures for years before you even know it. Enjoyment, polite, humility and mutual respect is the mentality of Corrupt Pures. This is the key to our special community that I'd like you to become a part of since I personally enjoy it here. We pk for enjoyment with whatever our pull is and we don't care what others think as long we're enjoying our trip. Corrupt Pures leadership is experienced and been around for years, this means they got the tools to make all our trips enjoyable. Honestly I'm yet to complain about a weekend trip, whatever if we pull 40, 50 or 60 we get the best out of it. If you got any question you're welcome to message me ([CP]Pur3_kide -wont be on until friday) or any of my fellow clan mates, they're all helpful and will answer any question you might have. I'd like you to consider joining Corrupt Pures - you'll not regret it.
  7. J-Mod isn't as rare any more, waste of good time they could be spending fixing this game.
  8. As a leader you're to build your OWN clan structure, not build your clan on some other clans structure. All leadership is extremely different and if two clans were to merge, the difference between the two staff would make ANY merge fail. Just my opinion, you don't have to agree with it. Probably all OFF tropic stuff; as for Corrupt Pures, Drunk lead the clan like Hitler doing what he does best and his good at it ;). Edit: Also when a new leader takes over the clan he wants to prove what he can, therefore the a clans structure doesn't always stay the same. Everyone wants to be remembered right?
  9. Thanks, I'll keep doing what I'd best ;). Congratulations all, do work guys.
  10. Kinda obvious when you haven't been a part of it. Since I'm in CP I'd bring back TH, from what I heard CP and TH had a pretty intense rivalry.
  11. Agreed. This only seem to be a problem in P2p where returning goes way faster than F2p IMO.
  12. Without a doubt improving in both servers. Well done TLP :happy:
  13. Nice pull MM & FOE. Seemed pretty fun, well done FOE and MM.
  14. This weekend was a huge cluster and way more crashing then avg Saturday trip tbh. Fun trip as always ;).
  15. Saturday 1.) MM 2.) FOE 3.) EOP 4.) CP/IR 5.) IR/CP 6.) TLP 7.) Fi
  16. Nothing to do with Corrupt Pures, this is a midweek trip and I simple fail to see why he would post it here.
  17. You're clearly mental just click (X) top right corner.
  18. Well, Corrupt Pures is F2p based clan we're constantly trying to improve our game in F2p servers. This mean we focus on F2p for couple of months, and then focus on P2p for couple of weeks. Corrupt Pures is the most active F2p clan around with daily preps, miniwars and Pk trips. If you're looking for a chilled clan/community that doesn't give this game the seriousness that most clan does, try out Corrupt Pures. Don't get me wrong, Corrupt Pures leadership is extremely serious when needed and ALWAYS know what to do in any situation. Corrupt Pures is a special feeling, it's different from all the other clans and it will full-fill your hunger for action. Another thing that might make us different from other clans is that we don't actually care if we're ranked #4, #5 or #8. Our main goals are to enjoy our Pking trips and have a great time, which we have most of the time. Also we're trying to set a good image for ourselves on community forums, we don't whine about one run-in if we lose it. I would like you to experience the chilled atmosphere in Corrupt Pures, try introducing yourself on our boards and attend one of our many events. Best of luck with your decision, hope to see your application for Corrupt Pures :sweat: :miner: :ninja:
  19. Without a doubt Corrupt Pures, we're F2p based and been around for more than 5 years. We have daily F2p event such as bs trip were we bs massers, several preparation a week and about 5 mini-wars a day. Overall we're currently the most active F2p clan and you're not far from our requirements that is 80 strenght. I highly recommend that you make an introduction to Corrupt Pures and train your strenght to 80. Its without a doubt worth training for and waiting for. Personally I have been part of Corrupt Pures for silly 4 months and I simple LOVE it here. When we go out on pk trips our main goal is to make it as enjoyable as we can, we don't give 2 cents about being ranked as #4, #5 or #10. Without lying all Corrupt Pures pk trips are enjoyable and it doesn't stop here. Corrupt Pures community is special in many ways; we're chilled, relaxed and doesn't give this game the seriousness many clans around here does. Even on our pk trips we don't hype all up and end being serious, we don't always mute our ventrilo allowing us to actually chill while having a trip, prep or whatever we're doing. Idle in #Clan-Cp and my fellow clan mates will answer any questions you may have.
  20. Was too late for me to be online. As for people comparing clan wars and wildersness lol @ you. Well done CP! :happy:
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