Videos of the Day.
Coming soon :) - TBH don't know if we got any decent videos...facepalm
So we get ready for an action packed Sunday trip hoping to feast on some mayhem makers
with a nice and strong pull of 70 people. Here is how the trip went...
Final Ownage Elite Starting: 65
Mayhem Makers Starting: 70
Final Ownage Elite Ending: 70 (more people showed up which is why we had more than we started with :P)
Mayhem Makers Ending: 0
So really early into the trip while we are in the wild sitting around waiting for a
fight, we realize that MM is close and near. We decide to set camp at sperm and spread
around the hills and sperm; after that, MM logs in on top of us and we get ready for action.
After fighting for a bit of time we clear rup the northwest area, so we send that group
to sperm hill to clear up that MM. And we eventually clear it up, so we deicide to make
our push towards 18 portals clearing up anything along our way, and that is what we did.
Here begins the long and intense fight at 18 portals. Both clans stand ground, and return
strong. FOE sets a small, but great group at 18 portal telespot to hold it, a small group
around Chaos Altar, and a group west of 18s to handle those over there.
Chaos Altar area gets cleared, and we see 18 portals needs a little more help so we ship
our CA group over to 18s for some blackup. Our west group is still going hard holding the
ground of people running up to return from Edge.
Once we got the ground covered and we realize our 18 portal group can handle, we send a
small unit east graveyard with power weapons + steel titans to clear it up, and that is
exactly what happened. East grave cleared, so that unit heads towards west graveyard, and
boom all graveyard cleared.
Holding more ground than before, FOE returns great and MM spends their time changing their
clan cloaks lol. They send a big group to return to 18 portals all at once with Fatality
clan cloaks with a "we are fi" spam (embarrased to spam we are MM?). It wasn't long for
MM to notice that a group teleport to 18 portals was a bad idea, when every single one of
them was in a barrage clump at teleport spot because FOE was prepared with barrages and
chins all around it.
Then MM decides to get to GWAS ledge and have a group west graveyard to try and lure FOE
up and gwas them lol.. But FOE is too smart to get gwas'd by that so we just keep our group
at 18 portals leaving that group of MM COMPLETELY USELESS. So we got a bank when we realized
there is no MM left.. Thanks for the free loot =) (Except for returning in 1 item... and F2p)
Final Ownage Elite Starting: 60-65
Mayhem Makers Starting: ~60
Final Ownage Elite Ending: 60
Mayhem Makers Ending: 20 upstairs Rogues Castle trying to GWAs
So after that long fight, we got our bank and got our god capes, etc. back and headed back
out for some free loot. We heard about a Free-Loot-Cluster at gap. Ofcourse, we take advantage
of it and head up there with GDZ teleports and go down there, and MM teleports in right behind
it. So we said **** the gap let's go rape MM and end them finally lol. So we ran back to GDZ
and ****** MM up and cleared them in t-minus 5 minutes chasing the rest of them up to new gate.
Then they ran to 50 ports, and into the castle to hide for sometime trying to gwas us again lol..
Then we finally got a big group to rush in with Mage Pray up and cleared it real quick. And we
said forget the 20 or so kids upstairs surrounding staircase trying to get another gwas, and
headed to lever with a strong 60 FOE all with tons of loot.
rofl so many pictures l0l
Written by: Devon
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