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Failed Again

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Everything posted by Failed Again

  1. nice almost as small as our 1 with zenith gj
  2. ye go away mm stop flaming our wins cuz u can't get any of your own
  3. Adhi Daddy Jesus All The best Failed Again windmillsftw
  4. Shame, thought MM was somewhat stepping it up for a while there :\, you know from prepping all the lilguysandnotthebigguys but bad kids stay bad I spose. Great job Havoc, definitely stepping it up
  5. Ir goin hard in F2p preps, keep it goin boys
  6. Look at all the MM kids hopping on here because someone beat us while they can't. Disgusting lol OT - Great job Ir, was surprised to see you all had it in you to go as hard as you did, what can I say? We just weren't on our A game
  7. foe sho sucks we're gmt based and u guys are the opposite but meh we'll work something out as we always do
  8. We were feelin some f2p action and had 2 f2p preps yesterday, 1 of which we took a win over Zenith, vid is below. (3-1) Today we had a planned p2p prep with Havoc, which we took win over, vids below. (2-1) Shoutout to Zenith for prepping us =] Shoutout to IR for taking a win over us yesterday, completely outclassed us. Shoutout to Havoc for prepping us again, hopefully we can get into those more often as we used to Thx 4 reading, if any clan ever wants f2p/p2p prep or event pm me/walli/ultra/kevin/joe n we will set something up =]
  9. toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo stroooooooooooooong
  10. updated topic with stats of our fight with mm
  11. Videos of the Day. ^^ M1n's perspective (Elder of Foe) At the start of our Sunday trip to end the first weekend of the end of summer, we have a strong 80+ ready for some action. FOE heads out to feast on some muffins and end the summer with some new loot in their banks. First fight of the day, Mayhem Makers. We got word from scouts that MM was at ruins, so we ran up northeast stairs and hopped out to chase them, seeing as they were running from us before that. After we login with a tough 75 ready to feast, we rush down to ruins and start fighting MM. We clear them within 5-10 minutes and then when we see no more Mayhem Makers here to fight, the ~65-70 still here head up to northeast stairs to get a bank, and fresh supplies for another fight and for more loot. After we banked, we heard of a cluster at gap with the following, EOP, MM, Massacre, and other lil guy teams and clans. We rushed from northeast stairs from where we logged in and hit the MM running to single, and killing anything that was in our path. After MM hopped because their numbers dropped, they tried getting HF to rush us when we had all of our inventorys full of loot from the MM, but we were logged out at single strip before HF even got to piper, so once again, good game MM. Then, to finish up our trip we headed up to New Gate to hit a couple small teams/clans, including Havoc and the main clan Serenity. We start killing anything we see, and then most clans logged, teleported, or ran down south. We then went back to greater demons to hit the mains that hit us before, after hitting them and seeing it would be useless we just went to single to end our trip. Good fight to all clans today, and thanks for the loots! See you in a couple weekends because of Double Exp Weekend m8s! =) Trip Pictures: Written by: Devon (windmilsftw) Join our forums and apply to Final Ownage Elite today! Don't forget to check out Foetube for the latest on Foe run ins!
  12. sounds like u wasted a lot of time kl tho, and u got our #s wrong but thats acceptable seeing as u had like 10 clans
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