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Everything posted by xVideos

  1. IF you seek a clan that has experiance in P2P. And is doing great atm in F2P aswell then I highly advise you to join #WAR-Rs. We're 1 of the few clans that is P2P based and even win in F2P preps/wars. We have a great community and great leadership. I'm really happy that I found We Are Royalty. If I didnt I probably quitted. You should check it out :) IRC: #War-Rs Site: www.war-rs.webs.com Hope to see you at our events!
  2. Never saw a pure with all 99s and 1defence. If you get that **** u'll get famouse :)
  3. LOL, no he's just probly questing one of there guys 30 def and forgot to close the topic When your clan is dead, I'll blame you for your stupidity. Mitch dF v9 comming out soon?
  4. Why isn't RaMi on your memberlist? Oh WAIT! He's 73 DEFENCE! Dude sorry Roman but ur trying to much to look good. Dont even try everyone knows you have 10+ Addy Daddy's why not make 30 - 45 Def clan? ROMAN DOWN!
  5. Dont steal Wakka Wakka Pakistan aiight! Gj Control
  6. Quit making excuses. When I came in #Clan-dF asking for a 1v1 u guys kbed me instead. So just shut up and man up the next time we see eachother I'll make sure its 1vs1 I cant wait to beat the crap out of Mitch again. Finally!
  7. I dont know what u trying to say in this topic Control. Zenith raped you guys hardcore.. Enough said its all on vid.
  8. Vid will be up in a sec. it was 2vs2 but u had no team work. DF probably didnt listen You might remember this :P
  9. Was 1 of the best trips I've had in a while tbh. I had a great time for real I'm really glad that I joined WAR. Also rlly proud of it. My vid will be up in a couple hours
  10. I HATE READING! Just tell me the lure in 3sentences I'm not going to read that ..
  11. Ye Suicide u did :) But ye like I said its my first vid I'll get better clips and work harder on my second vid :)
  12. Link: Rate, Comment, Sub.. Do w/E u want xD I hope you guys will enjoy it :D
  13. Nice dedicated member "vulpix" :) Ps: Omni gone mad!
  14. These days its impossible to pk east solo. Unless ur NH. Every fight I get at east is against a team or a guy that teleports. So I'm tired of that bs. I'm searching for a pk team that pks almost 24/7. Multi/Non-Multi pking doesn't really matter tbh. Even if its a team with 10 Members idc. I just need a damn pking team. I'll get 85 Magic for Tb's. Go ahead and recruit me.
  15. Obvious CTRL. Just found out CO is a new clan! AND THEIR LEADER IS DUVAL! TLP Vs CP (30Def Cap!)
  16. Tbh there should be a 2vs2 tournement comming up. like the main clans having. Their wars are like: 20 + 20 vs 20 + 20. We can make it like 30+30 Vs 30+30 to any clan. or maybe more. It will be fun and actually learn to know eachother. I highly doubt clan leaders actually communicate with an audio program. For example Ventrilo/TeamSpeak. We should think about it. And I want the PCR LIST BACK!
  17. First pure clan: Aprons at Church w10. Then saw EOP Vs MM at GDZ. Then saw TGG and joined TGG. list: The Golden Gods Evolution Purez Legendary Pures Destructive Pures Eruption Of Pures Exclusive deFiance Exclusive v2 Final Ownage Elite -> Last clan.
  18. WAS? I'm sorry but TLP & FOE are the only honoured clans remaining. And FOE dont call TLP for MM I mean c'mon? Would you really think we team up with TLP when it was a planned 1vs1? prove: After HF crashed.. Nice MM cape btw Shame to call a main clan when all pure clans hate you guys :S Ps: Valhalla should recruit again..
  19. u mad bro #Mayhem-force This is why i'm not MM. gj on the fight but u can see at the end some mains probably hitting TLP from the back. (Yes they all have the same cape probably a pk team..)
  20. R.I.P Bounty Hunter & PvP Worlds. Welcome Back OLD WILDY!
  21. To be honest That leader has guts to do that and to make a video like that. I personally think if some-one really worked that long for his clan. He actually would go far like that. I cant see that in the pure world since we're "To low levels" that means "we're not old enough". Pures are childish its true. Main World is a whole different thing. Everyone there is 16+ untill -45. And yes I remember warring WG. They lost against ER couple years ago. But still was fun.
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