..:: Chaotic F2P Trip
After re-opening last week we head out today unsure what our pull or our trip would be like. We peaked at 19 members looking forward to a new start. We had fights today with Gravity, Malice and The Hatred. Was a pity with all the crashing going on by silly little masser clans.
Kyle's Vid
Chaotic Vs Gravity
After being out for less than 10 minutes we quickly got a planned pkri with Gravity, they logged to us hoping to get a quick fight, our scout told us that Gravity where at gdz so we rushed up there with our scims and lines of CH and quickly took control, Gravity got spread and we got the uperhand and dropped their 1 defence, we were clearing out the last of the high levels when control crashed from the east :(. We managed to get out with around 13 members left. Chaotic Vs Malice Malice asked us for a pkri, and we happily accepted, Malice defended at vents. We rushed into them with our scims and lines of Chhh and started dropping there 1 defence members, when it looked like we had all but cleared malice they had a strong return group to the west, we pushed west and quickly piled and killed there returners, was an very fun fight, but sadly towards the end, a little masser clan called Xl decided to crash (heard malice remassed and cleared them though LOL) Chaotic vs Cluster We heard a cluster was going on at sperm hill, we logged in at NE Bh stairs (along with CP) and ran south towards the cluster, we rushed on top of sperm hill where i think NME and EF were, after holidng there for abit, FI rushed in from the east and forced us down towards Hillz where we go a regroup, sadly NME had the same idea and picked of our lower levels so we dipped. Chaotic vs The Hatred This was our last fight of the day, we agreed to fight TH even though we knew we were out opt'd, was a very fun fight, it looked like we had it at one point however TH simply out returned us, so well done TH :D ------------------------------------------------ Was an intresting trip, we killed a few mains and other noobs, and managed to avoid getting hit of most HPC's :P Had some other wierd fights but figured no point posting. Please keep this topic flame free, if there is something incorrect please pm me on Pure warfare or a rank on IRC. ..Pictures..