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Failed Again

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Everything posted by Failed Again

  1. new ts up btw come join us foe.ts3dns.com
  2. Both TLP and Fi are our strongest opponents in P2P. We've beaten TLP the last 2-3 p2p preps, and FI the last few as well, but anything can happen between us. That being said, I think FOE would beat anyone in high opts, chances slimmer the lower the opts.
  3. its annoying when u expect to be able to left click Nerd Ok
  4. Great pull, and quality FOEwnage as always. :) Ty for prep FI, try not to take capes off so often next time though - we don't ;p
  5. Lol I was risking 300-400 hp and you got some lucky dds spec. I heard you teled soon as you killed me though..assuming you were out with your pak yak. Shame only way you get kills is on your main though jubjub still comin trips on his main...jesus mm's leadership really has no hold over their members whatsoever lol sir jubjub it's really a shame you still die more than you kill even on your main...you really are as weak as that irl pic made u out to be haha =] dat punching bag
  6. Pulled about 65 today. Lots of loots and action, was fun =] Topic By: Dan Videos: First fight today was against Fatality. FOE rushed towards greaters not knowing that FI were there, they didn't know we were coming aswell so they were abit unorganised like us. We started to fight and because we were rushing from the west, we naturally took the return spot from the start. Both clans fought hard and were dropping eachother. We laid specs into Fatality and took the north side down as there were no Fatality left north. MM then for no reason crashed our fight so we stopped attacking Fatality. MM, let me just tell you if you crash our fights, what do you think we're going to do idiots. MM backed off slowly and kept getting smacked down south side of the Gap. HF rolled up but didn't last very long, their DDS' were as effective as their rune armour against mage. MM ran into single and died, the few that escaped logged to lobby. GF MM. After MM crashed the first time, we got a rematch with Fatality at GDZ Hut again. This time we had the west side of the hut and didn't have control of the return spot. Despite that fact we were still able to return and kept fighting onwards against FI. Not suprisingly MM showed up again to give us crash attempt number 2 to be cut off by FOE and FI. Again as i've said, **** off MM, crash our fights and we will just kill you. MM retreated quickly as they were heavily out numbered. The ran it to New Gate Hill however FOE ran right on top of them with specs out. MMs numbers dropped a few as our specs sent them into Edgeville. MM carried on running, they ran past 55 port and then into single at axe hut. Not caring where they ran, FOE gave chase all the way and dicked them over as they tried escaping via lever. Was funny to see them die, we grabbed our loot and got a bang at Mage Bank. After getting sick of MM today, we decided to give them some more so as they were sitting in single, we thought **** it, lets get them. MM were parked outside the dungeoneering gate and we rushed it. Alot of the MM panic logged to lobby but logged back in probably told to do so. FOE being the better pkers overall dicked MM over fairly easily, some of them trying to escape though the gate or south but just getting barraged to ****. Minimal amount of survivors in MM but all the best. GFs MM, thanks for the bank increase again. Pictures: Want in on the action? Join us today at www.foe-rs.com ~ the Best Pure Clan on RS.
  7. entertaining pw topics don't get pulls up good trips do we do both Kid.
  8. Yeah from my POV it seemed that our fight vs you and our fight vs EOP were about even and undecided until crashed... Fight vs TLP was rawdick though, they had like 5 left ;p Gj vs MM today btw, it's so funny when clans try to crash and get double penetrated :) foetality #1
  9. getting a bit personal eh? dw mate foe still pulling as much as mm in p2p and mm spend their entire trips avoiding...what's changed? we had some technical difficulties these past month and soon as we sorted them out we've been doing great as always, and of course clearing mm again as it shud be FOE > MM, even with this guy as leader haha meow don't take it so personal big guy, some insecurity? :P:P
  10. You're really, really ignorant. You took that post from Walli out of context, without realizing he was aiming at our birthday weekend. You're making it seem like Walli was referring to our topics in general. FOE always put out topics if our trips were action packed, such as this one. We're here to post our trips from our perspective. If you don't believe our trip was actually fun, then fine. We can't force you lol. FOE members know what went down, and that's all it really matters at the end of the day. Yeah man for the weird coincidence that after that "epic birthday weekend" and that topic you start making topics. Look before you didn't make topic, dont come out here claiming otherwise. You're argument alone there is nulled. Don't try to sugar coat it ok, you know whats up. It's so obvious not sure if you notice it, really gets old and ****, "having fun" and "haters" makes you look silly lmfao. Maybe instead of trying to convince the pure community you were having fun, try and convince your own members first. So, you're telling me before that post foe had NEVER made a pk trip topic? Sugarcoat? What is it there to sugarcoat? Having fun? Yes, the FOE members that do attend the F2P trips enjoy the fights we get. Our steady pull throughout the 2 hour trip proves that alone. Haters? We have a bunch lol. It's quite obvious. Zero speaks the truth, seems MM is trying really hard to ?themselves? that FOE isn't enjoying their pk trips when quite frankly, our last few weeks have been epic compared the the month before it - FOE slump?. Remember, MM was pulling 40s to F2P mands only last Fall and having worse trips than ours were a month ago. It will happen again. The flame is useless Richard, you are probably the most ineffective flamer on PW for how hard you try. :thumbsup: Will you buy btw?
  11. for the haters - end of the day who gives a flying **** if our kdr was as bad as you all are making it seem to be, dying is what? 15k ? watch the video, from a foe perspective we ****** **** up and had a blast, you are all entitled to your own point of views, this is foe's
  12. Those aren't accurate considering how hard we owned CP today. C'mon, sort out the times lol, those definitely weren't from where we fought you. All of our fights resulted in wins or owning, we weren't in a losing position in any of them from what I saw
  13. Kyle here, just wanted to say that this trip was one of the funnest F2P trips I've attended in a while, the action, the wins, the domination. Even with our little guy pull of 50 we went out and wrecked ****. I think our clan had a good laugh when we went to a public TS to avoid ddosing today and a wild Tayyab appeared in the channel under us and 2 min later the TS is gone. Powerful booter you got there, sorry for underestimating it! =] Not like it hindered our trip for more than 5 minutes though, good effort with that one EOP. Topic by: Adhi ^ Ph0ne Pov ^ Cody pov The fight all started north of sperm hill in a open area just at level 25. After a couple of minutes of fighting without any clans crashing mayhem makers crashed and once both clans heard about this we pulled back to single. Once we had gotten a regroup Foe leaders and Fi leaders both decided to go after mm as a group. We found them at ghost hut rushed in as a single unit camped mm kids inside the hut. Once we had started to clear them they called tlp and started to crash. Once we heard of this we had called it off and logged off. Eop had rushed foe at the south west corner of graveyard. We continued to hit eop and kill a quite good amount of them until so called mm decided to come crash from the south- west focusing foe. Foe ran east of north of graveyard and logged out and got a proper regroup at edge. We chased cp from corp all the way east toward single. They fought back for a couple of minutes until they had started to hug single. Once we noticed that we had run into single to finish off what was left and we were not going to stick around staying in multi being sniped from single. Once that we logged out and regrouped. We were walking towards 18 ports until we noticed tlp logging in on top of the port. We got onto ports with all of our members and pulled scims dropping tons of them right away. Once they knew they were cleared they pulled off to the fence of graveyard in there last attempt to trying to pullback the fight and they ended up losing. Once mm crashed we dipped east to sperm hill and logged off. We logged on top of cp in single near the north east stairs of bh. We ended up fighting for a while in single until we pulled south and dragged a **** load of them to multi where we ko'ed a few. We heard that a clan was coming from the north so we pulled it to 13 ports and proceeded the fight. Once they had gotten to 13 ports we fought until they started to run south into safe zone which is in edgville. Gf to cp 2-0 better luck next time. Pictures of the Trip: Join our forums and apply to Final Ownage Elite today! Don't forget to check out Foetube for the latest on Foe run ins!
  14. was fun, nice job on the win and the topic looks nice :)
  15. GOod job Fatality, looking forward to tomorrow Now I know why MM doesn't ever prep us...how could they possible prep someone who beats every1 who consistently beats them...would be overkill lol ah well :P
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