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Failed Again

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Everything posted by Failed Again

  1. cp down, nme down..frenzy the destroyer of all who claim to be f2p based jk gj, gotta start somehwere and it's gd practice for when you get bigger and p2p clans want to compete with you xD
  2. closer than i thought it would be, low opts though gj tlp
  3. Lol, the harder foe is slumping the more you act like eop & their propaganda department. I wasn't there during the entire trip, but as soon as we found out you were out we killed your entire clan + the few people returning at ruins. You were spread inside and we rushing in from the north killing everyone because you only had like 2 people maging. You might have killed some mm after I left and I know kdr charts don't illustrate exacly how trips went but I wouldn't exacly call 60 kills 60 deaths 'dominating MM and every1 else'. Especially since MM had double the kills you had. And please don't reply with 'mm was farming 1 itemers and 59 of our deaths were from mains' because we both know thats not true. I think you've slumped your clan hard enough by now, time to let walli take over again. our side of the story: If you read the topic: That's the only fight you guys won due to sheer numbers. When FOE mass up to match your numbers, they obviously owned you guys. Feel free to watch the vid on our topic to watch your clan die. You're talking about propaganda and how FOE had only 60 kills, when the chart clearly states 100 kills. 40 of those kills off massers and mains before mm went out oh shut up
  4. You guys as a clan have been making the wilderness more active throughout the week and have been giving clans that pk every day like FOE a lot more action, who can say no to that? Keep it up PoP
  5. once again, obviously not seen the videos stop being in such denial lol, made a vid for a reason lilguys
  6. the day when people didn't watch the videos for proof and instead posted ******** because they are afraid of the truth FOE absolutely dominated MM and every1 else Monday, a taste of what it will be like when opts are closer...and trust me, they are getting closer
  7. Today FOE had one of our most eventful Midweek Pk Trips yet. Normally we pk every day and it's just hitting up mains around 124. Today at least 3 other clans were out looking for fights and we eagerly set out to hunt some clans. We maintained a steady 20-25 throughout the 1-2 hours, as did other clans. It made for a loot filled evening ;). I vidded the trip and all the fights btw, I'll keep it in order if you want to watch the vid in accordance to each fight. Kyle's Full Video above To start it off, FOE was pking with 10-15 in a normal Midweek Pk trip like we do daily, when we were hit out of nowhere by 20+ MM. This caused us to fire up the big guns and we massed up to 23 or so people and went hunting for MM. The rest of the pk trip we digested our easter chocolates and turned pink to brown. In this fight, MM was spread dwarves, while we came from east and cleared the 2-5 that were directly north of ruins then worked out way up north into the main group of MM. After a couple min the battlefield was clear of pink and FOE banked their invents of loot (see vid for proper pov) Next fight was with EOP, I'm pretty sure they had more mains than they did people on pures but it's safe to say they didn't put up much of a fight. We rushed east of mossies where they were spread and cleared more than half in multi before the rest went to single mossies. (see vid for pov) Next up we rushed MM at 18s. I heard word that maybe only 2/3 of them were there but it was easy pickings for FOE. We caught them in a fall in and quickly downed a few of their high levels. There was a big cb gap for the both of us, but ultimately our high cbs destroyed theirs, without our low levels getting hurt too badly. The tide turned even more in our favor when those lvl 60 POP kids rushed in and picked off the rest of the low lvl MM - I told our low lvls to book it as I saw POP coming so they weren't able to kill any - and we quickly killed the remaining MM high lvls and then feasted on the POP high levels. We banked after POP pushed the remaining MM east, leaving us at 18 ports to lick our fingers over the whips and staff of lights. (see vid for pov) ^ KDR after that fight. Next we hurd word from bird that MM was charging maze, we came from south and went in right after them, resulting in a fight inside the maze. We dropped MM like flies and thanks to my beastly tanking east, we took over the western side of 5+ MM then the rest of FOE came to the eastern side to bail me out and clear the rest. The remaining MM logged and/or tried to run outside the maze, leaving us to pick up the delicious lootations. Gf MM (see vid for pov) Next we hit POP east of dwarves. Was a pretty easy job of clearing them, until EOP charged in with 5-10 people from south of the fight. We stood strong though and finished off POP and the few EOP that remained once they realized FOE was going to kick their asses once POP was cleared. Gf POP, **** you EOP. ^^ KDR to end the trip. We also fight mains before the rest of the clans came out, as well as in between fights and we stayed after for a bit to get more loots to make up for the **** pure ones. We had a blast today, thank you everyone who came out and gave FOE a fight in their server...it doesn't happen often but when it does it is sweeter than solo's vaginal fluids. Join our forums and apply to Final Ownage Elite today! Don't forget to check out Foetube for the latest on Foe run ins!
  8. Good effort but the annoying truth is neither of our topics will make a diff in the long run. Ultimately it's up to clan leaders and members of clans to stand up to it and not allow it in their clans.
  9. Seriously who posts midweeks? They should go in the mini-war section or something. Practically spam lol. yeah unless its like a decent fight with another clan...topics like this? no1 actually cares lol spam tbh.
  10. way to go! inb4 foe starts making pw topics of every midweek and fills up pw with nothing but foe midweeks
  11. 0br only thing ur boxing me is on your youtube ajjajaa a!! foe #1 btw
  12. ownage trip, 50+ on easter? nb we dominated everything but the dangerous prep that we fought 5+ down on, was okay though; we all had a blast =] looking forward to this week and friday!
  13. being outopted took a toll in that fight, no1 to blame but ourselves for that thanks for the dangerous clw fight to finish off both our eventful trips =] looking 4ward to friday's standoff
  14. wasnt foe btw was #team-xeon eop 3-0ing foe in p2p wont happen until world frozen over cheers
  15. died a bit in fights and died a bit from crashes everything else about our trip was pure domination and foewnage that was defo topic worthy :thumbsup:
  16. indeed, been awhile since we have a great trip like today Awesome :thumbsup:
  17. lol they pull more than most clans lol free loot
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