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Everything posted by xVideos

  1. Why did my post get deleted I just showed a picture and spoke the real **** " We got owned badly but ye about the Ventrilo part. We both got DDoSed and I didn't send any-one to take your ventrilo down. Looks like we were the only clan that had a full out in like ages. Thats why :P Everyone was talking about it so ye to many eyes = to many haters.. http://img560.imageshack.us/img560/7156/cxnoob.jpg About the massing spam. I was srs about that .. "
  2. I started playing when Farming just came out :P I got member when Construction came out :) Brings back goood memoriesssssssssss
  3. Ascendency I remembered the wars I had when I was leader of Legendary Pures. The Golden Gods or Devastation
  4. Can you edit the ending of round 1? We pretty much had about 15 PEople left look at the purple dots. I called a rg inside Clan Wars and hopped to w25. Cba to talk with EF
  5. EOP fails.. MM Fails.. Foe allright, Tlp allright Gl next time FOE u'll get at them
  6. Ask everyone in Ex I called them in Ghost House mate.. And then rerushed look at the picture we had more than Zenith .. before EF rushed in.
  7. Zell u have no idea mate Seb and Me are GOOD friends.. But it makes me sad how an ex-TGG member follows a random guy named "Alex" never seen him before in any other clan probably a leader of some massers or so..
  8. Zell u have no idea mate Seb and Me are GOOD friends.. But it makes me sad how an ex-TGG member follows a random guy named "Alex" never seen him before in any other clan probably a leader of some massers or so..
  9. I declared when I was ready :) Complexity will give their 200% to win against us.. I hope they won't do that.
  10. Exclusive started massing up and suddenly we see invencible with our capes :D. They are dutch pure clan and came to help us with 8 extra ops :) <3 You Iv. Also thank you Dylan for comming with Ex aswell. So with 32 People falled in ready to leave Varrock. We see Bv rushing in dummies. Spamming "fight us" and "Scared"? Note: This is what you get if you help a clan! They will get cocky! ____________________________________________________________________________ We went to w57 clan wars. went out to take a walk in wild. Suddenly Bv rushes us. We pushed them easy to clan wars and cleared them all 1by1. Free loots :) Exclusive: 32 Bv: 40 After Bv runs back inside clan wars with about 13People. Exclusive catches a fall in with 30+ People left and went to bounty hunter bank. We had a round 2 aswell but ye it was just a warm-up anyway. ____________________________________________________________________________ Zenith pmed me for a pkri. FINALLY! Ex starting: 31 Z Starting: 32 Ex attacks east of clan wars. Suddenly Zenith rushes us at sperm hill. We kept our ground for couple minutes. then we lured them all the way south in ghost house. EF crashes us in middle of the war. ____________________________________________________________________________ So we called a re-mass at w25. Time for round 2 against Zenith. This time Ex defends north east BH stairce. we were waiting there for couple minutes and out of no where u see "Get Chaotic" walking to us. ____________________________________________________________________________ Yup time for another pkri! Ex starting: 29 Ch Starting: 30-33? Exclusive holded the ground and went north next to the lava. picking them up with our bows 1by1. Perfect spams, perfect tanking, perfect ko's. Ex ending: 18 Ch ending: 0 at battlefield Video: So after that I pmed [Z]Ryan for our pkri once again. So we finally can get the pkri we wanted. Zenith defends this time at the same spot. we were ready to attack. And guess who attacked again. ____________________________________________________________________________ Yup Chaotic. We rushed in aswell to get Chaotic off Zenith since it was our PKRI :). Chaotic kept hitting Zenith no matter what. Oh well Gf Duval. Ex and Z clears Chaotic with both 45+ People left. At the end we tried to get our last pkri against zenith. but it got crashed by CP. So ye gf all clans. ____________________________________________________________________________ Pictures:
  11. This is what I needed :) Because now we have to give ourself 200% to win! Oh and btw more full outs tbh.. These days its all Wild Wild Wild and Crash Crash Crash
  12. It won't get locked idiot .. Its a poll I want to see or the Pure Warfare actually thinks that numbers still can win? Quality > Quantity like oldskool times
  13. Memberlist Exclusive: http://rly.cc/ml/exclusive Memberlist Complexity: http://rly.cc/ml/clancx This full out is on wednesday. Exclusive declared to prove them we're better and always been better :)
  14. Proof*: All clans still hate Chaotic :P ty Hugh go back to ur real life gothic style :)
  15. 2007: 2 clans getting inside each other, the clan that has the best piles and spams wins. 2010: 2 clans standning next to each other the clan that out tanks, hold the ground wins. Now that there is ventrilo, clan chat, 30 deff warring is not the same anymore.
  16. So its accepted. Thanks to hear this. pm me please
  17. No ... It shows that members are dedicated, they can't pull on schooldays why the **** do they call themselfs a clan? its like massers Get on SATURDAY FOR F2P PK TRIP thats it? every saturday they see eachother 1x a week? We're not at our full strength but its full out so they will outnumber us no matter what. But we will prove them even if we are outnumbered we still can win. They declined all our preps, its time for a full out
  18. Ok this is the first time that Ex declares on PW.. Watch this: Everyone knows Complexity pulls 60 on saturdays? But have you ever noticed they aren't at PCL or Mid-Week pk trips? I'll tell you why. BECAUSE THEY CAN'T PULL! Clan name: Exclusive Website: www.Ex-Rs.com Memberlist: http://rly.cc/ml/exclusive Contacts: #Exclusive pm [Ex]xVideos War type: Full Out F2P Date and time: 3 November 2010 on a Wednesday Rules: 20 Def Cap, Overs On, Full Out, 3 Rounds Clan Wars, Ex attacks round 1, Flames allowed, VS Clan name: complexity Website: http://forums.clan-cx.com Memberlist: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=clancx Uhmm did I miss anything? Oh ye.. 1 more thing Complexity Memberlist lock 24 Hours after you guys accept. Good luck Leen
  19. Another prove that shows TLP is #1 P2P Matched clan!
  20. I wasn't there... at that prep .. Uhhmm they just told me right now And looks like u guys challanged us.. Would you accept against us if we challange? Because i'm challanging right now 2Hours prep +2/-2 20def cap corr/dung off :D
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