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Everything posted by Pur3_Kide

  1. Today: 1.) TLP - Gj vs FOE 2.) FOE - Beat Dv & MM 3.) Dv - Beat IR, peaked at 80ish people 4.) IR - Did well vs. Dv taking out nearly 30 of us 5.) MM - Less pull then above, huge thanks for ACing Speciel thanks to FOE, MM & Carnage for ACing our first P2p war in wilderness. We'll return the favour sometime.
  2. This poll should been closer, a lot of the members on PW are underestimating IR and the potential they got. On top of this comes the fact that IR got 13% more members than us, I expect them to pull ~5-10 more than us but with our levels, gear and experienced members we should be able to win or at least put up a great fight. This war can go either way 50% - 50% @ War today guys! Good luck :D
  3. Alright, sorry to hear the war is called off. BUT, please stay away from Dv vs. IR P2p full-out war today, MM+C will be ACing so don't go for them either I'll leave the ranks a message, thanks.
  4. All Devastation members stop being immature and replying to Titans posts, any further responds to Titans post will result in strikes. I hope this will be a close fight and not a blow out, both member list are almost the same so it will really get down to the individual members player killing and tanking skills. Best of luck IR, thanks for the challenge.
  5. Publicity whores this days. Can't be arsed to make a new post so heres my post on Devastations forum:
  6. Last Sunday: 1.) Foe - A tiny bit ahead of MM last Sunday in my opinion 2.) MM - Did a great job against Foe, only clan able to compete with Foe - Gap - 3.) TLP - Only pulled 55 :/? Nothing other then crashing Foe's and MM's fights :/ 4.) Dv - Peaked at 50, beat IR in fair 1 vs. 1, managed to **** IR off which was our main goal 5.) IR - Better luck next Sunday ^ 6.) C - Once again, I apologize for crashing your run-in.. Was told it was finished, so wanted to **** off IR. 7.) Fi - Only other clan out in P2p
  7. For the people saying we're in a slump you don't know a jack ****, we pulled a solid 50 members for our P2p trip yesterday. Main reason why half of the pure world thinks we're in a slump is simple, we're focused on P2p this mean we pull low in F2p and high in P2p. Only 5-6 clans got balls to take a step into P2p wilderness, this result in the main part of this community thinking we're in a slump. Actually I'm fine with this, gives us less attention which is one thing I don't need. As I mentioned we're focused on P2p for first time in '09 and we're not going to change our plans with Devastation to accept a F2p war against IR.. I'll gladly accept a P2p war in PvP with 90 man member list cap so you won't be able to mass recruit. Yeah Devastation declined, so you can close this thread.
  8. Alright, personally I would tried to keep the new clan going for AT LEAST 1 month before giving up on it.. I mean it's so easy to give up and a lot later think ''What would actually happened if I had put 100% effort, time and work into the clan?'' It's more or less a win, win situation for you.. You're able to find a new clan if everything turns out to be a failure in the newly created clan. As I said, putting two different leaderships is extremely hard, but there are several examples that it can turn out great and well worth it. Take Carnage as an example, I have been around Carnage IRC+Forums when things were tight.. But with determination from the leaders Carnage got back on top, I don't see why you shouldn't be able to unless you gave up before even trying. On the other hand, if you have already made up your mind about this decision. I would like to see you joining Devastation, you have already been in the clan and I'm pretty sure you'll have no problem with the way we run the clan or our members. I see you have couple of friends that might follow you one of them being Andrew, I never understood why he left but he's more than welcome to re-join he got some good friends in Dv such as Kevin, so let him know. Well, Devastation is F2p & P2p based clan we're constantly trying to improve our game in both servers. This mean we focus on F2p for couple of weeks, and then focus on P2p for couple of weeks. Devastation is taking part of PC Mini-war tournament in both F2p & P2p, our P2p mini-war crew is pretty beast while of F2p mini-war crew could do good with a bit help, haha. As you see Devastation have a pretty tight member list with just about 80 members, we could mass recruit and quickly gain numbers. BUT we prefer not to and simple gain numbers slowly, while we keep our tight community. Most of Devastation ranks prefer Pking with a tight group of pures that actually know what they are doing, instead of a large group with massed pures. I see Devastation as a family with 80 members that are ready to help you if need it, everyone is really friendly, helpful and chilled. Best part is we're growing every week and we would like you to be part of our community, and possibly help us improve our F2p game. Another thing that might make us different from other clans is that we don't actually care if we're ranked #4, #5 or #8. Our main goals are to enjoy our Pking trips and have a great time, which we have most of the time. Also we're trying to set a good image for ourselves on community forums, we don't whine about one run-in if we lose it. I personally private message Dv members if I see them whine about a run-in we could of won, the truth is that too many clans chat **** this days. Best of luck with your decision, hope you choose to give your newly created clan a month more.
  9. Good job on your Sunday, thanks for the fight.
  10. Merge always end with the clan either closing or splitting up. There are several reasons why merge turn-out to be failure. First of all, putting two leadership together is extremely hard, every clan have their own way to do things and all leaderships are structured differently. The chance that this new leadership made by two old leaderships won't work is big, we have seen several merged clans splitting back up and leaving both clans in a worse spot then they were before the merge. Fearless is a pretty good example on this, the two leaders disagreed on several parts and resulted in the clan breaking up in their two former clans. Learn from other clans mistakes and get the best out of this merge, good luck.
  11. All this **** chatting takes away your glory, it's pointless and simple waste of time, effort and after all you don't want to represent your clan as idiots. Cool to see MM doing well in P2p again.
  12. Agreed, if these F2p clans actually went P2p instead of F2p on Sundays it would be much more fun for everyone. Well done Carnage
  13. Today 1.) MM -Gap- 2.) FOE 3.)E -Gap- 4.) Fi
  14. Chapter 1 – The Beginning The leaving topics were made. On September 10th 2007, Times Up Nub and X Timbob X left Fatality to pursue dreams of leading their own pure clan. It started by thinking of names, experimenting and combining words. Eventually we took a the word “Devastating†out of one of our ideas and thus the clan was born. Devastation. Chapter 2 – Progress September 11th was a lot of hard work. Tim and Times worked on a forum and a Runehead to get the clan off to a kick start. We tried our best recruiting, talking to pures we knew and pures we met about joining DV, but no-one seemed interested about joining a 2-man clan. Eventually, after speaking with friends, X_Crystalbow and Ownege 0wnz were recruited, from then on DV began to grow. After a couple of weeks, DV had gone from nothing to a clan with 20 people on the Runehead. Our PK trips consisted of small hills trips, with some pretty powerful pures boasting a few 99 stats. Often would we see Fatality members hop to our world, so we dared not venture deeper into the Wilderness. I was about member Nr. 13-17 to join :D
  15. If I retaliate to your flame-baits I'd end getting a warning and since you're an admin it makes you to god. Naah, come down from your high chair and get real. Being admin don't give you right to flame-bait me and you obviously can't handle a simple criticize, so you flame-bait me to keep face. Congratulations everyone.
  16. You're quick to respond if I say 'Karl and Jay suck *****' the post would possibly get deleted within 10minutes. As it comes to clans chatting **** about each other you're to danm slow, start putting effort into modding the correct post.
  17. Based on the direction Pure clan pking and community is taking I don't admire any clan. It's simple sad to see how clans threat each other and how far clans are ready to go JUST to make the other clan look worse than they actually are. On top of this comes all the recently forum hacking, key logging and what not. Another thing that makes the pure world proper **** is that clans LOVE to see and make other clans end in a slump, it's the same as kicking a guy that’s down to make sure he don't stand back up. Last but not least comes all the **** chatting about other clans, simple retarded and waste of time. I'm not saying that Devastation doesn't do any of those things I said above we're just another clan in this ****** pure world. So obviously we do those things as they're getting rather normal.
  18. Some clans put a lot of effort into weekend trips, while other clans prefer having a more relaxed mode. As long you're having fun in the clan you're in it should not matter whatever other clans thinks about your clan. Since E and Fi are the two main clans posting on this I'll direct my post to them. I know that Epidemic put in a lot of effort, work and time into Saturdays nothing wrong about this. I might be wrong, but Epidemic show about 80-90% of their Clan's strength on weekends. This way you would pull around the same with +5-10 people for a full out war, I understand when Epidemic don't want to full-out. They don't really need to prove anything to any clan, as long they have fun doing what they do and their members are satisfied being in Epidemic it should not matter if they do or do not full-out war other clans. On the other Fatality seem to only put-in half the effort, work and time into Saturdays as Epidemic. This mean they only show about 50-60% of their Clan's strength on weekends. I'm positive that Fatality could have the same pulls as Epidemic on weekends if they put their heads into it. It just seems that Fatalitys ranks and members are perfectly fine with the way things are run in Fatality. Once again all that matters is that Fatalitys members and rank is satisfied and comfortable being in the clan. I would say that Full Out Wars shows Clan's fully strength, while a weekend trip shows the clans activity. I don't see point in all this ***** fights and I don't see any need to flame. It's simply waste of time that could be spent on useful things in life.
  19. Your tactic was amazing, get one of your 7-10 mains to attack the leader and charge in few seconds later haha.
  20. Today: (Probably wrong list, based on different IRC convo's) 1.) MM - Beat below from what I know 2.) E - Pulled around 65, had better trip then Dv 3.) Dv - Pulled 70, no action other then MM (lost) and IR 4.) FOE - Pulled 55? 5.) Fi - Pulled 45?
  21. I'd like to see a 'sig/avatar - media section' as well as video section maybe, just a suggestion. Well put together, good job Dest
  22. http://www.pure-warfare.com/index.php?showtopic=1694 (2 Weeks Ago) Last week we only had a fight with Tlp, mains so understand able you think we pulled 35 lol. Just that a lot of clans had 'planned' run-ins and we did not want to crash. We had around 45 during our trips +/-
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