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DB Tyler

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Everything posted by DB Tyler

  1. First of all, I wanna apologize because none of my topics ever look "pretty" but I don't really have time for all that. I'm here to tell you what went down and give you the links to our videos, sorry if it's sore on the eyes or boring... I just like to keep everyone updated on what we're up to even though most don't care. :) DB vs EOP We started off the mini day by approaching EOP for a mini war knowing they would be a challenge, we quickly massed up and hopped to EOP's world ready for some fun. EOP Attack: EOP Starting - 7 EOP Ending - 5 DB Starting - 7 DB Ending - 0 Their quick pile transitions and high dungeoneering levels finished us off pretty quickly this round, but I assured everyone we still had a chance and made sure no one gave up. DB Attack: EOP Starting - 7 EOP Ending - 0 DB Starting - 7 DB Ending - 5 Our scimitars overpowered them in this round, also a nice tank from one of our lower 1 defence pures helped seal the win. PK Run In: EOP Starting - 7 EOP Ending - 0 DB Starting - 7 DB Ending - 3 This round was close but our first piles dropped so easily it basically gave us the win, gf EOP it's always nice to mini you guys without flame :) video by: Kyle|Sraveish (sorry for the late 3rd round) DB vs FP Shortly after our mini with EOP, a new clan called Flawless Pures asked us for a matched opts mini as well. I noticed we had some newer members/future applicants on so I gladly accepted and soon it began. DB Attack: FP Starting - 6 FP Ending - 0 DB Starting - 6 DB Ending - 4 FP Attack: FP Starting - 6 FP Ending - 0 DB Starting - 6 DB Ending - 4 PK Run In: FP Starting - 6 FP Ending - 0 DB Starting - 6 DB Ending - 5 If you watch the video you can see that in each round, 2 of our piles were dead before FP could kill 1 of ours meaning they were playing catch up the whole mini. Had fun guys, hopefully we'll fight each other again soon video by: Jackk` AKA Gummy Bear <3 DB vs Z After winning 2 mini's back to back, and knowing that we haven't lost a war to Zenith yet since being opened we decided to challenge them to end the win streak with some fun. Z Attack: Z Starting - 6 Z Ending - 0 DB Starting - 6 DB Ending - 5 Not much to say about this round, Zenith decided to pile me first. After a bunch of tanking and dragging eventually it led to them losing. DB Attack: Z Starting - 6 Z Ending - 4 DB Starting - 6 DB Ending - 0 Props to Zenith for winning this round, came as a suprise to me as well considering how badly we outleveled them. As you can see in the video our caller and leader for this mini was lagging pretty hard and it caused some confusion in Ventrilo. We figured it out though and went into round 3 prepared. PK Run In: Z Starting - 6 Z Ending - 0 DB Starting - 6 DB Ending - 6 (Perfection) Our binds and strength levels seemed to overwhelm them here, they didn't last very long and some even ran for the portal. video by: Danky (lol @ the lag) Also I'd like to add that earlier in the day we sweeped Carpediem in an f2p mini as well, 3 - 0 There's no video though so I won't bother annoying you guys with opts etc :P If you guys hate us, please try and refrain from flaming our topics. I'm not here to chat **** about winning in clan wars I just want to show the community what our day was like. #Divine-Brutality
  2. l3l3l3l30l3l3 flaming our recruitment topic because you kids got wrecked and embarrased by a 3-week old clan with a -12 ML, yeah k bro.
  3. Seeing as obviously TLP couldn't care less that we use their capes, and also seeing as they're p2p based... and we are f2p based, there really isn't any problem with us using Team-27 capes. and coming from a clan that spams immature **** after getting sweeped in a mini war I don't think you have room to talk "L2pureclan."
  4. Lol are you guys really that mad that we outpulled you by so much? Even though your memberlist was so much bigger than ours?
  5. you should tell your members not to bring mithril and green chaps to p2p, that might help lol
  6. and to you, who the **** is dF? Pretty sure when DB was open the first time that was long before your clan was even though of L, not to mention "beating a p2p clan in f2p"... their leaders flamed and TOLD me to declare, so I did.
  7. #Divine-Brutality #Divine-Brutality #Divine-Brutality #Divine-Brutality #Divine-Brutality #Divine-Brutality #Divine-Brutality #Divine-Brutality #Divine-Brutality #Divine-Brutality #Divine-Brutality #Divine-Brutality #Divine-Brutality #Divine-Brutality #Divine-Brutality #Divine-Brutality #Divine-Brutality #Divine-Brutality Just come idle, we don't bite I promise
  8. They thought they were good enough to win, I knew there was no way we were going to lose so I said sure? How is that stupid, I knew in my mind the entire time we were going to win the war lol. It's not being cocky it's just being truthful? I mean look how it turned out lol, we lost what 4 opts throughout both fights ?
  9. I'm ex-TLP , we wear them with pride believe me
  10. It was agreed upon by both clan leaders, the clan that loses was to close.
  11. Not much to say besides "GWAS" , more description at the bottom ~Pictures~ ~Video~ This war was basically based on flame, so it was very fun for our members to finally shut these idiots up. I honestly didn't take TP all that seriously as we didn't have "sign-up's" or really prep hard at all. I knew how active we were, and was confident that we would win. Well, as some of you know the terms for this full out were the clan that loses has to close. I think TP went back on their word on that one, but that just means more free pixels for DB members on weekends lol. Props to TP for actually showing up, and also thanks for spreading on the defense it really made it easy to rush you guys. #Divine-Brutality when you guys are ready to close like we agreed on L.
  12. beat TP today in a full out, 3 - 0
  13. Divine Brutality vs Complexity Divine Brutality vs Serenity gf to both clans, had fun I guess
  14. I accepted 2 pending applications that were posted before the full out was even thought of, but okay.
  15. lmfao mrswildyowns #1 "lets 4v4 p2p mini????? 35 def cap O"
  16. ^After sweeping TP in a mini war, and a huge spam/flame war... some of their members decided to spam our IRC channel with "Declare on us *******" so I decided to do just that. Memberlists: Divine Brutality - http://runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=daveswinners Trepidation - http://runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=trepidation Rules: -Overheads On -1-20 Defence Gear -Corrupts On -Dungeoneering Items Off -ML's lock upon acceptance (Already locked) -2 rounds in clan wars, PKRI will take place in PVP Good luck TP, try not to lose a full out to a 3-week old clan.
  17. Making a strong comeback, we pulled 20 today but wasn't really many clans out to fight.. hopefully we can get some action next weekend. #Divine-Brutality ;)
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