We have a lot of active pk video makers involved in the PW Community, myself included.
What I propose on this topic is something like RSC has, where members of pw can submit pk videos and the best is chosen for an award.
A group of 10-15 people that are either ranked on pw or are activeish video makers themselves, can be the judges of the pk videos submitted.
The decided top 5 videos would get voted on by the whole PW community, this unfortunately might turn into a popularity contest, but it's hard to avoid that unless we have only the judges voting on the videos.
This would go by season, - Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter; Fall could be taken out if needed, but 3-4 of these a year sounds about right.
The winner would get a special rank showing they won it, along with a gfx-made banner also saying they won, the season/year/vid included.
There would be a time range for them having been made, such as for Summer it would probably be like June-September. The opening the submission of the videos would be a week or 2 long.
You would only be able to post videos made by yourself, but duo/trio videos and team videos are fine as long as you are a part of it yourself.
Must be a PK Video, not a commentary.
You would post your video embedded onto the topic (youtube tags)
An example for the banner I have here, one the very warlord of Foe (Ultra) won in RSC a couple years back -
Pretty legit eh?
Won't be disappointed if this doesn't go through, but I think PW is big enough now and a lot of video makers deserve recognition within the pure community, because pure pkers are less acknowledged as they were in the past, and deserve to be noticed for their effort.
Yes if you didn't see from description, this idea was derived from RSC doing something like it, and they have been fairly successful with it.
Thx for reading, if you have any specific questions go ahead and ask, obviously stuff can be changed around if decided but the rules I proposed seem fine to me.