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Everything posted by xVideos

  1. There is no point for 31. If you want to get prayer higher than 13.. Please just go for 44. Or even 52.
  2. Oh my... Look at 0wnage still believing .. What clan do you think will emerge from the ashes? Corrupt Pures What clan do you think will fall? Chaotic (They had their times.. If no-one will help Duval clan will fail) What clans do you think will full-out soon? Fatality vs Destructive Pures & Exclusive Vs (Some Clan Soon) Do you think your clan will be a competitor for a spot in the Top 3? Not this summer. But we will give everything for #5. Do you think there will be a long, drawn out power struggle for berths (spots) in the top 10 between certain clans (If so, name your two/three/even four clans!) ? I can see Ex/Cd/Cr/Eop/ Fighting each other soon for a good spot in the future.
  3. I'm not L0rd 0f Day but he told me to post it in here :) I'm proud of having him in Exclusive Btw :D Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3IEd2BVCPqY Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpqUgACiS9g Part 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GIlnJZXRfU
  4. Rejects atleast post who going to win.. CD + EX Vs CH + EOP (50 + 45) vs (30 + 45)
  5. I think you will take those words back after what happened yesterday. Please delete the post because we actually did 4 - 1 in small prep we pulled 15 in 10Minutes. And had to sit people :S (Btw you gave us some fun wars. And I think we both had some fun)
  6. Even I'm not this retarted .. Maybe I'm so retarted I don't know what this is LOL!
  7. Mhmm .. PROUD FUTURE MEMBER OF TF! TEAM F0LS PRIDE! And its sad to see that you got so many 30 deffers .. Are you guys actually pures? Don't hide the ******* a-log .. I WANNA LAUGH
  8. What clan do you enjoy fighting the most in F2P? Chaotic (Because they get mad if we win.) What clan do you dislike fighting the most in F2P? EOP (Always hard to fight my ex-Clan.) What clan do you enjoy fighting the most in P2P? Chaotic (Same as F2P.) What clan do you dislike fighting the most in P2P? I'll have to go for TLP What clans do you like mini warring against? None (Everyone brings 90s to mini wars) What clans do you dislike mini warring against? CP (They bring their 30def Unit) Which clan would be your resort clan if something had happened to yours? EOP (Cuz of GOOP) Which clan will you always hold a grudge against? DP (Always been my oppenent ever since Evo Pures) What clan gives you the easiest kills? Devastation What clan makes it hard for you to kill people? Chaotic (sometimes cuz they don't go out of CLW or BH they just stay inside hide) Which clans give you the most flame free fights? Complete Domination and Eruption Of Pures
  9. Exclusive can get you starting laughing in less than a minute. Just Idle Ex Vent and listen to Razor/xVideos/Waleed /enoughsaid
  10. There are still people that have the real Clan Pride ... They would do everything even giving their bank to their clan... You will get suprised if you fight 1vs1 (F2P) against some-one that is in a clan. I really do hope that clans don't allow teleporting. The praying 1vs1 .. Everyone does that .. If you show them picture/vid they just kb you and tell you PM LEADER! if u do PM leader .. They ignore you .. Can't say the names .. PW Staffs will delete this comment
  11. F2P MM Foe FI Dp Tlp Cp Cd / Ex .. Don't know who would win ... I think we should have a pkri. Ch+dF (I heard you pulled 40 together?)
  12. Lol ... Never saw my real life pic didn't you? xD!!! Probably Mahatma .. He would Pray and kill 2 - 3 Foe Members then just call MM and run in Multi xD! Fatality vs Destructive Pures (FULL OUT CLAN WARS F2P for #3)
  13. Meh mini's are nothing they just are okay for having fun and let ur members do something on schooldays. If you want a prep please pm :D Gj on the mini to bad I wasn't there..
  14. I kept on saying "Your in a slump" and you actually believe it... You even were thinking of closing ... Damn Who's the retard now?
  15. This comment is 1 of the best comments Ex had... Thanks 0ynxx
  16. Go talk to Dont, Szx and K1l please... They are all Exclusive atm .. Their clan isn't open yet .. They recruiting .. Once they open we remove them from our memberlist and you won't hear them from us again. But yeah .. Was a good prep
  17. Edit it .. I think it was Ex + Cd vs Ch + dF + Eop We kinda cleared Chaotic in less than a minute ... Then fighting EOP ... we saw TLP & FI members rushing Lol
  18. Conspiracy CS asked a prep. (Remember when they owned us in a full out? Things changed..) So our leaders accepted the prep. With the following rules: +3/-3 Corrupt Off Overheads On 20 Def Gear Exclusive defends and Conspiracy Attacks. So they charged. Round 1 Exclusive: 29 Conspiracy CS: 26 Exclusive Ending: 29 (no-one died... To many pro tankers in Exclusive) This round Exclusive Attacks. Round 2 Exclusive: 28 Conspiracy CS: 27 Exclusive Ending: 21 Round 3 got cancelled. ..::Videos::.. ..::Pictures::.. More Pictures will be posted :).
  19. Read our next topic Lol ... I know every-one thinks we are massers .. But massers got 0% Organisation.
  20. Looks like the hacking made you guys only strong.. Stay Strong! I only laugh at dF+Ch .. dF for teaming everytime against us and Ch for letting people team after they keep saying "We Don't Team" Gj Cd
  21. 12Yo's owning ur clan? Did Duval rage at you again :S?
  22. That was really pathetic what DP & FOE did .. When I heard it was a 2vs1 .. we rushed to get DP out of the fight and let MM Fight FOE... You can see us at the last vid 1.47 us rushing. Fighting the DP members that are north. Btw CD wasn't there it was just Ex..
  23. 4th fight you guys had ... We were AC-ing Cd vs Eop ... You guys crashed and Cd + Eop kinda helped us and pretty much cleared you guys ... Then Cpr rushed and it was 1 big ClusterFuck. Oh well next time if you want a 2vs2 just ask. Ps: where is the thing you guys always use (we don't team) Lol
  24. I respect you to... For teaming up against CPR for the so called "massers". http://pure-warfare.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=7978 We are massers and we do own Official Clans. (thats what you guys think..)
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