Final Ownage Elite Friday Pk Trip
Evan's Video:
R4P1DZ Video:
Today FOE stepped into the wilderness with peaking at 86 people! For a friday trip we were definitely excited. We had one thing in our minds and it was to go search for MM. We sent out scouts to go look for them.
We heard MM were at 18 ports so from near clan wars we rushed towards MM and the fight took place in the trees just south west of Clan Wars. We took the ground and pushed them out the south end of trees.
Final Ownage Elite Starting Opts: 80
Mayhem Makers Starting Opts: 60 (Scouted)
Final Ownage Elite Ending Opts: 70
Mayhem Makers Ending Opts: 15ish scattered in clan wars
After we cleared MM we hopped to a new world and banked our loots. We weren't satisfied yet, so we set more scouts out to go look for MM.
We found MM just south of ruins so we rushed them and immediately pushed them west, once again they stood no chance of defeating us and were forced to retreat all the way to BH, the fight had only lasted for nearly two minutes.
Final Ownage Elite Starting Opts: 80
Mayhem Makers Starting Opts: 55ish (Scouted)
Final Ownage Elite Ending Opts: 75-80
Mayhem Makers Ending Opts: 20ish at BH
We felt felt great beating MM 2-0 and we had a feeling we wouldn't be seeing them so we set aside and noticed a few members having EOP targets in our same world so found them at Clan Wars in Safe. We walked north and our scouts stood in clan wars. A few minutes later EOP rushed to Chaos Altar. We figured they were up for a fight, we instantly ran all the way to Chaos Altar and stood inside near the Altar where the fight took place. EOP put up a better fight than MM but once again our numbers were to superior and we cleared them all. Respect for putting up a fight boys. <3
Final Ownage Elite Starting Opts: 75-80
Eruption of Pures Starting Opts: 53 (Confirmed)
Final Ownage Elite Ending Opts: 70ish
Eruption of Pures Ending Opts: 0 on the battlefield
After clearing MM 2-0 and having a good fight against EOP, we knew MM wouldn't fight us again so we camped South of BH stairs increasing our banks killing a bunch of mains. We then heard MM were at Stealing Creation by one of our Co-Leaders who were there, he lured them out and we rushed instantly making them run right back into SC.
Thank you to all the fights we had today, especially to EOP for fighting us with 53 people.