We were in no way pulling near the same for a "very long time"
We weren't comfortable with the organization, numbers has nothing to do with it. As the ML are nearly the same.
They've been the ones talking **** and saying they're the better clan, time will tell.
Yah, they've been talking the whole time when they were ahead of you guys, and when they were the same as you guys. Why choose when you know the Fatality are most likely to outpull by a lot to declare? You're definitely proving your organization is on key, with that huge opt advantage you guys were waiting for.
We weren't waiting for anything other than getting more practice in for our members as the majority haven't even been in the clan for over 1 year. And likely to outpull? They've been pulling more than us more consistently than we have, so how does that make sense? This past weekend was a surprise to us as well we weren't expecting that many. Also it has nothing to do with getting this Full-Out.
Oh! This was a surprise! That's why 101 sins has been making posts everywhere saying Fatality is getting bigger and bigger! Thanks! Now I know!
EOP and FI have been pulling near the same from what I've seen in P2P up until the past few weeks.
I honestly hope EOP doesn't accept, unless they know they can pull big for this fullout, because there is no need for FI's cancer to get an ego feed from leading his clan to a full out victory with an opt advantage.
You base Fatality on one person's posts. And judging from your previous, you're pretty much anti-fi. Don't expect anything positive from you.
OT: Hope it gets accepted, would be fun. Both clans capable of pulling at least 80 +
You're right, I'm anti-FI.
I'm not basing Fatality from one person's posts,I'm basing it from their recent actions, etc. I'm basing the fact that Fatality knew they were pulling way better now from one person's fault, try to understand what you're saying before you say it lol.
It's pretty obvious who's been pulling more consistent lately, you can tell yourself it's not true but you know it is.
Oooooooo Touchy.
OT: It would be fun.