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Everything posted by xVideos

  1. If I knew this would happen .. Cd had to pm us ... Thats pathetic EOP for helping CP.. So much of fair fights these days...
  2. Duval was searching for a 30 min prep. And when I heard he was looking for one I quickly pmed him and accepted it. With the following rules: +3/-3 Corrupt Off Overheads On 20 Def Gear Before we hopped we had a small speech about if we win this .. We would turn our backs on Chaotic and never will talk about them again. Every single member in Exclusive got tired of the battle.. Ex vs Ch... So this is probably the last topic I would make about Ex vs Ch. The first round Chaotic had a good chance of winning. At the end they were still killing members even when we 2x their members. Round 1 Exclusive: 22 Chaotic: 21 Exclusive Ending: 11 This round was weird, they started with 2 quick ko's and it began with 21 vs 21 .. But they chased our members everywhere and our members just tanked/dragged them away. Round 2 Exclusive: 23 Chaotic: 21 Exclusive Ending: 19 This round we dominated Chaotic. Chaotic was in a real chaos. They let a level 60 Lead this round and he got koed in 2 seconds.. Round 3 Exclusive: 24 Chaotic: 21 Exclusive Ending: 22 ..::Video::.. ..::Pictures::..
  3. Not that hard to fight 2 clans that are only F2P based .. CD never P2P-ed before .. And I never heard of Carpediem in P2P.. Anyway gj I guess ..
  4. Exclusive goes out every day ... But we rather do P2P than F2P.. Since its unofficial. Good Luck on getting a clan that will fight you on School Days (in f2p)
  5. xVideos


    Hope you made ur choice :) Good Luck.
  6. Ur from Chaotic right? Because I remember your name. I'll advise you to join Eruption Of Pures. Don't think you will like Exclusive. Because we are "different" we do things that you won't expect .. Most people stay in Ex cuz of those things. EOP has a great community and some fun leaders. (Not that fun as Ex but meh) Hope you will join EOP or EX...
  7. We started massing without sign ups/spam bot or w/E ... We wanted to see who actually get on comp for Exclusive. And we started with 41 People!. After giving a small speech about who we are and what the community think about us. We went out with high hopes. We scouted Chaotic and went to them and see CD & CH having a spam feast! We asked Ch for a pkri but looks like they were scared because we had 5 People more .. :S So they hopped and we hopped at clan wars. We got word from our scouts DP is at gap. And we wen't to the gap. But after rushing we then realised it was DP vs CP. Sorry CP. Then like couple clans rushed and it was Ex vs Eop vs Dp vs Fi vs Tlp... Exclusive was just in the middle of the war. I called a regroup north and rushed TLP at the west. But yeah TLP was stronger :) GF TLP After remassing Ch pming me asking for a pkri. Since they got word we all died they though we would lose 1/2 of our ops. I accepted it. After that we got word they arranged a pkri against Cd.. I pmed Iraq4 and told him to log out once they rush you so they actually fight us.. And thats what they did. Chaotic got pushed all the way north at gap and like 1/2 of Chaotic just logged. They kinda got mad and asked for Round 2. Before we logged CP just rushed us with 2x of our ops. Gf CP So we remassed for Round 2. And still had a good 27 People left. This fight was pretty epic. We rushed Chaotic's dd spot and I died at the begining but returned. First we had low hopes because they actually were winning. But we had some epic tankers in Ex. And awesome piles. Thats why we won. Exclusive Started: 27 Chaotic Started: 26 Exclusive Ending: 16 Chaotic Ending: 0 (No-One returned...) This was a great trip. Even though we got cleared couple times. We didn't care. We ended with a bs feast and everyone was happy :). We had our Day. ENDING: Mains: <---- Nice Ch Tag..
  8. Yo Ch .. You sat in safe zone its true .. We were waiting for you to get out then we got word from CPR leaders that they have a planned pkri and we came to say Gl ... U didn't even fought them .. #1 DV (Because They Got 0wnage!) #2 Ch (They have Duval... DONT FORGET HIS DAD IS A RAPPER!) #3 Ir (They have Zo.. They believe in him! C'mon Zo u can do it) ...
  9. I have no idea why they would get a ticket if they dont live near by London or w/e... I'm from belgium not gonna pay 50€ for the boat and get the ticket for RuneFest.. Would be funny if some people from Pure Warfare going there and recruiting with some T-Shirts saying JOIN "Their Clan"... Thats really funny
  10. (01:58:21) <`Roman`> Good job on getting the whole pure community to hate you. We are really scared Devastation.. We don't really care about other clans .. Watch us owning Chaotic this week-end .. Also Devastation if you are better than us .. Please DONT RUN from us... Even if they pulled 90 in P2P.. Where are they now? Though so... I'm Ex and I'm 2010... Proud of it.. Ex #7 Ch #8 (maybe even 9.. Watch out for CD..) Dv #15 enough said...
  11. I heard Dv doesn't like F2P? And like to spam L2P2P while they getting owned in F2P & P2P.. CS have been doing allright .. Unlike Dv... They don't say they are #1... 0wnage would you mind to stop putting Dv #1 .. Cuz u keep running from clans that are new... This Saturday Mm Foe ----gap--- Eop (I think they will start and step up) Dp Cp (will mass some couple more 34+ deffers) Fi --- small gap ---- Ex (We admit we're in a slump but still we will get out of it and even own Ch..) Ch (pulling 1/3 of ur ml.. and calling other clan massers? Gl getting back up) Cd ---- Huge Gap --- Ir Cs Vl Then Dv with their 15 People in F2P ...
  12. I remember you mate.. You were some leader of a clan or high ranked .. I think from Ao right? Anyway check out Exclusive .. 1 of the fastest rising clans :) And we got some epic fun **** in there to... Trust me check it out and u will see what I mean.. You won't regret it! IRC: #Exclusive Site: http://www.ex-rs.com
  13. Already asked Duval for a full out .. He ignores me .. I asked agian he ignored me again... We will get them this Saturday dont worry :) You declared 2times I agree .. But we had 2x a reason why we couldn't accept it We had a war planned already... And we declared 2x and u declined 2x for no reason.. Give us some Legit fights ... Anyway like I said this saturday you will get what you want .. EXCLUSIVE!
  14. Next Saturday Leaving the top 3 alone I start with #4 #4) Eop/Dp #5) Dp/Eop #6) Fi #7) Cp #8) Ex (Trust me on this We will get out of the slump by that time..) #9) Ch (Hope you can put a real good fight against Ex... And bring 40+ Again please) #10) IR (You were funny with ur 20 People Lol :) And always put us under IR xD!)
  15. I never said Ch kinda won didn't I? I said Ch can't take a win like that.. After clans crashing and saying they are the last clan standing . .While we still had almost the same ops as Ch .. And Dv had the same ops as Ch ... + Eop had more ops than Ch... Why claiming a win? You can claim a cluster win if you were the last clan standing but FOE was there aswell..
  16. There u go ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOZN0vbQZSw And Exclusive (The so called massers clan) owning Chaotic in this vid. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAtWlSFQ3zc Tyvm
  17. You kinda crashed Ex vs Ch .. Gj though on ur trip
  18. Did you know if a war got crashed and the clan ur fighting still got the members to fight ... You can't take a win like that? You have been in Cd that means you know that ... And why do you always post 10x in a row? My vid is uploading I'll post it soon
  19. My vid will get up tommorow ... I'll prove how Ch kinda won ... And will explain everything and then this topic will get closed :)... Claiming a win without telling everything is not nice Ch... Vid is rendering I will uploade it tommorow for now its 3Am at my place ... Peace
  20. Lol saying "You never said Teaming was off" thats pretty funny Lol xD Gj guys ..
  21. How can you claim win on first round ?? And did you actually kept on vidding? Because I think ur hiding a lot!
  22. This is the perfect picture .. You see EOP north and Dv east .. Where is Chaotic? Oh they were inside waiting till clans almost die and then come out and take pictures!!! Oh u guys are good at that.. Don't try to claim win please .. Just edit ur topic.. We never claimed a win didn't we?? We just cleared crashers ... and Ch ran from the fighting spot .. We went inside when FOE Logged...
  23. The funny part is .. It was Ex vs Ch vs Dv .. I called EOP to get on Dv since they crashed... and Ch just ran inside .. Then it was Ex + Eop vs Dv .. And Dv ran inside .. Then Foe logged and Ex & Eop got inside .. Ch took picture and trying to claim they owned (Dv + Ex + Eop) With so many people left? And spamming we have 6 People left in Clan Wars ..
  24. LOL I AM HEARING THEY CLAIMING A WIN WHEN ALL OUR FIGHTS GOT CRASHED? Oh Please Duval don't go that low! atleast just say what u have done and who rushed you .. And don't put those Snipe mains with us... First fight got Crashed by Cpr & Fatality .. You can't claim a win on that .. No matter what we had enough to stay and fight + 8 returners from Clan wars were comming and more returning .. Round 2... U went out and we went out to fight .. Dv rushed to crash and I pmed EOP quickly to get Dv off us .. And thats what they did .. You guys just ran inside when u saw Eop came out .. We aimed at Dv and killed 3/4 .. they returned to Clan Wars... And then ur spamming Ex + Dv Cleared? Wtf? U guys are a joke if u dont edit ur topic .. We had enough to keep fighting .. We even said lets go out! you guys just hopped! Thats how low you can go ... Unlike us so called "massers" always fight .. Edit ur topic cuz u can't claim a win on those wars .. Vid will be up if we need to prove it .. Just accept it .. You haven't owned us in a fair 1vs1.. Ps: Other clans please stop crashing .. I know its fun to crash 2 clans that hate each other .. But just don't :)
  25. Got picture of 13 Exclusive members .. I think we had 15 Left we had to regroup fast .. When our returners came 1minute later we even had 22 People .. The fight was still going on .. Don't knwo why you leave and take the win so fast ... But this is ur first win in like couple weeks.. Gj .. I guess...
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