yawn kyle, this is the difference between us and your mob. we can say good fight when we lose and not make up bs topics on pw (like the joke of a topic you made last week). you guys done well today, you beat us fair and []. remember though at = opts you do have massive combat advantage over us with turmoil and what not.
good fight though, well done on pulling out the slump and gaining some momentum after last week.
Full of excuses.
Maybe we will make a topic in our clan discussion boards and rip all the excuses from pw made by mm members (although you were the only one capable of being logical and smart on that topic until you said you could possibly close foe ;0)
adapt or die.
To be fair foe did look like it was going on a downwards spiral and I thought either you would come back really strong or die and unfortunately for us you came back strong this weekend. At no point did I say I would close FOE though. We lost to the better clan on the day yesterday but you caught us off guard. We expected the same FOE that we have been dominating for 6 months but credit to FOE you came out strong. I have a feeling we will prepare hard for next weekend though and hopefully restore our #1 p2p spot. Good luck.
lol @ you actually having the thought of foe possibly closing. i'm not sure if 13th is brainwashing you with this idea to promote some hype to attend mm trips, but every single year we suffer from low opts at some point, then eventually bounce back.
but yeah, looking forward to next weekend. :thumbsup:
Lol you come on here and post so much dribble every week. Your talking about brainwashing? Have you read Kyles topics recently? I nearly mistaken it for an EOP topic last week because every second line he wrote was a lie.
@walli Yeah maybe so although I was talking in the short term. maybe we dropped opts because half of us expected an easy trip and half didn't. Either way see you next weekend, good fights!
you don't know what a lie is from truth nowadays, after being under mm's leadership so long
i've seen their topics around the boards, talk about some nasty lies brewed up to convince their members to get **** done