Videos of the Day.
^^ He missed one of the fights I think...will have more videos soon
After a good win against Eop on Friday, and a pretty short Friday P2P Trip, we are eager for a
great Saturday trip. Heading out with a nice 80, ready to fight some clans. We charge out.
To start off the trip, we had a good fight with MM. We stood ground on 18 portals and they
came from East grave then to east 18 portals. We had bout 10 members out of range so we were
down about 10 numbers, it woulda been matched ops. After a good 5 minutes of holding ground,
werealize we have half our members scattered to 13 ports, unorganized. So we bailed and got
a bank. Good fight MM.
After a good fight with MM, and after getting a bank, we instantly head right back out for
some more action. Got word MM is ready for another fight, and both clans have about the same
ops, so feeling a good fight. We set camp dd'd at the furnace of ruins and wait for a rush.
MM comes in from southwest entrance of ruins, and sends a small group one way of furnace and
another group east furnace. This got us caught off guard, but we quickly sprung into action
and defended our furnace. After about 5-10 minutes of great fighting we single out the rest
of MM, clearing them up.
Foe Starting: 78
MM Starting: ~80
Foe Ending: 40-50
MM Ending: 0
Later into the trip, we get word from scouts that MM is in the wild, deep wild, waiting for
another fight. So MM is now around New Gate, and we DD at GDZ waiting for them to rush in.
As they slowly come towards us we get ready to rumble. They rush in and the fight spurs into
action. MM holds down eat GDZ sniping into us, but we just stand our ground sniping them. Knowing
that this will not be a return fight, Foe knows to tank hard, loot food, and do whatever they
can to own and to beat MM. Clearing up the rest of them, we see no more MM remain, so we log
out and get a rebank. Good fight to MM.
Foe Starting: 79
MM Starting: 85
Foe Ending: 65
MM Ending: 0
Ready for more action and getting a bank, we move out hoping for another fight with MM. And
that is what we got. We set camp up again at GDZ dd'd, and we know that MM is coming from gap,
so with help of our great scouts, we know exactly when they come in and we got our prayers up
and they rushed in. Holding more ground, similar to the first fight at GDz, we use best weapons
clearing them 1 by 1, 1 after another. 5-10 minutes later, we finish up the rest of MM and get
a regroup and head to the bank. Good fight again MM.
Foe Starting: 75
MM Starting: 75
Foe Ending: 65
MM Ending: 0
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