How on earth can you call it 2-2?
First fight took place south of bounty hunter stairs, we cleared you from the battlefield and chased the few remaining Fatality members INTO bounty hunter bank. Few seconds later Mayhem Makers ran in trying to crash a fight that was long over.
1-0 to CP so far.
Second fight took place at sperm hill with you defending, this fight was over within seconds leaving few Fatality members inside clan wars and Corrupt Pures losing close to no one.
2-0 to CP so far.
Third fight took place at hills, this fight got crashed by Mayhem Makers. We (CP) are smart enough NOT to claim victory when the fight was crashed before any clear winner was found. Jesus Christ you got to be mental or a fücking psycho to claim victory when it was crashed. You may think you were winning, but unless you're capable of proving this you shouldn't claim such poor victory.
Still 2-0 to CP so far.
Fourth fight took place in the trees south of hills (lvl 12), once again we cleared you losing close to no one. We got a fall in and as we were about to go on with our trip we got word that a group of 15 Fatality members were outside FoG, we potted and rushed in.
3-0 Cp so far.
Fifth fight was the longest fight, why? Simple because you kept hugging FoG making you able to bank as often as you would like, while we (CP) were already low on supplies from the previous fight and unable to bank. However, we pushed you into FoG multiply times. We finally choose to leave FoG and walk to Clan wars (keep in mind we still haven't banked). If I'm not wrong you got us as sperm hill and we hugged clan wars waiting for our members to get there, after a couple of minutes Honey Garlic made the final call and all Corrupt Pures members left clan wars and got on the sperm hill. Fatality charged in only to get cleared and pushed into Clan wars. Instead of making an effort to get a regroup you sadly ended.
4-0 Cp final result.
Now how did you come to the conclusion that you went 2-2 against Corrupt Pures? I still fail to see it.